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PoV: MicroShift Contributor

CI Operations Overview

Openshift CI will conditionally run end-to-end (e2e) testing whenever a PR is opened or updated. Depending on the changes introduced, only unit and validation checks may be run. This is determined per test job according to patterns for the run_if_changed key defined for each test (see here). As a rule of thumb, changes that affect the MicroShift compile-time or runtime (i.e. changes to source code, build scripts, or container image definitions) will trigger e2e test runs.

CI jobs are represented by a GitHub status check on PRs and will report a pending/pass/fail state per job. Jobs are currently loosely broken up by their maintaining OKD/K8S SIG, which is embedded in the status check’s name. Failed jobs will toggle their respective git status as failed and block the PR from merging. Blocks may still be overridden by maintainers. Full list of tests can be found here.

E2e jobs are executed in parallel, each against its own isolated MicroShift cluster. That is, there are as many MicroShift clusters deployed as there are SIG status checks. Expect a complete PR test run to take approximately 45 minutes.

Running tests manually

Prior to opening a PR it is useful and efficient to be able to run tests locally relying on your own resources. In order to do it you need a running instance of MicroShift and a valid version of openshift-tests.

openshift-tests follows the same branching strategy than the rest of the product, so be sure to check base version in pkg/release/release.go.

openshift-tests requires a kubeconfig and oc binary as well. MicroShift generates a kubeconfig located in /var/lib/microshift/resources/kubeadmin/kubeconfig, but we will see how to use it depending on local vs remote access to MicroShift instances.

Once we have the kubeconfig working, we need to set the static manifests pointed through STATIC_CONFIG_MANIFEST_DIR environment variable.

mkdir ~/manifests

Currently only manifests from [infrastructure|network] are supported as static manifests.

cat > ${STATIC_CONFIG_MANIFEST_DIR}/infrastructure.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: ""
kind: Infrastructure
  name: cluster
    type: None
  controlPlaneTopology: SingleReplica
  infrastructureTopology: SingleReplica
  platform: None
    type: None
cat > ${STATIC_CONFIG_MANIFEST_DIR}/network.yaml <<EOF
kind: Network
  name: cluster
  networkType: OVNKubernetes
  networkType: OVNKubernetes

Update <microshift-server-url> with the accessible MicroShift server url.

After storing these manifests into ~/manifests directory, we can launch the tests.

In order to run openshift-tests for MicroShift we need to provide KUBECONFIG and one specific option:

KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/microshift ./openshift-tests --provider none -v 2 <test suite name> -o <output file name> --junit-dir <junit dir path>

--provider none avoids having automatic discovery for the cloud provider, which needs non-existing APIs in MicroShift.

All openshift-tests functionality is available like in a regular OCP cluster. Check docs for more information.

Using local MicroShift

If you execute openshift-tests in the same host where MicroShift is running there is an already available kubeconfig to do so. This file is located at /var/lib/microshift/resources/kubeadmin/localhost/kubeconfig.

All that is required is to set kubeconfig to this file and launch the tests.

Using remote MicroShift

MicroShift generates a set of kubeconfig files in default configuration:

# tree /var/lib/microshift/resources/kubeadmin/
├── kubeconfig
├── microshift-dev
│   └── kubeconfig
└── microshift-dev.localdomain
    └── kubeconfig

3 directories, 4 files

Using default configuration there is a kubeconfig for each of the subject alternative names and the one at the root directory which is using the cluster URL, which defaults to localhost.

Having a DNS (or simply changing /etc/hosts) we have to select which of the kubeconfig files we need to use according to it. In this case we may copy the microshift-dev kubeconfig to our local environment and we will be able to use oc:

$ yq -r '.clusters[].cluster.server' ~/.kube/microshift

$ KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/microshift oc get node
NAME                         STATUS   ROLES                         AGE   VERSION
microshift-dev.localdomain   Ready    control-plane,master,worker   8h    v1.25.0

If you still want to use localhost kubeconfig you can also use ssh to connect to MicroShift host forwarding port 6443 to tunnel all traffic.

