This code is based on the Ultralytics repo and it has all the functionalities that the original code has:
- Different source: images, videos, webcam, RTSP cameras.
- All the weights are supported: TensorRT, Onnx, DNN, openvino.
The API can be called in an interactive way, and also as a single API called from terminal and it supports all the tasks provided by Ultralytics (detection, segmentation, classification and pose estimation) in the same API!!!!
All models download automatically from the latest Ultralytics release on first use.
Python 3.8 or later with all requirements.txt dependencies installed, including torch>=1.7
. To install run:
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Detection, Segmentation, Classification and Pose Estimation models pretrained on the COCO in the same API
can deal with several sources and can run into the cpu, but it is highly recommendable to run in gpu.
Usage - formats:
$ python --weights # PyTorch
yolov8s.torchscript # TorchScript
yolov8s.onnx # ONNX Runtime or OpenCV DNN with --dnn
yolov8s_openvino_model # OpenVINO
yolov8s.engine # TensorRT
yolov8s.mlmodel # CoreML (macOS-only)
yolov8s_saved_model # TensorFlow SavedModel
yolov8s.pb # TensorFlow GraphDef
yolov8s.tflite # TensorFlow Lite
yolov8s_edgetpu.tflite # TensorFlow Edge TPU
yolov8s_paddle_model # PaddlePaddle
Usage - tasks:
$ python --weights # Detection # Segmentation # Classification # Pose Estimation
You can deploy the API able to label an interactive way.
$ python --device cpu # to run into cpu (by default is gpu)
Open the application in any browser and upload your image or video as is shown in video above.
Just open your favorite browser and go to and intuitevely load the image you want to label and press the buttom "Upload image".
The API will return the image or video labeled.
All tasks are supported, for pose estimation, resutls should be as follow:
code provides several example about how the API can be called. A very common way to do it is to call a public image from url and to get the coordinates of the bounding boxes:
import requests
resp = requests.get("",
And you will get a json with the following data:
b'{"results": [{"name": "person", "class": 0, "confidence": 0.8892598748207092, "box": {"x1": 747.315673828125, "y1": 41.47210693359375, "x2": 1140.3927001953125, "y2": 712.91650390625}}, {"name": "person", "class": 0, "confidence": 0.8844665288925171, "box": {"x1": 144.88815307617188, "y1": 200.0352783203125, "x2": 1107.232177734375, "y2": 712.7000732421875}}, {"name": "tie", "class": 27, "confidence": 0.7176544070243835, "box": {"x1": 437.38336181640625, "y1": 434.477294921875, "x2": 529.9751586914062, "y2": 717.05126953125}}]}'
In the case of pose estimation results are like this:
b'{"results": [{"name": "person", "class": 0, "confidence": 0.9490957260131836, "box": {"x1": 239.0, "y1": 15.0, "x2": 1018.0, "y2": 1053.0}, "keypoints": {"x": [604.9951782226562, 653.2091064453125, 552.5707397460938, 697.6889038085938, 457.49749755859375, 786.6876831054688, 358.194091796875, 954.072998046875, 488.3907775878906, 684.831298828125, 802.8469848632812, 687.2332153320312, 412.4287414550781, 924.52685546875, 632.3346557617188, 811.2559814453125, 768.5433349609375], "y": [316.5501403808594, 260.7156066894531, 257.27691650390625, 291.1667175292969, 285.6615905761719, 566.11962890625, 596.4549560546875, 909.6119384765625, 965.7925415039062, 997.584716796875, 841.6057739257812, 1066.0, 1066.0, 850.1934204101562, 812.7511596679688, 954.5965576171875, 951.3284912109375], "visible": [0.9959749579429626, 0.9608340859413147, 0.9934138655662537, 0.4281827211380005, 0.9349473118782043, 0.9848191738128662, 0.9723504185676575, 0.8565006852149963, 0.8561225533485413, 0.9004713296890259, 0.9377612471580505, 0.10934382677078247, 0.08168646693229675, 0.008380762301385403, 0.008864155039191246, 0.0017155600944533944, 0.001865472993813455]}}]}'
- Return txt values for videos
- save folder according to task: detect, pose, segment, ...
- Support any other model: SAM, RTDETR, NAS.
- Docker files
- Improve index template
This code is based on the Ultralytics code and it has been modified by Henry Navarro
If you want to know more about me, please visit my blog: