TFLint is a pluggable linter and does not contain any rule implementations. Rules are provided as plugins, these are launched by TFLint as subprocesses and communicate over gRPC.
An important part of understanding TFLint's architecture is that TFLint (host) and a plugin act as both gRPC server/client.
For example, the plugin (client) to the host (server) requests to:
- Retrieve Terraform configs (e.g.
) - Evaluate expressions (e.g.
) - Save reported issues to the host server
The host (client) to the plugin (server) requests to:
- Apply plugin configs
- Request to run inspections
The plugin system is implemented by TFLint plugin SDK. If you want to know more about *.proto
and detailed gRPC server/client implementation, check out the SDK.
The following diagram explains how an inspection is performed when a user executes command:
flowchart TB
CLI["CLI<br/>(cmd package)"]-->configLoad["Load TFLint config<br/>(tflint.LoadConfig)"]
configLoad-->tfLoad["Load Terraform config<br/>(terraform.LoadConfig)"]
tfLoad-->discoverPlugin["Discover plugins<br/>(plugin.Discovery)"]
discoverPlugin-->launchPlugin["Launch plugin processes<br/>(go-plugin)"]
launchPlugin-->startRulesetServer["Start RuleSet gRPC server<br/>(go-plugin)"]
launchPlugin-->applyPluginConfig["Apply configs to plugins<br/>(ruleset.ApplyConfig)"]
applyPluginConfig-->requestCheck["Request inspection to plugins<br/>(ruleset.Check)"]
requestCheck-->startRunnerServer["Start Runner gRPC server<br/>(tflint-plugin-sdk)"]
requestCheck-->printIssues["Print issues<br/>(formatter.Print)"]
subgraph goroutie
startRunnerServer-->respondTerraformConfig["Respond to requests for Terraform config<br/>(plugin.GRPCServer)"]
respondTerraformConfig-->saveIssues["Save issues emitted by plugins<br/>(plugin.GRPCServer)"]
subgraph plugin
startRulesetServer-->appliedPluginConfig["Apply plugin config sent from TFLint<br/>(tflint-plugin-sdk)"]
appliedPluginConfig-->respondCheck["Respond to inspection request<br/>(tflint-plugin-sdk)"]
respondCheck-->runInspection["Run inspection on each rule<br/>(tflint-plugin-sdk)"]
runInspection-->requestTerraformConfig["Request to get Terraform config<br/>(tflint-plugin-sdk)"]
requestTerraformConfig-->requestEmitIssue["Emit issues to TFLint<br/>(tflint-plugin-sdk)"]
The cmd
package is the entrypoint of the CLI. cmd.CLI
has streams to stdout/stderr and prints a result to the screen.
Depending on the user's instructions, it does the following:
- Run inspection
- Initialize TFLint (install plugins)
- Start language server
- Print version info
- Run bundled plugin (internal use)
This package is responsible for parsing CLI flags and arguments. The parsed cmd.Option
is converted to tflint.Config
and merged with a config file.
The tflint
package provides many features related to TFLint, such as loading a config file (.tflint.hcl
) and parsing annotations (# tflint-ignore
The tflint.LoadConfig
loads a config file and returns tflint.Config
. This config will be used in later steps.
The terraform
package is a fork of This package is responsible for processing the Terraform semantics, such as parsing *.tf
files, evaluating expressions, and loading modules.
The terraform.LoadConfig
reads *.tf
files as a terraform.Config
in the given directory. These structures are designed to be as similar to Terraform core. See "The Design of terraform
Package" section below for details.
The plugin
package is responsible for the plugin system. This package contains gRPC server implementation, installation, discovery, etc.
The plugin.Discovery
discovers installed plugins and launches plugin binaries as subprocesses. This detailed implementation is hidden by
The go-plugin launches a plugin binary as a subprocess. The launched plugin acts as a gRPC server and communicates with the host process.
The plugin server is called "RuleSet" server. Its behavior is implemented by a plugin developer.