$ ssh -L 6443:localhost:6443 [email protected] -fN
$ yq '.clusters[].cluster.server' ~/.kube/microshift
$ KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/microshift oc get pod -A
NAMESPACE                  NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
openshift-dns              dns-default-dcwx7                     2/2     Running   0          8h
openshift-dns              node-resolver-j2gqf                   1/1     Running   0          8h
openshift-ingress          router-default-6b6bb965d9-v8qzq       1/1     Running   0          8h
openshift-ovn-kubernetes   ovnkube-master-vrcfz                  4/4     Running   0          8h
openshift-ovn-kubernetes   ovnkube-node-kmrcw                    1/1     Running   0          8h
openshift-service-ca       service-ca-5f9bc879d8-qpc2p           1/1     Running   0          8h
openshift-storage          topolvm-controller-5cbd9d9684-kz5m7   4/4     Running   0          8h
openshift-storage          topolvm-node-q6rr9                    4/4     Running   0          8h


Test runtime objects (namespace, pods, build images) are garbage collected after 1 hour from test completion. The build log remains, but does not provide a holistic view of the job’s life.

Prow/Openshift-CI provide CI bot management via GitHub comments. See here for a complete list. Typically all you need is /retest to rerun Prow CI jobs.

CI related GitHub statuses can be identified by their ci/prow/* prefix. When a test fails, the first step should always be to check the status Details link.


The Details link will bring you to that test’s combined logs for the build, deploy, test, and teardown phases for that e2e job. Most of the time, this log can be invaluable for debugging test errors and exposing regressions.

Occasionally, deeper investigation is warranted. Errors can be masked in the logs for a variety of reasons, or CI is experiencing some instability (not uncommon) that isn’t immediately obvious in the build log.

Debugging CI Cluster Workloads

Only the PR author is authorized to access a job’s OCP namespace and build artifacts.

OpenShift GitHub org members may gain access to the OCP namespace and backend workloads. To do this, you must first ensure you’ve completed the OpenShift onboarding checklist for GitHub.

To access the OCP CI Cluster namespace for a given GitHub status/e2e suite, go to the status Details link and fully expand the build log. Each build log prints a URL to the OCP Console namespace for that CI run, near the very top of the log.

Build Log

The console will ask you to login with either a kubeadmin or company SSO. Select Company SSO. After authenticating, you’ll be presented with the overview page for the OCP project. Expand the left-hand sidebar menu and select Workloads -> Pods.

You may have to toggle the Developer view to Administrator, located at the top of the sidebar.

Openshift-CI uses Prow under the hood to drive CI operations. Without going too into detail, a CI job is divided into a sequence of steps, executed in parallel if possible. Each step is handled by a pod, named for the step’s CI configuration. Logs of the “test” step can always be found in the pod named e2e-openshift-conformance-sig-[COMPONENT]-openshift-microshift-e2e-run. Select that pod and examine its logs for the raw test output.

Examining CI Build Artifacts

When logs aren’t enough to expose a failure’s cause, it may be useful to examine the job’s container artifacts. It is possible to access the CI registry and pull down the job’s images. First, login to the CI cluster by following the steps in [Debugging CI Cluster Workloads]. At the console page, click your name in the upper right corner and select Copy Login Command.

You may be asked to authenticate again.

Copy login command

Click Display Token and copy and execute the oc login --token=... command. Then login to the CI registry with oc registry login.

CI build imageStreams are named pipeline:bin. Pull the image down:

podman pull[PROJECT]/pipeline:bin

The build02 may not be the current build cluster. This may be changed by OpenShift CI maintainers without warning.

PoV: MicroShift CI Maintainer

Historical Data

Access the Openshift Release Prow Dashboard for a historical view of job performance. Jobs may be differentiated further using the drop down menus and search fields. To view only PR triggered jobs, select pre-submit from the Filter drop down. Select “periodics” to view the nightly history.

Prow Status

Nightly Updates

Join the coreos#microshift-alerts slack channel for reports of nightly e2e jobs. Unlike presubmit (pull-request) jobs, nightly jobs build MicroShift from main:HEAD.

Nightly / Periodic Jobs are configured here.

