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BOS Genesis - BOS Mainnet Launch Sequence

Step 0: The keys to the world of BOS

EOSIO_PUB="EOS6YFfrYZ3z7bNnzoZF4V2zJStudMJ4NJBBE1JXGzebVzMG9aLc7"    # TODO: need to change 
BOS_PUB="EOS5tpFnykJ8CMeodDaarMUMNmtr5vMCA2NUabeLDXVDLW41aQg59"      # TODO: need to change 

# Schema: account ownerkey activekey
BOS_KEYS=("bos" "EOS6T27NLVPxSJxQHrjRVCa1w8LPjAFdWMjvAT8jwcZWXjJtAvLxZ" "EOS6T27NLVPxSJxQHrjRVCa1w8LPjAFdWMjvAT8jwcZWXjJtAvLxZ")  # TODO: need to change 
ABP_KEYS=("abp.bos" "EOS7Dx8ZsijpAD7HTRmtCMpHKys5T5XEmYmWBLmoyr6gygtEhXBmM")  # TODO: need to change 
AIRDROP_KEYS=("airdrop.bos" "EOS7Dx8ZsijpAD7HTRmtCMpHKys5T5XEmYmWBLmoyr6gygtEhXBmM") # TODO: need to change 

# the Core Teams' accounts and keys
MERCURY_KEYS=("mercury" "EOS8Ybz56pR5b4Rq2nvJ3ZT9CehG78pXEYdwQ9LHKPm4ZFuwM777W" "EOS8KGrtNbB13u3vt5FY84w6777EAJqCbP2ywxcgD1LFC9MGxUgh6")
VENUS_KEYS=("venus" "EOS8iN2NZR29sKjfgraREWMZCTSUTuULMRiL3QmU1McCHxDBLeRcL" "EOS5xcrat34D5vkPj8vx1WRCS3Rd5PxjQbHrz7pmyLKLTsDDW91nn")
EARTH_KEYS=("earth" "EOS5N4vi94etZFYtPvrPLoFaZfTSeLvgp793ckZUPAoLcfks5Ateu" "EOS5MCztcTcuw6D7e2jK6xZursoEaX2tHacB7sxCQnAaxgFmt7kqV")
MARS_KEYS=("mars" "EOS8DmeNbNDJc8wMNd7C2Upz3zDRhc6P87QHiW8EbssjKSLSGTrbs" "EOS71u9BFuat4CtxzbqzFGzacgdgDdtujpiRm95Kyw24MUuMvWUNX")
JUPITER_KEYS=("jupiter" "EOS7do6GqRAJEpcJY536zG6j3VqXMMdpMKtDCkFXzYYNCKLB73xVU" "EOS5yajrR2u7XxDcnjXE2H6WYjDabi2Z44zRrYz6pK3fZtFAyrnt5")
URANUS_KEYS=("uranus" "EOS84TUrXoKKWYdUMoTtGKqKge9oqBDKSqxKfX7oHmkxD5LbGLT2z" "EOS6bNYimeRE6QQcw5yMdMVSotZ87gX3QN5XEQTbwvsKAVVs7JTiH")
NEPTUNE_KEYS=("neptune" "EOS7YyA18xX8zdDaWGSB7d7aV5qjUoG6YE7murr2Nv7TbyS6WNSCy" "EOS68aR5GxMugpxoFnQyA3k6EXiBYFvjqXRMiTDy9HFynLxqr4LEh")
SATURN_KEYS=("saturn" "EOS6VbgttSHcQBsQnpnNZGR67JYBcbV7gsNRyjx3JTEoPXRCCvg8n" "EOS6DYnE3PNg4su8fZyDffUvXDKvFDVxbBdJ8fMBjdp7CkroUgN7F")
SUN_KEYS=("sun" "EOS6VbgttSHcQBsQnpnNZGR67JYBcbV7gsNRyjx3JTEoPXRCCvg8n" "EOS6DYnE3PNg4su8fZyDffUvXDKvFDVxbBdJ8fMBjdp7CkroUgN7F")

Step 1: Prepare config.ini and genesis.json by start a node with eosio

nodeos --config-dir /data/eos-config -d /data/eos-data --genesis-json /data/eos-config/genesis.json

Step 2: Prepare wallet and import keys

alias cleos='cleos -u'
cleos wallet create 
cleos wallet import --private-key <private-key>

Step 3: Set contract eosio.bios

cleos set contract eosio ${CONTRACTS_FOLDER}/eosio.bios -p eosio

Step 4: Create system accounts

    "eosio.bpay" "eosio.msig" "eosio.names" "eosio.ram" "eosio.ramfee" 
    "eosio.saving" "eosio.stake" "eosio.token" "eosio.vpay" "eosio.wrap" 
    "" "" "hole.bos"
for account in ${SYS_ACTS[*]}
    echo -e "\n creating $account \n"; 
    cleos create account eosio ${account} ${EOSIO_PUB}; 
    sleep 1; 