The plugin.Discovery
returns a client for the RuleSet server it started. Use the ApplyConfig
method to send the plugin config described in the config file to the server.
Similarly, send inspection requests to the server. The server responds to requests and runs an inspection, but the plugin needs access to terraform.Config
(imagine runner.GetResourceContent
For this, the host process launches a gRPC server to respond such requests. The host server is called "Runner" server. Its behavior is implemented by TFLint. The plugin is passed a client that corresponds to the Runner server.
The Runner server responds to requests from plugins to retrieve Terraform configs, evaluate expressions, etc. This implementation is contained in the plugin
The Runner server saves issues emitted by plugins (imagine runner.EmitIssue
). The saved issues will be printed to the screen in the next step.
The formatter
package processes and outputs issues in formats such as default, JSON, and SARIF.
The following diagram explains how the host process, RuleSet server, and Runner server each behave in inspection:
participant TFLint as TFLint (host)
participant RuleSet as RuleSet (plugin)
participant Runner as Runner (host as goroutie)
TFLint->>RuleSet: Start server
TFLint->>RuleSet: Apply plugin configs
TFLint->>Runner: Start server
TFLint->>RuleSet: Request to run inspection
RuleSet->>Runner: Request to get Terraform configs
Runner-->>RuleSet: Return resources/modules
RuleSet->>Runner: Request to evaluate expressions
Runner-->>RuleSet: Return evaluated values
RuleSet->>Runner: Emit issues
RuleSet-->>TFLint: End of inspection
Runner-->>TFLint: Return issues
The terraform
package is a fork of Terraform internal packages. It is based on the same Terraform core, but with some implementation changes specifically for static analysis.
The following diagram explains the dependencies of each component:
flowchart TB
files["Terraform config files<br/>(*.tf)"]-->parser["Language parser<br/>(terraform.Parser)"]
subgraph child module
modFiles["Terraform config files<br/>(*.tf)"]-->modParser["Language parser<br/>(terraform.Parser)"]
modParser-->modWalker["Module walker<br/>(terraform.ModuleWalker)"]
parser-- terraform.Module -->loader["Config loader<br/>(terraform.LoadConfig)"]
modWalker-- terraform.Module -->loader
loader-- terraform.Config -->gatherVars["Gather variables<br/>(terraform.VariableValues)"]
valuesFile["Variable definitions files<br/>(*.tfvars)"]-- terraform.InputValues -->gatherVars
cliFlag["CLI flags<br/>(--var)"]-- terraform.InputValues -->gatherVars
gatherVars-- cty.Value -->evaluator["Evaluator<br/>(terraform.Evaluator)"]
loader-- terraform.Config -->evaluator
The underlying technologies of Terraform language are HCL and cty. The Terraform language implements its own semantics on top of these.
TFLint also leverages these technologies, making it highly compatible with Terraform.
The basic architecture is the same as Terraform. The biggest difference is that the terraform.Evaluator
is state (terraform.State
) independent. See also Terraform Core Architecture Summary
State is not always available for static analysis as it can only be obtained by running terraform plan/apply. TFLint solves this problem in the same way as Terraform. Terraform has the ability to handle unknown values during first-time planning, and TFLint take advantage of this to always treat dynamic values as unknowns.
It has the same basic design as Terraform, so it has the advantage of being able to easily support future language extensions of Terraform.
Terraform has a predefined schema and uses it to decode HCL body. This is necessary to strictly define the syntax, but TFLint does not necessarily require a strict schema in order to support many versions of the Terraform language.
Against this background, terraform.Module
in TFLint decodes minimal structure (e.g. terraform.Variable
, terraform.Resource
). The terraform.Module
has native hcl.File
and returns bodies based on the schema requested during inspection. In other words, it does lazy schema evaluation to achieve syntactic robustness.
For this reason, TFLint take a different approach to implementing for_each
and count
meta-arguments, and dynamic blocks than Terraform. Instead of being pre-expanded, it is expanded as an extension of hcl.Body
when extracted by the schema.