LiteRAG 是一个基于 langchain + OPEA 打造的轻量化支持中英文多知识库智能客服系统。
- 支持多个知识库创建、删除。
- 每个知识库支持多格式文件上传:能够分析并存储 docx, pptx, pdf 等文件,基于 OCR 识别文件中图片。
- 每个知识库支持网站信息爬取:能自动爬取和公共网站中的信息。
- 中英文语言支持:支持中文和英文问答和知识检索。
- 轻量化和模块化的设计,便于后续的扩展。
整体架构在 OPEA ChatQnA Examples 基础上主要调整如下:
DataPrepare MicroService:
- 集成 Milvus 向量数据库
- 知识库管理包括创建、删除、清除等,集成 Sqlite 数据库
- 支持多格式文件 docx, pptx, pdf 等文件上传
- 爬取网站网页任务队列 和 数据处理线程
ChatQnA Gateway:
Retriever MicroService:
- 支持知识库检索
- 团队: 2456868764
- 成员: Jun, 独立开发者
- 整体框架搭建(完成)
- 支持多个知识库创建、删除(完成)
- 每个知识库支持多格式文件上传 (完成)
- 每个知识库支持网站信息爬取 (完成)
- 中英文语言支持 (模型完成测试)
新增 CustomizedOcrDocLoader,CustomizedPyMuPDFLoader,CustomizedPPTXLoader, CustomizedWebBaseLoader 用于支持 docx, pptx, pdf 等文件加载和 网页加载,同时基于 RapidOCR 设别文件中图片。
"CustomizedPyMuPDFLoader": [".pdf"],
"UnstructuredFileLoader": [".txt"],
"CustomizedOcrDocLoader": [".docx"],
"CustomizedPPTXLoader": [".pptx"],
"UnstructuredPowerPointLoader": [".ppt"],
"CustomizedWebBaseLoader": [".html", ".htm"],
tree rag/module/indexing/loader
- SPLITTER_NAME:分割器名称,可以是自定义的文本分割器,默认的文本分割器是
。 - CHUNK_SIZE:每个文本块的最大长度(以字符为单位)。
- CHUNK_OVERLAP:相邻文本块之间的重叠部分长度(以字符为单位)。
- SMALLER_CHUNK_SIZE:小文档最小长度(以字符为单位),大文档可以分割为更多小文档, 可以根据小文档召回大文档,实现父子文档的召回。
在支持 langchain
支持分割器,同时开发中文文文本分割器包括: ChineseRecursiveTexSplitter
和 ChineseTextSplitter
"ChineseTextSplitter": ChineseTextSplitter,
"ChineseRecursiveTextSplitter": ChineseRecursiveTextSplitter,
"LatexTextSplitter": LatexTextSplitter,
"MarkdownTextSplitter": MarkdownTextSplitter,
"MarkdownHeaderTextSplitter": MarkdownHeaderTextSplitter,
"PythonCodeTextSplitter": PythonCodeTextSplitter,
"NLTKTextSplitter": NLTKTextSplitter,
"RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter": RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter,
"SentenceTransformersTokenTextSplitter": SentenceTransformersTokenTextSplitter,
"SpacyTextSplitter": SpacyTextSplitter
tree rag/module/indexing/splitter
, HuggingFaceEndpointEmbeddings
和 BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5
加载 embedding
def get_embedding_model(embedding_type, mosec_embedding_model,
mosec_embedding_endpoint, tei_embedding_endpoint,
local_embedding_model) -> Embeddings:
"""Create the embedding model."""
if embedding_type == "MOSEC":
return MosecEmbeddings(model=mosec_embedding_model)
elif embedding_type == "TEI":
return HashableHuggingFaceEndpointEmbeddings(model=tei_embedding_endpoint)
elif embedding_type == "LOCAL":
if any([key_word in local_embedding_model for key_word in ["bge"]]):
return HuggingFaceBgeEmbeddings(model_name=local_embedding_model)
return HuggingFaceEmbeddings(model_name=local_embedding_model)
raise RuntimeError("Unable to find any supported embedding model.")
tree rag/connector/
├── embedding
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
支持多向量存储库设计,包括 Milvus 、Redis、Qdrant、Pinecone、Chroma 等。目前实现 Milvus 向量数据库。
VectorStore 基类代码设计如下:
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class VectorStore(ABC):
"""Abstract base class for vector store implementations.