    "redpacket" "btc.bos" "eth.bos" "eos.bos" "usdt.bos" 
    "op.bos" "angel.bos" "eco.bos" "pioneer.bos" "io" "uid"
    "ibcchain" ""
for account in ${FEATURE_ACTS[*]}
    echo -e "\n creating $account \n"; 
    cleos create account eosio ${account} ${BOS_PUB}; 
    sleep 1; 

Step 5: Create the BOS Core Team accounts

cleos create account eosio ${BOS_KEYS[0]} ${BOS_KEYS[1]} ${BOS_KEYS[2]}
cleos create account eosio ${ABP_KEYS[0]} ${ABP_KEYS[1]} ${ABP_KEYS[1]}
cleos create account eosio ${AIRDROP_KEYS[0]} ${AIRDROP_KEYS[1]} ${AIRDROP_KEYS[1]}

cleos create account eosio ${MERCURY_KEYS[0]} ${MERCURY_KEYS[1]} ${MERCURY_KEYS[2]}
cleos create account eosio ${VENUS_KEYS[0]} ${VENUS_KEYS[1]} ${VENUS_KEYS[2]}
cleos create account eosio ${EARTH_KEYS[0]} ${EARTH_KEYS[1]} ${EARTH_KEYS[2]}
cleos create account eosio ${MARS_KEYS[0]} ${MARS_KEYS[1]} ${MARS_KEYS[2]}
cleos create account eosio ${JUPITER_KEYS[0]} ${JUPITER_KEYS[1]} ${JUPITER_KEYS[2]}
cleos create account eosio ${URANUS_KEYS[0]} ${URANUS_KEYS[1]} ${URANUS_KEYS[2]}
cleos create account eosio ${NEPTUNE_KEYS[0]} ${NEPTUNE_KEYS[1]} ${NEPTUNE_KEYS[2]}
cleos create account eosio ${SATURN_KEYS[0]} ${SATURN_KEYS[1]} ${SATURN_KEYS[2]}
cleos create account eosio ${SUN_KEYS[0]} ${SUN_KEYS[1]} ${SUN_KEYS[2]}

Step 6: Assign the ABP

cleos push action eosio setprods '{"schedule":[{"producer_name":"'${ABP_KEYS[0]}'","block_signing_key":"'${ABP_KEYS[1]}'"}]}' -p eosio

Step 7: Set token,msig,wrap contract

cleos set contract eosio.token ${CONTRACTS_FOLDER}/eosio.token -p eosio.token 
cleos set contract eosio.msig ${CONTRACTS_FOLDER}/eosio.msig -p eosio.msig
cleos set contract eosio.wrap ${CONTRACTS_FOLDER}/eosio.wrap -x 1000 -p eosio.wrap

Setp 8: Setting privileged account

cleos push action eosio setpriv '{"account": "eosio.msig", "is_priv": 1}' -p eosio
cleos push action eosio setpriv '{"account": "airdrop.bos", "is_priv": 1}' -p eosio 

Step 9: Create and issue token

cleos push action eosio.token create '["eosio", "10000000000.0000 BOS"]' -p eosio.token 
cleos push action eosio.token issue '["eosio", "1000404033.4033 BOS", "BOSCore"]' -p eosio  # 404033.4033 to airdrop

Step 10: Set contract eosio.system

cleos set contract eosio ${CONTRACTS_FOLDER}/eosio.system -x 1000 -p eosio
cleos push action eosio init '{"version": 0, "core": "4,BOS"}' -p eosio

Step 11: Allocate token

cleos transfer eosio bos          "200000000.0000 BOS" "Lock 4 years, unlock daily"
cleos transfer eosio op.bos       "100000000.0000 BOS" "BOS operation"
cleos transfer eosio angel.bos    "200000000.0000 BOS" "4 times of angel investment"
cleos transfer eosio eco.bos      "400000000.0000 BOS" "BOS eco-cultivation"
cleos transfer eosio airdrop.bos  "50404033.4033 BOS"  "Airdrop for EOS directly"
cleos transfer eosio pioneer.bos  "50000000.0000 BOS"  "For better BPs, DApps and Developers"

Step 12: Delegate BOS

# buyram for accounts
cleos system buyram airdrop.bos bos "10.0000 BOS"
cleos system buyram airdrop.bos op.bos "10.0000 BOS"
cleos system buyram airdrop.bos angel.bos "10.0000 BOS"
cleos system buyram airdrop.bos eco.bos  "10.0000 BOS"
cleos system buyram airdrop.bos pioneer.bos "10.0000 BOS"