Openshift-CI Concepts

Openshift-CI is a configuration driven automation framework, abstracting Openshift Build API and Prow Job specifications. Users/maintainers define the dependencies, compile time ops, runtime ops, and publishing of images and other build artifacts. All this may be specified in a single config file. However, for reusability, tests can be broken down into atomic (usually non-idempotent) steps, which can then be chained together. Steps can share certain volumes and environment variables. This portion of the CI is well documented, so this section will focus on MicroShift’s use of the framework and provide links or briefs where relevant.

File paths must embed the github org, repo, and branch for the managed project. See here.

CI Operator golang API type definitions are specified in the repo, found here. It’s probably the best authoritative data-field documentation. A CI Operator config API reference is available here.

MicroShift’s top level configuration files are located here.

  • The openshift-microshift-main.yaml file provides configuration for pull-request jobs
  • The openshift-microshift-main__periodics.yaml file specifies periodic jobs

The files are nearly identical, save for cron configuration. These files are the core configuration for MicroShift’s CI.

OpenShift End to End (E2E) Conformance Suite

Currently, MicroShift’s CI configuration executes roughly 560 of the over 3000 tests from the openshift/conformance test suite. Tests are excluded based on whether they require APIs that are not supported by MicroShift, are skipped by default, or are specific to vendors and cloud providers. The tests are broken up by their Kubernetes Special Interest Group (sig) label (e.g. [sig-api-machinery]) into suites and all suites are executed in parallel. This means that some suites may execute a hundred or more tests and some run less than 10. The separation is arbitrary, but from a maintainability and debuggability standpoint, it makes sense to divide tests by their targeted functionalities rather than optimize for runtime (subject to change).

Build Config

Test runtime dependencies can be pulled from static image streams in the CI cluster. These are defined under base_images. For example, the oc binary is copied from the ocp/4.8:cli image stream, which is aliased to cli. Later, fields will refer to this image by that alias.

Libvirt-installer is necessary to support out-of-band processes and is maintained here. All test images which interact with the GCP instance must be layered on top of the libvirt-installer image. See Out Of Band Operations for more information.

MicroShifts’s CI Image Aliases

CI Defined Images:

  • See here. These images are always created by CI.

Base Images:

  • cli: provides oc binary
  • libvirt-installer: provides nss_wrapper
  • test-bin: provides openshift-tests

Build Root (Image):

  • rhel-8-release-golang-1.16-openshift-4.10: provides an OpenShift golang 1.16 base image

Custom Images:

  • linux-amd64-4.8.0-0.microshift: MicroShift’s in-repo build image
  • microshift-test-binaries: collection of MicroShift binary and container deployment and test runtime dependencies, based on libvirt-installer image
  • microshift-test-rpm: collection of RPM test runtime dependencies, based on libvirt-installer image

Build Images In Depth

build_root specifies the build image base. MicroShift provides its own build image, which defines its base as that specified by build_root, thus CI needs to clone the image stream to the job’s namespace.

images provides for defining custom images, either stored as container files in the source project, or as inline Dockerfile literals. The from and to fields are not quite the inverse of each other. from causes the CI to overwrite the FROM field of the image before building it. If the value is an image alias, the alias is expanded inplace. to defines the ImageStream tag of the output image. Note that image names are generated dynamically. This provides a way to define multi-stage builds within the images stanza. For example, image microshift-test-binaries sets from: libvirt-installer, forcing the CI to build (or copy to the namespace) the images sequentially rather than in parallel.

A second, more precise configuration to invoke multi-stage builds is provided by the inputs field. This is analogous to the COPY --from=$PREVIOUS_IMAGE directive of multi-stage builds. A key distinction is that the data transfer is not directly between images. Rather, files are copied from source_path in the image to the current build’s context on the container host, then copied from build context into the current image. This is why all destination: values are . and why inline Dockerfile references file paths at the root of the build context.

Test Config

Golang API type definitions of test’s data structure can be found here.

MicroShift’s tests are configured as sequences of steps, which are translated by the CI into OpenShift Build and Prow Job specs. A step defines the container image, dependencies, secret injections, and shell commands to be executed. Multiple step references are encapsulated into larger units called chains and workflows. The MicroShift CI operator config file specifies a workflow, the cluster profile, and conditionals for each test, under the tests arrays.