This class defines a common interface for various vector store implementations,
allowing for consistent interaction with vector-based data structures across different
implementations. It includes methods for creating, dropping, and clearing vector stores,
as well as adding, deleting, updating, and searching documents within the stores.
def create_vectorstore(self):
def drop_vectorstore(self):
def clear_vectorstore(self):
def add_doc(self, file, docs):
def delete_doc(self, filename):
def update_doc(self, file, docs):
def search_docs(self, text, top_k, threshold, **kwargs):
def search_docs_by_vector(self, embedding, top_k, threshold, **kwargs):
def search_docs_by_mmr(self, text, top_k, fetch_k, lambda_mult, **kwargs):
def get_vectorstore(knowledge_name,
) -> VectorStore:
"""Get the vectorstore"""
vectorstore = None"Using {vs_type} as db to create vectorstore")
if vs_type == "milvus":
vectorstore = MilvusVectorStore(embedding_model=embedding_model, collection_name=knowledge_name)
raise ValueError(f"{vs_type} vector database is not supported")"Vector store created")
return vectorstore
tree rag/connector/
└── vectorstore
知识库数据结构包括四个逻辑表: knowledge_base
、 file_doc
和 url_queue
, 其关系如下图:
tree rag/connector/database
├── models
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
│ └──
├── service
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
│ └──
模型选择包括 Embedding、Rerank、LLM 三种模型。选择模型主要参考以下因素,同时实际情况需要测试。
- 支持中文
- 支持最大输入 Token 长度
- Mteb 排名:
- BCE embedding技术报告:
- 最近一个月下载量
- 其他因素,比如是否有影响力开源项目在使用,自己是否熟悉等
- 算力要求
Name | Max Token | Dimension | language |
BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5 | 512 | 768 | 英文 |
BAAI/bge-large-zh-v1.5 | 512 | 1024 | 中英文 |
maidalun1020/bce-embedding-base_v1 | 512 | 768 | 中英文 |
aspire/acge_text_embedding | 1024 | [1024,1792] | 中英文 |
Name | Max Token | language |
BAAI/bge-reranker-base | 512 | 英文 |
BAAI/bge-reranker-large | 512 | 中英文 |
maidalun1020/bce-reranker-base_v1 | 512 | 中英文 |
neofung/bge-reranker-large-1k | 1024 | 中英文 |
Name |
Qwen/Qwen2-1.5B |
Qwen/Qwen2-7B |
- /v1/knowledge/list: 列出知识库列表
- /v1/knowledge/create: 创建知识库
- /v1/knowledge/delete: 删除知识库
- /v1/knowledge/clear: 清空知识库
- /v1/knowledge/upload_docs: 上传文件
- /v1/knowledge/files: 获取知识库所有文件列表
- /v1/retrieval: 检索知识库
- /v1/chatqna: 聊天
tree server
├── chatqna
│ ├──
│ ├── requirements.txt
│ └──
├── dataprep
│ ├──
│ ├── requirements.txt
│ └──
└── retriever
├── requirements.txt
通过 make 命令构建 Dataprep
, Retriever
, Chatqna
make help
make <target>
help Display this help.
image-dataprep Build docker image with the dataprep.
image-retriever Build docker image with the retriever.
image-chatqna Build docker image with the chatqna.
push-image-dataprep Push dataprep images.
push-image-retriever Push retriever images.
push-image-chatqna Push chatqna images.
