It's been almost a year since I wrote an article about programming, this makes me me sad.
Polyglot Weekly grows from the question, "what would get me blogging more often?"
I love writing. It forces me to step back and reflect on what I've been learning — it helps solidify it.
Polyglot Weekly grows from the question, "what would get me blogging more often?" I came up with a list of answers:
- It would be fun to write as part of a community. I love the idea of The Pastry Box, which compiles a curated list of articles about the web. Wouldn't it be neat if there was a similar initiative for articles about programming?
- I wanted a platform that rendered source-code in a beautiful way, other blogging platforms I've used have been so so at this.
- I'd love to read articles from a variety programming communities. We can all learn from each other's methodologies, and it's important to discourage inter-community shade throwing.
- I love working with an editor. As frustrating as it can sometimes be, it helps ensure that I write quality articles. I wanted to create a platform that had an editorial process.
Anyone can submit a pull request for an article to Polyglot Weekly, simply run:
git clone
nvm use 0.10 # sorry, no 0.12.x or iojs yet.
npm install
npm run generate
Keep the following contribution guidelines in mind:
- Articles should be on the topic of programming: articles advertising your start-up, discussing Bay-Area culture, or pointing out your favorite dog grooming techniques will be politely declined.
- Keep contributions positive! your article should not be a rant about why Ruby is better than Go. Feel free to criticize aspects of your language of expertise, but do so in a constructive manner.
- Provide concrete examples in code. Polyglot Weekly uses a great syntax-highlighter extracted from the Atom Text Editor, take advantage of it.
Articles are submitted to the repository as a pull request. This allows a conversation to take place with the community surrounding the article. This discussion may include:
- grammatical fixes and other editorial nits.
- suggestions about structure, e.g., adding a section to an article that might pull the whole piece together.
- as with the tone of articles, the goal will be to keep the editorial process positive.
Once the conversation surrounding an article is complete, it will be merged on to master and become visible on
The Polyglot Weekly platform is built with some really cool technology, let me give you a tour:
marky-markdown is used for rendering the articles. This is the same parser used for rendering the README files on marky-markdown adheres closely to the CommonMark Specification, which is worth giving a read if you'd like to contribute an article.
Polyglot Weekly uses the same engine as the Atom Text Editor for syntax-highlighting. A variety of languages are supported:
require 'spec_helper'
require 'helper/account'
require 'ruby-box'
describe RubyBox::File do
it "should use missing_method to expose files fields" do
file =, @mini_file) == '2631999573'
package main
import (
const (
Sunday = iota
numberOfDays // this constant is not exported
type Foo interface {
FooFunc(int, float32) (complex128, []int)
@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) {
body:first-of-type pre::after {
content: 'highlight: ' attr(class);
body {
background: linear-gradient(45deg, blue, red);
Amongst many others. If a language is missing open an issue (if a grammar exists in TextMate or Atom, it's easy to add).
Git Hooks are used to automatically generate the website. When an article is merged on to the master branch:
- jthoober listens for the Git Hook, and executes a build script.
- articleify is executed as part of the build script, and uses marky-markdown to build the markdown files in the root directory.
The Polyglot Weekly platform is open-source, and patches are very welcome.
I'm personally very excited about this project, but Polyglot Weekly needs you!
- Would you like to contribute an article? Don't be shy, read the contribution guidelines and submit an article.
- Would you like to be an editor, or suggest an editor? open an issue, or send an email to ben [at]
I can't wait to see what comes of this,
— Ben.