Made by DevTae
This below process is how to get daily datas
- Download
the current list
of korean stocks - Check that the daily datas
need to update or not
(Price Update, Adjusting Stock Price, and so on) - If needed, Get the datas from
Kiwoom Open API and Naver Finance
- Save the datas in form of daily datas
in file-system database
It is easy to use like below codes : (this is preview)
// How to download the new stock daily datas from Kiwoom OpenAPI
int i = 0; // want to see in specific index number
Stock[] stocks = KwGetStockList().stocks; // user-defined function (except Ritz, ETF, ETN, Spac)
stocks[i].DailyDatas = KwGetDailyData(stocks[i], null); // user-defined inner asynchronous function
// How to load all stocks in once
int i = 0; // want to see in specific index number
Stock[] stocks = Stock.ReadListFile("한국주식(키움)");
// How to load the stock daily datas named "삼성전자"
Market market = new Market("0", "한국주식(키움)", "0", "코스피");
Stock stock = new Stock(new StockInfo(ref market, "005930", "삼성전자"), null);
stock.DailyDatas = DailyData.ReadDailyData(ref stock).dailyDatas; // here is the daily datas