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aditya_parekar ADITYAPAREKAR
Undergraduate Computer Science Student at @mbes ambajogai | Learning Full Stack Web Development | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Bootstrap | With Cloud Computing.

Deshmukh Galii, Parli Vaijnath, District-Beed, Pin-431515.

Joshua Wheeler TheGithubJoshua

Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

David Cadena DavidCad3na
I like to build stuff


Tarran Prior tarranprior
Software & Infrastructure Engineer
Miguel dwdeligence
Junior Software Developer


James Stewart jwds1178
Really Awesome With All the Things

James Stewart Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

IT professional. Part-time catering chef and yoga teacher. Full-time nerd. Dog dad. Lover of all things One Piece, Star Wars, MMA, and open-source.
Davor Dundovic ddundo

University of Oslo Oslo

Farran De Tao fazzaan
English teacher, linguist, programmer, artist, writer, biology scientist. Email me.

@Phlowyd-Linguistics-Org Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam

benjamin dupuy Guccidupuy2024
Global administrator

Mystic healing Marksville la

ㄣㄥ乇乂 4leX-42
Alex Andreu


finder finderOC
「occult club」
oğulcan oqullcan
Software Engineer
Pushkar Mishra Pushkarm029
Rust Developer | Linux Foundation Mentee @jaegertracing | BITS Pilani


fariborz fariborz4

apple iran

ADARSH MISHRA Adarsh630743
I m a normal person who loves the projects going on GitHub and I love to save the projects for my future use and updates.
0w0 rewrite0w0
과거로 거슬러 올라가지 말고, 미래를 바라지도 말라 과거는 이미 버려졌고, 미래는 아직 오지 않았다. 그 대신 현재 일어나는 상태를 잘 관찰하라. 정복되지 않고 흔들림 없이 알아차리면서 수행하라. 오늘 해야 할 일에 열중해야지 내일 죽을지 누가 알겠는가
brendan brendanny
most of my recent contributions are to @standardebooks