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Farhad Dubey farhaddubey
Scripting the Programming World | Passionate about optimized Code with Efficient Algorithms | Insane programmer | Let's build something extraordinary !

TDIL Consultancy Services Kolkata

Abhik Patra abhik1289
I'm Abhik Patra, Web Development Lead at the USC KIIT student community and a MERN stack developer with expertise in Next.js, GraphQL


Mayur Vaghasiya Mayur907
Android Application Developer

Escrow Infotech Surat

Sameera Prabhath sameera-prabhath
Software Engineer

Sri Lanka

Temirlan temirlan-k
hello, world Kazakhstan,Almaty

Areez Aftab AreezAftab
Hii, I am Areez

New Delhi, INDIA

Thủy Phước Thịnh thuyphuocthinh
I am currently taking a computer science course at a university in Vietnam. My goal is to become a solution architect. I am strongly keen on web backend and AI

Duy Tan University Vietnam

Wenbin Xu abysshome

北京理工大学 良乡

Banitongwa David Banitongwa7
Passionate about software development. Constant learning of new technologies.


Christian Gabi christian80gabi
Information Systems Engineer, Web Developer & Graphic Designer

@TYPE-What-You-Type-Is-What-You-Get Tunisia

Shweta shwet46


Lorenzo Mencaroni lorenzo-mencaroni

Lottomatica Group SpA Rome, Italy

Azamov X professorDeveloper
18 y.o Android | Software Engineer

@zbekz Uzbekistan | Tashkent

Ubayed Bin Sufian Ubayed-Bin-Sufian
Novice with a keen interest in Data Science, Mechanical Design, and Robotics

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Fatima FatimaBuilding
building multi agent workflows
HoiDam HoiDam
I make things, I break things, And I make things that break things. HongKong


The Internet

Andrey Author-id
- beginner developer
Vinay Kumar Kotakonda kotakondavinay
Programmer. Mathematician

@Microsoft Vancouver

Flávio Vinícius da Costa Marchetti Retherf

TGA SISTEMAS Tangará da Serra, Brazil

Eduardo Eugenio B Moises Eduebmoises
Olá, Meu nome é Eduardo, Tenho bacharelado em Engenharia Mecânica, sou apaixonado por aprender e melhorar. Adoro tecnologia, vamos decolar!

My home =D Recife-Pe BR

Vaddi Sai Satwik Satwik290896
Software Engineer (Meta)| Ex-Qualcomm|Columbia University(Ivy) Alumnus| IIT Madras Alumnus

New York

Eyyüp Toprak Aieyup
AI Engineering | Data Science | Software Engineering
Maxgamer maxgamergg
Self-taught Go and Kotlin programmer. Enjoys learning programming languages.

@Maxgamer-Meteroite Germany

𝕰𝖝𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖇𝖗𝖆 Excalibra
Cybersecurity & Blade Runner fan [email protected]

茨城県, 日本

edatu iiTaizi
Follow the great wind, build another.