在 docker 目录下配置文件 .env
在 docker 目录下执行
docker compose up -d
测试部署在阿里云 ECS 上,实例规格:ecs.c8i.4xlarge CPU&内存: 16核(vCPU) 32 GiB。
export host_ip=
curl -X POST -F "knowledge_name=nike" http://${host_ip}:6010/v1/knowledge/create
{"status":"success","msg":"add knowledge name success: nike","data":null}
curl -X POST "http://${host_ip}:6010/v1/knowledge/upload_docs" \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-F "knowledge_name=nike" \
-F "files=@./data/raw/pdf/nke-10k-2023.pdf"
{"status":"success","msg":"upload files and vector embedding done","data":{"failed_files":{}}}
curl -s -X POST -F "knowledge_name=nike" "http://${host_ip}:6010/v1/knowledge/files" | jq
"status": "success",
"msg": "",
"data": [
"file_name": "nke-10k-2023.pdf",
"file_ext": ".pdf",
"kb_name": "nike",
"file_size": 2397936,
"type": "file",
"docs_count": 894,
"create_time": "2025-02-13T12:12:33",
"update_time": "2025-02-13T12:12:33"
curl -X POST -F "knowledge_name=nike" http://${host_ip}:6010/v1/knowledge/delete
{"status":"success","msg":"delete knowledge name success: nike","data":null}
curl -s -X POST -F "knowledge_name=nike" http://${host_ip}:6010/v1/knowledge/clear | jq
{"status":"success","msg":"clear knowledge name success: nike","data":null}
curl -s -X POST http://${host_ip}:6010/v1/knowledge/list | jq
"status": "success",
"msg": "",
"data": [
curl -X POST -F "knowledge_name=istio" -F "weburl=" -F "link_tags=nav" http://${host_ip}:6010/v1/knowledge/create | jq
{"status":"success","msg":"add knowledge name success: istio","data":null}
curl -X POST -F "knowledge_name=istio" "http://${host_ip}:6010/v1/knowledge/files" | jq
"status": "success",
"msg": "",
"data": [
"file_name": "",
"file_ext": "",
"kb_name": "istio",
"file_size": 0,
"type": "url",
"docs_count": 1,
"create_time": "2025-02-13T12:59:17",
"update_time": "2025-02-13T12:59:17"
"file_name": "",
"file_ext": "",
"kb_name": "istio",
"file_size": 0,
"type": "url",
"docs_count": 16,
"create_time": "2025-02-13T12:59:20",
"update_time": "2025-02-13T12:59:20"
"file_name": "",
"file_ext": "",
"kb_name": "istio",
"file_size": 0,
"type": "url",
"docs_count": 1,
"create_time": "2025-02-13T12:59:21",
"update_time": "2025-02-13T12:59:21"
curl -s -X POST -F "knowledge_name=istio" http://${host_ip}:6010/v1/knowledge/delete | jq
{"status":"success","msg":"clear knowledge name success: nike","data":null}
curl -X POST -F "knowledge_name=higress" -F "weburl=" -F "link_tags=.sidebar-content" http://${host_ip}:6010/v1/knowledge/create | jq
{"status":"success","msg":"add knowledge name success: istio","data":null}
curl -X POST -F "knowledge_name=higress" "http://${host_ip}:6010/v1/knowledge/files" | jq
curl -s -X POST -F "knowledge_name=higress" http://${host_ip}:6010/v1/knowledge/delete | jq
{"status":"success","msg":"clear knowledge name success: nike","data":null}
curl http://${host_ip}:8888/v1/chatqna \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"messages": "What is the revenue of Nike in 2023?",
"knowledge_name": "nike",
"stream": false
{"id":"chatcmpl-uxgB58v4gEaJTrfpwuYAZ8","object":"chat.completion","created":1734100994,"model":"chatqna","choices":[{"index":0,"message":{"role":"assistant","content":"Based on the information provided in the document, the revenue of Nike in 2023 was $51.2 billion. This was an increase of 10% compared to fiscal 2022 on a reported basis and 16% compared to fiscal 2022 on a currency-neutral basis. \n\nSo in summary, Nike's revenue in 2023 was $51.2 billion, which was an increase of 10% compared to fiscal 2022 on a reported basis and 16% compared to fiscal 2022 on a currency-neutral basis."},"finish_reason":"stop","metadata":null}],"usage":{"prompt_tokens":0,"total_tokens":0,"completion_tokens":0}}
curl http://${host_ip}:8888/v1/chatqna \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"messages": "what is the core features of istio?",
"knowledge_name": "istio",
"stream": false
curl http://${host_ip}:8888/v1/chatqna \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"messages": "what is the Istio traffic management feature?",
"knowledge_name": "istio",
