Mirror and synchronizing GitHub & Bitbucket repository
Importing a private repository from Bitbucket to Github Navigate to your Bitbucket repository Example "Mirroring-Repo" Create an access token under Repository settings > Security > Access tokens Create Repository Access Token with selecting all the "READ" Permission Copy the last Access token Example { "https://x-token-auth:ATCTT3xFfGN0TSG5xC5PMZex1aEWC2wMY7j1SiYTwLpR7WTpHQ4DJ1oRfevWbd-LVn9bRzmr3csDN4DEjT57KYlsxWcKXnk5zW17DLJ9ssRcOFFwegxzPTMS-MAfumre3yDmXup-z1nHb8XSRGI9N_McR6FRyHArzIoPIWiJSk6cQfYqfAkIw_w=65FC4ty63@bitbucket.org/demo-migration12/solstice_demo.git" }
Navigate To Github and Import the Repository while keeping the same name "Mirroring-Repo"
On Bitbucket, Enable Pipelines under Repository settings > Pipelines > Settings
On Bitbucket, Generate keys under Repository settings > Pipelines > SSH keys. Copy the public key to clipboard
On the same page, under Known hosts enter github.com as the Host address and then click Fetch followed by Add host
On GitHub, add the public key under Settings > Security > Deploy keys > Add deploy key. Tick the checkbox to Allow write access
On Bitbucket, add the public key under Repository settings > Security > Access keys > Add key
On Bitbucket, Create an access tokens under Repository settings > Security > Access tokens. Create Repository Access Token with selecting all the "READ" Permission and tick the checkbox of Webhooks
Copy the first Token Example { "ATCTT3xFfGN0TSG5xC5PMZex1aEWC2wMY7j1SiYTwLpR7WTpHQ4DJ1oRfevWbd-LVn9bRzmr3csDN4DEjT57KYlsxWcKXnk5zW17DLJ9ssRcOFFwegxzPTMS-MAfumre3yDmXup-z1nHb8XSRGI9N_McR6FRyHArzIoPIWiJSk6cQfYqfAkIw_w=65FC4ty63" }
On Bitbucket, Create a Repository variables under Repository Settings > Pipeline > Repository variable. Naming the variable Example " BITBUCKET_VARIABLE"
On Github, At the top right click on your Profile, Scroll down at the bottom click on settings
At the bottom left of the page click Developer Settings, Create a Personal access tokens Under Personal access tokens > Token (classic) > Generate new token > Generate new token (classic)
Check the "repo" box, "Workflow" box and the "write:package" box. Genarate Token and copy the token Example "ghp_zY5GxaeytuAZlR4tPcwqovPz7c2ZVy1kdfg"
On Bitbucket, Create a Repository variables with the Access Token from Github under Repository Settings > Pipeline > Repository variable. Naming the variable Example "GITHUB_VARIABLE"
- step:
name: Sync GitHub Mirror
image: alpine/git:latest
enabled: false
- git clone --mirror https://x-token-auth:"$BITBUCKET_VARIABLE"@bitbucket.org/demo-migration12/Mirroring-Repo.git ## @bitbucket.org follow by your Bitbucket repository path
- cd Mirroring-Repo.git ## cd followed by your Github repository Name
- git push --mirror https://x-token-auth:"$GITHUB_VARIABLE"@github.com/asaphdanchi/Mirroring-Repo.git ## @github.com followed by your Github repository path
On your code replace the "$BITBUCKET_VARIABLE" and "$GITHUB_VARIABLE" with your corresponding variable names while keeping the $ and the "" sign.