Luna is an open source board software web app released under the GPLv2 license. Our vision is to bring you a small (in size) and light forum solution and to provide an experience that is both desktop-first and mobile-first, as many seem to forget about the first one.
- A webserver
- PHP 5.3 or later
- A database running either
- MySQL 5.0 or later
- SQLite 2 or later
- PostgreSQL 8.0 or later
- Recommended but not required
- PHP accelerator such as APC or XCache
- PHP zlib module
Luna supports updating from all versions of FluxBB since 1.4.0, all versions of ModernBB and - of course - all previous Luna versions.
- FluxBB support
- FluxBB 1.4: 1.4.0 and higher (no support for upgrading from betas and RCs)
- FluxBB 1.5: all versions supported
- ModernBB support:
- ModernBB 1: all versions supported
- ModernBB 2: all versions supported
- ModernBB 3: all versions supported
- ModernBB 4: all versions supported
- Luna support:
- Luna 1: all versions supported
- Luna 2: all versions supported
- Homepage:
- Forums:
- Documentation:
- Development: