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Variational Quantum State Diagonalization (VQSD)

Variational Quantum State Diagonalization (VQSD) is a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm. Given a quantum state, can you find all its eigenvalues? Recall that every quantum state can be represented by a Hermitian matrix $\rho$, called density matrix, with non-negative eigenvalues which sum to 1. VQSD is such an algorithm that helps us find eigenvalues of $\rho$. The idea behind VQSD is quite simple; build a parameterized circuit $U(\overrightarrow\theta)$ and optimize the parameters $\overrightarrow\theta$ so that when you run this circuit on a density matrix $\rho$, you get a density matrix $\rho' = U(\overrightarrow\theta)\rho U^\dagger(\overrightarrow\theta)$ whose off-diagonal elements are nearly zero.

Diagonalized Inner Product Test

Diagonalized Inner Product (DIP) test is an important procedure in VQSD. It is a circuit that calculates $\text{Tr}(Z(\sigma)Z(\tau))$, where the function $Z$ sets off-diagonal elements of a matrix to zero, $$ Z(\begin{pmatrix} \tau_{11} & \cdots & \tau_{1m}\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\ \tau_{m1} & \cdots & \tau_{mm} \end{pmatrix}) = \begin{pmatrix} \tau_{11} & \cdots & 0\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\ 0 & \cdots & \tau_{mm} \end{pmatrix},. $$ The figure below shows the DIP circuit.


Figure from[1]

As you can see, we prepare two states $\sigma$ and $\tau$, add serveral CNOT gates, measure the target qubits (the first half of qubits in this case), and record the result you get (a string of $0$ and $1$). Repeat the whole process many times, calculate the probability of getting $00\cdots0$, and that number will be an approximation of $\text{Tr}(Z(\sigma)Z(\tau))$. The more times you repeat the measurements, the more accurate the approximation will be.

Parameterized Circuit

Now comes to the part where we have to figure out a way to find a good parameter set that makes $\rho' = U(\overrightarrow\theta)\rho U^\dagger(\overrightarrow\theta)$ a (almost) diagonal state.


Figure from[1]

Figure above shows us how to do it. We prepare two copies of state $\rho$, run them through parameterized circuit, be aware that the two circuits have exactly the same parameters. Then we do a DIP test on two copies of state $\rho'$, calculate the frequency of getting $00\cdots0$, which, if you still remember, is an approximation of $Tr(Z(\rho')Z(\rho'))$. The higher the value of $Tr(Z(\rho')Z(\rho'))$, the more $\rho'$ will be a diagonalized state, If you want to know why, check it out in the original paper [1]. We have to find parameters $\overrightarrow\theta_\text{optimal}$ which minimize $-Tr(Z(\rho')Z(\rho'))$. See why $-Tr(Z(\rho')Z(\rho'))$ is a function of $\overrightarrow\theta$? We can now apply gradient descent method to finish the task.

Eigenvalues Readout

After we find $\overrightarrow\theta_\text{optimal}$, run the parameterized circuit $U(\overrightarrow\theta_\text{optimal})$ on $\rho$ to get a diagonalized state $\rho'$, and then what? How can we get the diagonal elements (which are eigenvalues of $\rho$) of $\rho'$? Measurements, of course, a lot of measurements.


Figure from[1]

Because quantum states collapse after measurement, we need to prepare a lot of states $\rho'$. Measure them and record the result. Calculate the frequency of each qubit-string, and these frequency form an approximation of eigenvalues. Maybe you can't digest all of them in a short period, so let's code to help you go through the whole process.

Simulation on Quantum Leaf

First we import relevant packages. Our example uses a 2-qubit pure state $\rho$ which is generated by a pre-defined circuit.

import copy

import numpy as np

import sys
sys.path.append('../../..')  # "from QCompute import *" requires this
from QCompute import *

matchSdkVersion('Python 3.3.3')

Set up hyper-parameters and parameters:

shots = 100000
n = 2  # n-qubit
delta = np.pi / 2  # calculate derivative
learning_rate = 0.5  # learning rate
N = 15  # number of parameters
para = np.random.rand(N) * 2 * np.pi  # initial parameters
def state_prepare(q, i):
    This function is used to prepare state

    RZ(0.4)(q[i + 1])
    CX(q[i], q[i + 1])

def universal_cir(q, i, para):
    This function builds a 15-parameterized circuit, which is
    enough to simulate any 2-qubit Unitaries


    RZ(para[3])(q[i + 1])
    RY(para[4])(q[i + 1])
    RZ(para[5])(q[i + 1])

    CX(q[i + 1], q[i])

    RY(para[7])(q[i + 1])

    CX(q[i], q[i + 1])

    RY(para[8])(q[i + 1])

    CX(q[i + 1], q[i])


    RZ(para[12])(q[i + 1])
    RY(para[13])(q[i + 1])
    RZ(para[14])(q[i + 1])

def my_cir(para):
    This function returns the measurement result

    env = QEnv()
    q = env.Q.createList(2 * n)

    # Prepare a state
    for i in range(2):
        state_prepare(q, 2 * i)

    # Add parameterized circuit
    for i in range(2):
        universal_cir(q, 2 * i, para)

    # DIP test
    for i in range(2):
        CX(q[i], q[i + n])

    taskResult = env.commit(shots, fetchMeasure=True)

    return taskResult['counts']
def data_processing(data_dic):
    This function returns the frequency of getting 00xx

    sum_0 = 0
    for key, value in data_dic.items():
        if int(list(key)[0]) + int(list(key)[1]) == 0:
            sum_0 += value
    return sum_0 / shots

def loss_fun(para):
    This is the loss function

    return -data_processing(my_cir(para))

def diff_fun(f, para):
    It returns a updated parameter set, para is a np.array

    para_length = len(para)
    gradient = np.zeros(para_length)

    for i in range(para_length):
        para_copy_plus = copy.copy(para)
        para_copy_minus = copy.copy(para)
        para_copy_plus[i] += delta
        para_copy_minus[i] -= delta

        gradient[i] = (f(para_copy_plus) - f(para_copy_minus)) / 2

    new_para = copy.copy(para)
    res = new_para - learning_rate * gradient
    return res
def main():
    Now we perform eigenvalues readout

    para_list = [para]
    loss_list = []

    for i in range(30):
        para_list.append(diff_fun(loss_fun, para_list[i]))

    env = QEnv()

    q = env.Q.createList(2 * n)

    state_prepare(q, 0)
    universal_cir(q, 0, para_list[-1])

    taskResult = env.commit(shots, fetchMeasure=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':

One of the experiments gave me:

{'00': 99563, '01': 405, '10': 27, '11': 5}

which translates to frequency $0.995, 0.004, 0.0027, 0.0005$, not far from true eigenvalues $1,0,0,0$.