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William Belle wbelle11
Product Developer & App Developer

Colure Media New York

Harshad Sharma hiway
Python is my proverbial hammer, current interests: IoT and ubiquitous automation. Previously cofounded @Instamojo .

Instamojo, Zentropi India

somto x64x2
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd[x]
Julien Jerphanion jjerphan
Computer Science • Applied Maths • Software • Progressive Music


Welcome to my Github portfolio.
István Pánczél istvan-panczel
Freelance Software Engineer, working mostly on the front-end side.


Adrien Frqei


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


David Akopov dav23r
Interested in OSS software. Fiddles in Linux, Networking, low-level stuff.

Tbilisi, Georgia

Jurjen de Vries jurjendevries Sneek, Netherlands

Gabriel Zuñiga proxylivy
Hey, University Verification need a short Bio, this is right? DeathGabox

Santiago, Chile

Gabriel B. Vargas gabrielbvargas

PartiuRolê! Itajubá, MG

Nitish nitish-raj
A contributor.


Renato Sortino rensortino
Making machines look intelligent

Paris, FR

GulserOzturk gulsro

Codam Coding College

Benjamin Piouffle Betree
Full-time @opencollective. Founder / core-contributor @CaptainFact. Usually working with Elixir, React, and NodeJS.

@opencollective, @CaptainFact La Ciotat, France

Davide Merli davidemerli
Computer Engineering Student @ PoliMi

Milan, Italy

Ali Shahabzadeh AliShahabzadeh
📚 B.Sc. Computer Engineering Student

Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna Bologna, Italy

Bruno Wilson OBrunoW
Mechatronics Engineering Student Software Developer


Eric Knorr ia-eknorr
Ignition, Devops, Gitops

Inductive Automation Denver, CO

Nathan Harris Derjyn

Erebus Design, LLC United States

Muhammad Atif Matifawan
Flutter Developer | Mobile App (iOS/Android) | Open Source Enthusiast | Firebase & SQLite Integrated Apps

Islamabad, Pakistan

Hi, I am Divyanshi! Just an average Computer Science Engineering Student ;)