This project contains source code and a demo of my article <GNSS/INS/ODO/Wheel Angle Integrated Navigation Algorithm for an All-Wheel Steering Robot>. The demo is about experiment 2 in the article. You can set the value of macro definiti on in "src/lcdefine.h" to get the result of 4 cases.
Mode #1: USE_ODO=0,USE_STEER=0
Mode #2: USE_ODO=0,USE_STEER=1
Mode #3: USE_ODO=0,USE_STEER=2
Mode #4: USE_ODO=1,USE_STEER=2
git clone
# (In China) git clone
cd GIOW-release
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# run the executable and wait a moment
After running the executable, you can get "my_result.nav" and "system_error_state.txt" in the "data" folder. "my_result.nav" is the result of the project, which has 11 columns of data as follows.
useless | sow(s) | latitude(deg) | longitude(deg) | height(m) | vel_north(m/s) | vel_east(m/s) | vel_down(m/s) | roll(deg) | pitch(deg) | yaw(deg) |
"system_error_state" is the error state estimation of this project, which has 24 columns of data as follows (vectors are denoted in italic letters).
sow(s) | pos_err(m) | vel_err(m/s) | att_err(rad) | gyro_bias(rad/s) | gyro_scale_factor | acce_bias(m/s^2) | acce_scale_factor | odo_scale_factor | wheel_angle_err(deg) |
"reference_result.nav" is the reference, the format of which is as same as "my_result.nav". You can get the navigation error by comparing "my_result.nav" and "reference_result.nav". We get the navigation error of 4 cases in experiment 2 and plot them, as shown in "result" folder. The file "*.err" is the navigation error, which has 10 columns of data as follows (vectors are denoted in italic letters).
sow(s) | pos_err(m) | vel_err(m/s) | att_err(deg) |