Go API type definitions for steps is found here, and is probably the most useful source for data field documentation.


- as: e2e-openshift-conformance-sig-api-machinery
  optional: true
  run_if_changed: ^(cmd/.*|pkg/.*|packaging/.*|vendor/.*|go\.sum|go\.mod|Makefile|.*\.sh)
    cluster_profile: gcp
    workflow: openshift-microshift-e2e-openshift-conformance-sig-api-machinery
  • as: NAME
    Prow job / pod name. DO NOT REUSE THE NAME OF A TEST AS A STEP/CHAIN/WORKFLOW NAME. This will cause CI to silently fail to build all same-named step containers after the first instance of the name. This is a recurring bug with CI and can be time consuming to debug.
  • optional: true
    Whether the CI should consider the test as merge blocking.
  • run_if_changed: <REGEX>
    Patterns match files or paths that trigger the test if changed
  • steps
    An array of multi-stage test objects, see golang type definitions here.
    • cluster_profile
      Triggers GCP API credential generation and secret injection into all steps.
    • workflow
      Name of the workflow, inside the step registry to execute

It is possible to define step literals in the main config file, but this should only be done for trivial test setups and implies zero reusability. Most MicroShift tests are configured in the step registry.

Out-of-Band Operations

OpenShift-CI assumes test artifacts are meant to be deployed onto a stock, or modified stock OpenShift cluster as containerized workloads. Since this is not an ideal test environment for MicroShift, we’ve had to adopt some unsupported methods for configuring our own test infra. To do this, MicroShift employs OpenShift Installer’s libvirt-installer image to provide an nss-wrapper script. This is required to workaround the way OCP assigns arbitrary user IDs to containers which breaks ssh client operations inside the container.

Test Step Architecture

For more on Steps and the Step Registry, see docs.

Steps, chains, and workflows together define an execution tree, where each leaf is a step-ref, and is executed in a depth-first traversal. Test execution falls into 3 phases: pre-test, test, and post-test. A failure at any step will end the test run. The post phase is always executed to ensure no resources are orphaned.

Each suite, as well as some one-off tests, are defined under their own execution tree. For example, sig-apps:


Bear in mind that workflows may specify other workflows, chains, or refs. Chains may specify other chains or refs.

Phase: Pre

This phase handles 2 key operations: configuring test infrastructure (a GCP instance, network, firewall, etc), and installing the CI build of MicroShift and test dependencies on that instance.

Phase: Test

Steps here first define a set of OpenShift conformance tests to execute in a file on the GCP instance at $HOME/suite.txt. Then the openshift-microshift-e2e-run step runs the openshift-tests binary, passing in this file.

Phase: Post

Deprovisions the GCP test infrastructure.

Secret Injection

This is well documented. Secrets are stored in Vault. Leave Role as default and click Sign in with OIDC Provider. This will ask you to sign in with your Red Hat SSO login. Once a secret is present in Vault, step refs can specify these secrets under the credentials field (see here).

At present MicroShift steps inject the following credentials:

  • RHSM subscription (required for installing system and test dependencies on the GCP test instances)
  • CI Pull Secret (required to pull images in nightly rebase job)
  • GitHub App ID and private key (required to push branches and create Pull Requests with a nightly rebase)

Obtaining GitHub App's ID and private key for PR creation script

GitHub App can be presented as a set of credentials with specific permissions authorized against a repository. GitHub App can be created using the form at

After creating the GitHub App, a private key must be generated and added to the Vault together with GitHub App ID. Step configuration contains a credentials stanza which needs to be configured to supply the credentials from the Vault to the step at runtime. Credentials are provided to with following environmental variables:

  • APP_ID - ID of the App
  • KEY - path to the private key
  • REPO - repository to work against (push branch and create PR)
  • ORG - repository's organization

CI Troubleshooting

sosreport Utility

CI jobs spinning up MicroShift cluster run the sosreport utility to collect the information about the job runtime environment, using the container, network and microshift plugins.