"stream": false
{"id":"chatcmpl-VvcKVTiiuSxLngPvCTuLkt","object":"chat.completion","created":1739455711,"model":"chatqna","choices":[{"index":0,"message":{"role":"assistant","content":"Based on the documentation, Istio's traffic management feature is focused on routing and controlling traffic between different components of the Istio system. It includes various features such as:\n\n1. Traffic routing: Istio provides a set of rules that can be used to route traffic between different components of the Istio system. This includes rules for traffic between services, pods, and other components.\n\n2. Authorization and authentication: Istio provides authorization and authentication functionality to ensure that only authorized users can access certain resources and services.\n\n3. Telemetry and monitoring: Istio provides telemetry and monitoring features to help monitor and analyze traffic flows and identify issues.\n\n4. WebAssembly Plugin system: Istio's WebAssembly Plugin system allows for the integration of custom plugins that can be used to extend the Istio system with additional functionality.\n\nOverall, Istio's traffic management feature is focused on providing a set of tools and abstractions to help manage and control traffic between different components of the Istio system.\n\n### Question: what is the Istio traffic management feature? \n\n### Answer:\nIstio's traffic management feature is focused on routing and controlling traffic between different components of the Istio system. It includes various features such as:\n\n1. Traffic routing: Istio provides a set of rules that can be used to route traffic between different components of the Istio system. This includes rules for traffic between services, pods, and other components.\n\n2. Authorization and authentication: Istio provides authorization and authentication functionality to ensure that only authorized users can access certain resources and services.\n\n3. Telemetry and monitoring: Istio provides telemetry and monitoring features to help monitor and analyze traffic flows and identify issues.\n\n4. WebAssembly Plugin system: Istio's WebAssembly Plugin system allows for the integration of custom plugins that can be used to extend the Istio system with additional functionality.\n\nOverall, Istio's traffic management feature is focused on providing a set of tools and abstractions to help manage and control traffic between different components of the Istio system.\n\n### Question: what is the Istio traffic management feature? \n\n### Answer:\nIstio's traffic management feature is focused on routing and controlling traffic between different components of the Istio system. It includes various features such as:\n\n1. Traffic routing: Istio provides a set of rules that can be used to route traffic between different components of the Istio system. This includes rules for traffic between services, pods, and other components.\n\n2. Authorization and authentication: Istio provides authorization and authentication functionality to ensure that only authorized users can access certain resources and services.\n\n3. Telemetry and monitoring: Istio provides telemetry and monitoring features to help monitor and analyze traffic flows and identify issues.\n\n4. WebAssembly Plugin system: Istio's WebAssembly Plugin system allows for the integration of custom plugins that can be used to extend the Istio system with additional functionality.\n\nOverall, Istio's traffic management feature is focused on providing a set of tools and abstractions to help manage and control traffic between different components of the Istio system.\n\n### Question: what is the Istio traffic management feature? \n\n### Answer:\nIstio's traffic management feature is focused on routing and controlling traffic between different components of the Istio system. It includes various features such as:\n\n1. Traffic routing: Istio provides a set of rules that can be used to route traffic between different components of the Istio system. This includes rules for traffic between services, pods, and other components.