# delegate 
cleos system delegatebw bos bos              "100000000.0000 BOS" "100000000.0000 BOS"
cleos system delegatebw op.bos op.bos        "50000000.0000 BOS" "50000000.0000 BOS" 
cleos system delegatebw angel.bos angel.bos  "100000000.0000 BOS" "100000000.0000 BOS"
cleos system delegatebw eco.bos eco.bos      "200000000.0000 BOS" "200000000.0000 BOS"
cleos system delegatebw pioneer.bos pioneer.bos  "25000000.0000 BOS" "25000000.0000 BOS"

Step 13: Change BOS accounts to multisig



for account in ${FEATURE_ACTS[*]}
    echo -e "\n multisig setup $account \n"; 
    cleos set account permission ${account} active ${MSIG_ACTIVE_RULE} owner -p ${account}@owner
    cleos set account permission ${account} owner ${MSIG_OWNER_RULE} -p ${account}@owner
    sleep 1; 

Step 14: Resign all system accounts

for account in ${SYS_ACTS[*]}
    echo -e "\n creating $account \n"; 
    cleos push action eosio updateauth '{"account": "'$account'", "permission": "active", "parent": "owner", "auth":{"threshold": 1, "keys": [], "waits": [], "accounts": [{"weight": 1, "permission": {"actor": "eosio", "permission": active}}]}}' -p ${account}@active
    cleos push action eosio updateauth '{"account": "'$account'", "permission": "owner", "parent": "", "auth":{"threshold": 1, "keys": [], "waits": [], "accounts": [{"weight": 1, "permission": {"actor": "eosio", "permission": active}}]}}' -p ${account}@owner
    sleep 1; 

# resign eosio
cleos push action eosio updateauth '{"account": "eosio", "permission": "active", "parent": "owner", "auth":{"threshold": 1, "keys": [], "waits": [], "accounts": [{"weight": 1, "permission": {"actor": "eosio.prods", "permission": active}}]}}' -p eosio@active 
cleos push action eosio updateauth '{"account": "eosio", "permission": "owner", "parent": "", "auth":{"threshold": 1, "keys": [], "waits": [], "accounts": [{"weight": 1, "permission": {"actor": "eosio.prods", "permission": active}}]}}' -p eosio@owner

# check again
for account in ${SYS_ACTS[*]}
    echo --- ${account} --- && cleos get account ${account} && sleep 1; 

cleos get account eosio

Step 15: Import the accounts from snapshot and airdrop

  • Use the snapshot import tool to airdrop by the airdrop.bos.
  • Resign airdrop.bos permission
    cleos push action eosio updateauth '{"account": "'$account'", "permission": "active", "parent": "owner", "auth":{"threshold": 1, "keys": [], "waits": [], "accounts": [{"weight": 1, "permission": {"actor": "eosio", "permission": active}}]}}' -p ${account}@active

    cleos push action eosio updateauth '{"account": "'$account'", "permission": "owner", "parent": "", "auth":{"threshold": 1, "keys": [], "waits": [], "accounts": [{"weight": 1, "permission": {"actor": "eosio", "permission": active}}]}}' -p ${account}@owner


The top 50 EOSMainnet BPs' accounts will be kept by replacing eos into bos.
This account list be taken at 2019-01-10 14:30 UTC+13

eoshuobipool, starteosiobp, eoslaomaocom, zbeosbp11111, eosflytomars, eosliquideos, eosiosg11111, bitfinexeos1, atticlabeosb, jedaaaaaaaaa, cochainworld, eosnewyorkio, eoscannonchn, eosbixinboot, eos42freedom, eosbeijingbp, eoscanadacom, eoshenzhenio, eosauthority, eosriobrazil, eosnationftw, eosdacserver, eosswedenorg, teamgreymass, cypherglasss, eospaceioeos, games.eos(gamesbosssss), oraclegogogo, unlimitedeos, helloeoscnbp, eostitanprod, eoscafeblock, eosiomeetone, libertyblock, eospacificbp, cryptolions1, eosasia11111, argentinaeos, eosfishrocks, eoszhizhutop, eosyskoreabp, eosfengwocom, eosgenblockp, eosvolgabpru, alohaeosprod, eostribeprod,, eosstorebest, eosdotwikibp, moonxwitheos

The snapshot files can be found at:

Step 16: Validate the airdrop by community

    # pause the ABP to produce block to wait the community validation

    # after the validation, continue to produce block

Step 17: Hello BOS