Data refresh for accelerated datasets can be configured and tuned for specific scenarios.
Follow this recipe to dynamically refresh specific data at runtime by programmatically updating refresh_sql
and triggering data refreshes.
Tip: Open and refer to the Refresh Data documentation while completing this recipe.
First ensure the Spice CLI is installed. If not, follow the Spice Getting Started guide to install.
mkdir spice-data-refresh
cd spice-data-refresh
# Add the spiceai/quickstart Spicepod
spice add spiceai/quickstart
# Start the Spice runtime
spice run
The Spice runtime will start and the taxi_trips
dataset included in the spiceai/quickstart
Spicepod will be loaded. runtime starting...
2024-08-26T18:43:28.915833Z INFO runtime::metrics_server: Spice Runtime Metrics listening on
2024-08-26T18:43:28.915869Z INFO runtime::flight: Spice Runtime Flight listening on
2024-08-26T18:43:28.915925Z INFO runtime::http: Spice Runtime HTTP listening on
2024-08-26T18:43:28.921589Z INFO runtime::opentelemetry: Spice Runtime OpenTelemetry listening on
2024-08-26T18:43:29.115877Z INFO runtime: Initialized results cache; max size: 128.00 MiB, item ttl: 1s
2024-08-26T18:43:29.636542Z INFO runtime: Dataset taxi_trips registered (s3://spiceai-demo-datasets/taxi_trips/2024/), acceleration (arrow, 10s refresh), results cache enabled.
2024-08-26T18:43:29.637779Z INFO runtime::accelerated_table::refresh_task: Loading data for dataset taxi_trips
2024-08-26T18:43:33.695650Z INFO runtime::accelerated_table::refresh_task: Loaded 2,964,624 rows (421.71 MiB) for dataset taxi_trips in 4s 57ms.
In a new terminal window, run spice sql
to start the Spice SQL REPL.
In the REPL, enter:
select avg(passenger_count) from taxi_trips;
Note the output is:
| AVG(taxi_trips.passenger_count) |
| 1.3392808966805005 |
In a code or text editor, open spicepods/spiceai/quickstart/spicepod.yaml
In the acceleration
- Add Refresh SQL below the
setting to filter the dataset to a passenger_count of two. - Remove the line
refresh_check_interval: 10s
to prevent automated refreshes.
The spicepod.yaml
should be as below:
version: v1
kind: Spicepod
name: quickstart
- from: s3://spiceai-demo-datasets/taxi_trips/2024/
name: taxi_trips
description: taxi trips in s3
file_format: parquet
enabled: true
refresh_mode: full
refresh_sql: select * from taxi_trips where passenger_count = 2
Save the file and note that the dataset has been updated:
2024-08-26T18:45:40.157775Z INFO runtime: Updating accelerated dataset taxi_trips...
2024-08-26T18:45:40.619285Z INFO runtime::accelerated_table::refresh_task: Loading data for dataset taxi_trips
2024-08-26T18:45:45.620097Z INFO runtime::accelerated_table::refresh_task: Loaded 405,103 rows (54.93 MiB) for dataset taxi_trips in 5s.
2024-08-26T18:45:46.139435Z INFO runtime: Dataset taxi_trips registered (s3://spiceai-demo-datasets/taxi_trips/2024/), acceleration (arrow), results cache enabled.
Swap to the Spice SQL REPL and enter:
select avg(passenger_count) from taxi_trips;
Note, the output is now:
| AVG(taxi_trips.passenger_count) |
| 2.0 |
The dataset was refreshed with data filtered to trips with a passenger count of 2.
In addition to editing the spicepod.yaml
directly, the Refresh SQL can be updated by API.
Run the following cURL command to update it:
curl -i -X PATCH \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"refresh_sql": "SELECT * FROM taxi_trips WHERE passenger_count = 3"
}' \
2024-08-26T18:49:50.591517Z INFO runtime::accelerated_table: [refresh] Updated refresh SQL for taxi_trips to SELECT * FROM taxi_trips WHERE passenger_count = 3
The updated refresh_sql
will be applied on the next refresh (as determined by refresh_check_interval
Make an additional call to trigger a refresh now:
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:8090/v1/datasets/taxi_trips/acceleration/refresh --data "{}"
2024-08-26T18:50:32.364290Z INFO runtime::accelerated_table::refresh_task: Loading data for dataset taxi_trips
2024-08-26T18:50:35.037819Z INFO runtime::accelerated_table::refresh_task: Loaded 91,262 rows (12.43 MiB) for dataset taxi_trips in 2s 673ms.
Swap to the Spice SQL REPL and enter:
select avg(passenger_count) from taxi_trips;
Note, the output is now:
| AVG(taxi_trips.passenger_count) |
| 3.0 |
This recipe demonstrated how to dynamically refresh specific data at runtime by updating the refresh_sql
in spicepod.yaml
and programmatically via API calls. This provides control over what data is queried and fetched from remote data sources and when it happens.