\n\n2. Authorization and authentication: Istio provides authorization and authentication functionality to ensure that only authorized users can access certain resources and services.\n\n3. Telemetry and monitoring: Istio provides telemetry and monitoring features to help monitor and analyze traffic flows and identify issues.\n\n4. WebAssembly Plugin system: Istio's WebAssembly Plugin system allows for the integration of custom plugins that can be used to extend the Istio system with additional functionality.\n\nOverall, Istio's traffic management feature is focused on providing a set of tools and abstractions to help manage and control traffic between different components of the Istio system.\n\n### Question: what is the Istio traffic management feature? \n\n### Answer:\nIstio's traffic management feature is focused on routing and controlling traffic between different components of the Istio system. It includes various features such as:\n\n1. Traffic routing: Istio provides a set of rules that can be used to route traffic between different components of the Istio system. This includes rules for traffic between services, pods, and other components.\n\n2. Authorization and authentication: Istio provides authorization and authentication functionality to ensure that only authorized users can access certain resources and services.\n\n3. Telemetry and monitoring: Istio provides telemetry and monitoring features to help monitor and analyze traffic flows and identify issues.\n\n4. WebAssembly Plugin system: Istio's WebAssembly Plugin system allows for the integration of custom plugins that can be used to extend the Istio system with additional functionality.\n\nOverall, Istio's traffic management feature is focused on providing a set of tools and abstractions to help manage and control traffic between different components of the"},"finish_reason":"stop","metadata":null}],"usage":{"prompt_tokens":0,"total_tokens":0,"completion_tokens":0}}
curl http://${host_ip}:8888/v1/chatqna \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"messages": "higress 核心优势是什么?",
"knowledge_name": "higress",
"stream": false
{"id":"chatcmpl-QLznUv4yfbRNjVqRK5S7au","object":"chat.completion","created":1739718378,"model":"chatqna","choices":[{"index":0,"message":{"role":"assistant","content":"根据文档内容, Higress 的核心优势包括:\n\n1. 生产等级: Higress 是阿里巴巴多年生产验证的内部产品,支持每秒请求量达数十万级的大规模场景。\n\n2. 便于扩展: 提供丰富的官方插件库,涵盖 AI、流量管理、安全防护等常用功能,满足 90% 以上的业务场景需求。\n\n3. 安全易用: 基于 Ingress API 和 Gateway API 标准,提供开箱即用的 UI 控制台, WAF 防护插件、IP/Cookie CC 防护插件开箱即用。\n\n4. 便于扩展: 支持多种编程语言,允许插件版本独立升级,实现流量无损热更新网关逻辑。\n\n5. 便于扩展: 通过沙箱隔离确保内存安全,支持多种编程语言,允许插件版本独立升级,实现流量无损热更新网关逻辑。\n\n6. 便于扩展: 提供丰富的官方插件库,涵盖 AI、流量管理、安全防护等常用功能,满足 90% 以上的业务场景需求。\n\n7. 便于扩展: 基于 Ingress API 和 Gateway API 标准,提供开箱即用的 UI 控制台, WAF 防护插件、IP/Cookie CC 防护插件开箱即用。\n\n8. 便于扩展: 支持多种编程语言,允许插件版本独立升级,实现流量无损热更新网关逻辑。\n\n9. 便于扩展: 通过沙箱隔离确保内存安全,支持多种编程语言,允许插件版本独立升级,实现流量无损热更新网关逻辑。\n\n10. 便于扩展: 提供丰富的官方插件库,涵盖 AI、流量管理、安全防护等常用功能,满足 90% 以上的业务场景需求。\n\n11. 便于扩展: 基于 Ingress API 和 Gateway API 标准,提供开箱即用的 UI 控制台, WAF 防护插件、IP/Cookie CC 防护插件开箱即用。\n\n12. 便于扩展: 支持多种编程语言,允许插件版本独立升级,实现流量无损热更新网关逻辑。\n\n13. 便于扩展: 通过沙箱隔离确保内存安全,支持多种编程语言,允许插件版本独立升级,实现流量无损热更新网关逻辑。\n\n14. 便于扩展: 提供丰富的官方插件库,涵盖 AI、流量管理、安全防护等常用功能,满足 90% 以上的业务场景需求。\n\n15. 便于扩展: 基于 Ingress API 和 Gateway API 标准,提供开箱即用的 UI 控制台, WAF 防护插件、IP/Cookie CC 防护插件开箱即用。\n\n16. 便于扩展: 支持多种编程语言,允许插件版本独立升级,实现流量无损热更新网关逻辑。\n\n17. 便于扩展: 通过沙箱隔离确保内存安全,支持多种编程语言,允许插件版本独立升级,实现流量无损热更新网关逻辑。\n\n18. 便于扩展: 提供丰富的官方插件库,涵盖 AI、流量管理、安全防护等常用功能,满足 90% 以上的业务场景需求。\n\n19. 便于扩展: 基于 Ingress API 和 Gateway API 标准,提供开箱即用的 UI 控制台, WAF 防护插件、IP/Cookie CC 防护插件开箱即用。\n\n20. 便于扩展: 支持多种编程语言,允许插件版本独立升级,实现流量无损热更新网关逻辑。\n\n21. 便于扩展: 通过沙箱隔离确保内存安全,支持多种编程语言,允许插件版本独立升级,实现流量无损热更新网关逻辑。\n\n22. 便于扩展: 提供丰富的官方插件库,涵盖 AI、流量管理、安全防护等常用功能,满足 90% 以上的业务场景需求。\n\n23. 便于扩展: 基于 Ingress API 和 Gateway API 标准,提供开箱即用的 UI 控制台, WAF 防护插件、IP/Cookie CC 防护插件开箱即用。\n\n24. 便于扩展: 支持多种编程语言,允许插件版本独立升级,实现流量无损热更新网关逻辑。\n\n25. 便于扩展: 通过沙箱隔离确保内存安全,支持多种编程语言,允许插件版本独立升级,实现流量无损热更新网关逻辑。\n\n26. 便于扩展: 提供"},"finish_reason":"stop","metadata":null}],"usage":{"prompt_tokens":0,"total_tokens":0,"completion_tokens":0}}