The report is created before deprovisioning the CI infrastructure and the output of the utility is stored together with the CI artifacts, to be accessed under the artifacts/<test_name>/openshift-microshift-infra-sos-aws directory.

The top-level build-log.txt file contains the runtime output of the sosreport utility, while another artifacts sub-directory contains the actual sosreport output archives.

The sosreport archives need to be downloaded and unpacked using tar xf command to access the collected information.

Node Performance

CI jobs spinning up MicroShift cluster install the pcp-zeroconf package intended to simplify the installation and configuration of the most commonly needed Performance Co-Pilot features.

The performance collection starts right after the MicroShift RPM packages are installed and the results file is generated before deprovisioning the CI infrastructure. The file is stored together with the CI artifacts, to be accessed under the artifacts/<test_name> directory.

The openshift-microshift-infra-pcp sub-directory contains the build-log.txt file with the package installation logs, while the openshift-microshift-infra-pmlogs sub-directory contains the actual performance collection results.

It is necessary to drill down to openshift-microshift-infra-pmlogs/artifacts/<ci_hostname> directory to reach the pmlogger.log collection logs and the{0,index,meta} collection data.

One of the way of downloading the collection data directory contents is by using the gsutil utility, which can be installed using the following commands.

mkdir -p ~/pmlogs && cd ~pmlogs
python3 -m venv .
./bin/python3 -m pip install gsutil

Run the gsutil command as instructed on the CI we page and access the files locally under the ~/pmlogs/<ci_hostname> directory.

./bin/gsutil -m cp -r gs://<path> ~/pmlogs/

Visualize Performance Results

Install the pcp packages necessary for command line and GUI visualization.

sudo dnf install -y pcp pcp-gui

Run the following commands to visualize the downloaded performance data in the terminal.

cd ~/pmlogs/<ci_hostname>
pmstat -a .
@ Thu May 25 08:35:28 2023
 loadavg                      memory      swap        io    system         cpu
   1 min   swpd   free   buff  cache   pi   po   bi   bo   in   cs  us  sy  id
    0.76      0 29722m   6932  1565m    0    0    0 1431 2587 2198   1   1  99
    0.64      0 29714m   6932  1565m    0    0  474  252 6475 3967  13   2  85
    0.64      0 29714m   6932  1565m    0    0  477  245 6497 3977  13   2  85
    0.70      0 29652m   6932  1568m    0    0    2  532  13K  11K   9   2  88

Run the following commands to visualize the downloaded performance data in the PCP Chart application.

cd ~/pmlogs/<ci_hostname>
pmchart -a .

In the application user interface, open File > Open View... dialog and select the type of data to be visualized. It is recommended to start with the Overview view and then drill down to more specific metrics as necessary.

Finally, open the Options > Show Time dialog and scroll through the time position of the performance samples.


Patching processes are well documented. Consider the following as a tl;dr.


CI is designed to be a self-service infrastructure. Merge privilege is managed via an OWNERS file. Approvers may use /lgtm on PRs to signal merge automation. This file must be present in each directory of a project’s CI files. It is common that a project’s root OWNERS is specified, and all child directories soft link it. See docs for more info.

Submitting Patches

As stated previously, CI configuration is used to generate Builds and Prow Jobs. For this, CI has included some helpful make targets that must be run prior to pushing changes. The targets cover different areas of configuration, but it is recommended that they be run in aggregation with make update.

Testing Patches

The CI will execute configuration patches as a rehearsal job against the HEAD commit for the git ref embedded in the config file name (see here). The PR submitter and approvers/reviews specified in relevant OWNERS files may use /retest in the PR’s comment section to rerun tests. More granular bot commands will be commented in the PR by the openshift-ci-bot, following test failures.

CI Points of Contact in Slack

  • coreos#forum-testplatform
    Ping @dptp-helpdesk with issues related to CI operation, config debugging help, and other technical issues. The help desk is not generously staffed; non-specific questions will likely get you a link to documentation. Targeted questions with links to troublesome config sections usually generate the most helpful feedback.
  • coreos#announce-testplatform
    Reliable source of info on CI outages and status updates