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bs - a BookStack API CLI

Use: bs BS_OPTIONS <target> <endpoint> API_OPTIONS

This is bs, a command line client for the BookStack wiki engine. It enables easy command line access to all exported API functions and as such can be used to automate content and user management.


- bash
- curl
- jq


There are two ways to point bs at the required url and authentication token:

1: Run bs config or manually create a configuration file in the XDG configuration directory ($HOME/.config/bs.conf) with the following contents:


This is only an example, replace the values with those relevant
to your BookStack instance and account.

In addition to the default url=/token= parameters bs also supports
named hosts and users which can be selected on invocation, these
are configured by adding _hostname/_username to the variable name:



2: Create environment variables with the required info, e.g.

$ BOOKSTACK_TOKEN="b0ada1c9e9a0057db44ac6dd684b93a4:8dde5bc903d297319abba326637af5f9"

Environment variables take precedence over the configuration file, this makes it possible to temporarily use a different instance or account:

$ BOOKSTACK_TOKEN="...:..." bs books list


As stated above it is possible to add named hosts and users in the configuration file. Use the following options to select one of these:

-H HOSTNAME     use the host configured as url_HOSTNAME in bs.conf
-U USERNAME     use the token configured as token_USERNAME in bs.conf
-h              show this help message (also: bs help, bs -help, bs --help)

These options have to come directly after the program name:

bs -H local_library -U librarian books list


These are the BookStack API [1] targets and endpoints as they are supported in bs:

pages, chapters, books

list, create, read, update, delete, export-html, export-pdf,
export-plain-text, export-markdown

shelves, attachments, users

list, create, read, update, delete


display, json


all (implicit, just use 'bs search -q <searchterm>')


list, restore, destroy


API parameters are passed as options, check the API documentation [1] to learn which parameters are available. Use these options for:


-c COUNT    How many records will be returned in the response.
-o OFFSET   How many records to skip over in the response. 
-s SORT     Which field to sort on, +/- prefix indicates sort
-f FILTER   Filter to apply to query, consult API documentation
            for filter syntax.

create, read, update, delete:

-i ID       Record ID to read/update/delete
-t TAGS     Tags, use 'tag1name=tag 2 value;tag2name=tag 2 value;...'
-I IMAGE    Filename for image to add

parameters specific to chapters and pages:


parameters specific to pages:

-h HTML     HTML text to add, mutually exclusive with -m
            use @/path/to/file.html to read text from a file

-m MARKDOWN Markdown text to add, mutually exclusive with -h
            use @/path/to/ to read text from a file

parameters specific to attachments:

-f FILE     Filename to attach, mutually exclusive with -l
-l LINK     Link to attach, mutually exclusive with -f

parameters specific to shelves:

-B BOOKS    Book IDs for shelf, use '1,2,3...'

parameters specific to users:

-r ROLES    Roles, use '1,2,3...'
-s          Send invite
-M MIGRATE_OWNERSHIP_ID Migrate data ownership for deleted user.


-q QUERY    Search query
-p PAGE     Results page to show
-c COUNT    Number of results per page
            Count value is taken as a suggestion only,
            see API documentation [1]


All API responses are in compact json format. To make this a bit more human readable the output can be piped through jq:

bs books list|jq '.'


List available books

bs books list

Again, this time 500 results, start at offset #1000

bs books list -c 500 -o 1000

Show details for page with id 12345

bs pages read -i 12345

Create a book with title "Book of Books" and description "A book about books" with a cover image of a Pozzebok and two tags

bs books create -n "Book of Books" -d "A book about books" \
-I /tmp/pozzebok.png -t 'subject=a book on books;cover=image of a pozzebok'

Search for this book

bs search -q "Book of Books"

Delete the book with ID=23456

bs books delete -i 23456

Create a chapter in book #4242

bs chapters create -b 4242 -n "First Chapter" -d "Obviously the first chapter"

Create page and attach it to chapter #456, using markdown. Notice the markdown content is spread over several lines with empty lines in between and that double quotes in the content are escaped.

bs pages create -c 456 -n "Page of Pages" -m "#Page of Pages
This is the first line of the first page.

And this is the second one, a _masterwork_ in the making.

Don't forget to \"escape\" double quotes"

Delete that useless page you just made

bs pages delete -i 66753

Create another page, this time reading markdown/html page content from a file

bs pages create -c 456 -n "Page the second" -m @/home/me/Documents/
bs pages create -c 456 -n "Page the second" -h @/home/me/Documents/magnum_opus.html

Export a book/chapter/page to PDF/HTML/Markdown, redirecting output to a file

bs books export-pdf -i 6679 > book_6679.pdf
bs chapters export-html -i 112 > chapter_112.html
bs page export-markdown -i 5665 >

Attach a file to a page with ID 5678

bs attachments create -n "Deep Image" -u 5678 -f /tmp/deepimage.png

Attach a link to the same page

bs attachments create -n "Deeper Image" -u 5678 -l ''

List the first 200 attachments

bs attachments list -c 200

Create a shelf and put a few books on it

bs shelves create -n "Billy" -d "IKEA Bookshelf" -B 456,654,345,3343 -I /tmp/billy.jpg

List the contents of the recycle bin, showing 100 entries

bs recycle-bin list -c 100

Restore entry #34 from the recycle bin

bs recycle-bin restore -i 34

Create a user

bs users create -n "Billy Bob" -e "[email protected]" -L "Klingon" -p "b1llyb0b123"

List the first 500 books on host remote_library as seen by user guest

bs -H remote_library -U guest books list -c 500

Edit the bs config file

bs config
