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Roll-designed selector component for vue3. See versions 2.X for vue2 component. RollerPicker can be moved:

  • if focused, with up/down arrows or page up/down to move up and down, home/end to jump top and bottom
  • with mouse wheel
  • with mouse grab or touch move

Note on 'infinite' spin: animation may not be always smooth

Live demo here

Global use

  • npm install in console
npm install --save vue-roller-picker
  • import components in your code
import { RollerPicker } from 'vue-roller-picker'

you may also import it globally in your app

import { createApp } from "vue";
import vueRollerPicker from "vue-roller-picker";
  • Use components as described below

Component usage

In code

<roller-picker :options=['a', 'b']></roller-picker>
<roller-picker :options="['Apple', 'Apricot', 'Banana', 'Blueberry', 'Cherry', 'Grape', 'Kiwi', 'Lemon', 'Orange', 'Peach', 'Pear', 'Pineapple', 'Raspberry', 'Strawberry']"
    <template v-slot:option="slotProps">
        <div style="background-color: darkcyan;">
            Index {{slotProps.index}} - Label {{ slotProps.option }}
Prop Type Note
options array REQUIRED. Array of available options. Each options is expected as string or object
disabled Boolean Disabled roller move and other option selection. Default is false
animated Boolean Add CSS transition when moving in roller. Default is true
infinite Boolean Allow 'infinite' roll: first options are displayed after last ones and last ones also displayed before first ones. Default is false
rolling Boolean Only if infinite is on. True will start rolling animation, false will switch to rolling end animation. Default is false (if no change, no animation set)
rollingEndClass String Css class given to selector when rolling ends. Default is 'rollend'
bigRoller Boolean Switch to bigger roller with 5 visible options. Default is false (3 visible options)
jumpTopBottom Boolean Allow to jump bottom when moving above top, and vice-versa. Default is false
lineHeightPx Number Height of each option (integer, in px). Default is 40
fontSize String Font-size of options labels. Default is 'inherit'
formName string Set the 'name' attribute of the form input. Default is 'rollerPicker'
rollAnimationOnUpdate number (ms) If > 0, changing the value from parent will trigger a rolling animation for this duration. Default is 0, no rolling.

Notes about options:

  • Options property must be a filled array
  • RollerPicker display a label for each option (if slot not overloaded). Label equal option value (if option is string) or label field (if option is object and field exist).
  • RollerPicker use an input hidden tag for forms. Value attribute is filled with option value (if option is string) or formValue field (if option is object and field exist).

Notes about disabling: a disabled RollerPicker can still have its model changed. If set accordingly, changing the model from a parent component could still trigger rolling animations, while user cannot interact in RollerPicker.


Roller picker provide a 'option' slot which can be used to display option as needed. Slot props are 'index' and 'option' (= value or full object provided in initial array).


Spinbutton pattern (from WAI-ARIA specifications) is implemented. By focusing the component, you can use keyboard to:

  • move up (arrow up or page up keys),
  • move down (arrow down or page down keys),
  • move to first (home key)
  • move to last (end key). The RollerPicker cannot be focused by just clicking, you can focus it with tab key.


The whole component is included in a div with class roller-picker-container.

CSS can be overloaded to personalize the roller, for example:

  • middle overlay: around the picked value, class overlay overlay-middle
  • top and bottom overlays: above or under picked value, class overlay overlay-top or overlay overlay-bottom
  • selected option: corresponding div element have class pick-option-active
  • rolling end class: set another classname with prop and defined it with desired animation

Slot machine usecase sample

Sample use of rolling (slot machine style). You need an infinite roller.

Option 1:

  • define rollAnimationOnUpdate property > 0
  • set value (a random one among given options)

Beware that in this case, if new value = old value, no change is detected and therefore no animation is triggered

Option 2:

  • manually start rolling (rolling property to true)
  • set value (a random one among given options)
  • manually stop rolling (rolling property to false)


  • Fork the repository
  • Run npm install
  • You can run npm run dev, site is at http://localhost:8081.
  • Do your stuff
  • When you're done, run npm run build command and commit your work for a pull request.