Simple case of no by
variables to join by. Just doing a rolling join.
sales <- data.table(
SaleId = c("S0", "S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5"),
SaleDate = as.Date(c("2013-2-20", "2014-5-1", "2014-5-1", "2014-6-15", "2014-7-1", "2014-12-31"))
commercials <- data.table(
CommercialId = c("C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5"),
CommercialDate = as.Date(c("2014-1-1", "2014-4-1", "2014-7-1", "2014-9-15", "2014-9-15"))
sales[, RollDate := SaleDate]
commercials[, RollDate := CommercialDate]
setkey(sales, "RollDate")
setkey(commercials, "RollDate")
commercials_tbl <- as_tibble(commercials)
sales_tbl <- as_tibble(sales)
#> # A tibble: 5 x 3
#> CommercialId CommercialDate RollDate
#> <chr> <date> <date>
#> 1 C1 2014-01-01 2014-01-01
#> 2 C2 2014-04-01 2014-04-01
#> 3 C3 2014-07-01 2014-07-01
#> 4 C4 2014-09-15 2014-09-15
#> 5 C5 2014-09-15 2014-09-15
#> # A tibble: 6 x 3
#> SaleId SaleDate RollDate
#> <chr> <date> <date>
#> 1 S0 2013-02-20 2013-02-20
#> 2 S1 2014-05-01 2014-05-01
#> 3 S2 2014-05-01 2014-05-01
#> 4 S3 2014-06-15 2014-06-15
#> 5 S4 2014-07-01 2014-07-01
#> 6 S5 2014-12-31 2014-12-31
# For a given sale, what was the last commercial that aired?
# (Sale 0 occurred before any commerical was aired)
slide_join(sales_tbl, commercials_tbl, i = "RollDate")
#> # A tibble: 6 x 5
#> SaleId SaleDate RollDate CommercialId CommercialDate
#> <chr> <date> <date> <chr> <date>
#> 1 S0 2013-02-20 2013-02-20 <NA> NA
#> 2 S1 2014-05-01 2014-05-01 C2 2014-04-01
#> 3 S2 2014-05-01 2014-05-01 C2 2014-04-01
#> 4 S3 2014-06-15 2014-06-15 C2 2014-04-01
#> 5 S4 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 C3 2014-07-01
#> 6 S5 2014-12-31 2014-12-31 C5 2014-09-15
# commercials[sales, roll = Inf]
# For a given commercial, how long did it take to make the next sale?
slide_join(commercials_tbl, sales_tbl, i = "RollDate", type = "nocb")
#> # A tibble: 5 x 5
#> CommercialId CommercialDate RollDate SaleId SaleDate
#> <chr> <date> <date> <chr> <date>
#> 1 C1 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 S1 2014-05-01
#> 2 C2 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 S1 2014-05-01
#> 3 C3 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 S4 2014-07-01
#> 4 C4 2014-09-15 2014-09-15 S5 2014-12-31
#> 5 C5 2014-09-15 2014-09-15 S5 2014-12-31
# sales[commercials, roll = -Inf]
sales_grouped <- vec_rbind(sales_tbl, sales_tbl)
sales_grouped$g <- rep(c("coffee", "tea"), each = 6)
sales_grouped <- group_by(sales_grouped, g)
#> # A tibble: 12 x 4
#> # Groups: g [2]
#> SaleId SaleDate RollDate g
#> <chr> <date> <date> <chr>
#> 1 S0 2013-02-20 2013-02-20 coffee
#> 2 S1 2014-05-01 2014-05-01 coffee
#> 3 S2 2014-05-01 2014-05-01 coffee
#> 4 S3 2014-06-15 2014-06-15 coffee
#> 5 S4 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 coffee
#> 6 S5 2014-12-31 2014-12-31 coffee
#> 7 S0 2013-02-20 2013-02-20 tea
#> 8 S1 2014-05-01 2014-05-01 tea
#> 9 S2 2014-05-01 2014-05-01 tea
#> 10 S3 2014-06-15 2014-06-15 tea
#> 11 S4 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 tea
#> 12 S5 2014-12-31 2014-12-31 tea
# For each group of sales, when was the last commercial that aired?
# (i.e. see if these commercials affected the sales of particular sale groups)
summarise(sales_grouped, slide_join(cur_data_all(), commercials, "RollDate"))
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'g'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
#> # A tibble: 12 x 6
#> # Groups: g [2]
#> g SaleId SaleDate RollDate CommercialId CommercialDate
#> <chr> <chr> <date> <date> <chr> <date>
#> 1 coffee S0 2013-02-20 2013-02-20 <NA> NA
#> 2 coffee S1 2014-05-01 2014-05-01 C2 2014-04-01
#> 3 coffee S2 2014-05-01 2014-05-01 C2 2014-04-01
#> 4 coffee S3 2014-06-15 2014-06-15 C2 2014-04-01
#> 5 coffee S4 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 C3 2014-07-01
#> 6 coffee S5 2014-12-31 2014-12-31 C5 2014-09-15
#> 7 tea S0 2013-02-20 2013-02-20 <NA> NA
#> 8 tea S1 2014-05-01 2014-05-01 C2 2014-04-01
#> 9 tea S2 2014-05-01 2014-05-01 C2 2014-04-01
#> 10 tea S3 2014-06-15 2014-06-15 C2 2014-04-01
#> 11 tea S4 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 C3 2014-07-01
#> 12 tea S5 2014-12-31 2014-12-31 C5 2014-09-15
Now we have a join variable, by = "name"
. For each name, we want to do
a rolling join.
isabel_website <- data.table(name = rep('Indecisive Isabel', 5),
session_start_time = as.POSIXct(c('2016-01-01 11:01', '2016-01-02 8:59', '2016-01-05 18:18', '2016-01-07 19:03', '2016-01-08 19:01')))
isabel_paypal <- data.table(name = 'Indecisive Isabel', purchase_time = as.POSIXct('2016-01-08 19:10'))
sally_website <- data.table(name = 'Spendy Sally', session_start_time = as.POSIXct('2016-01-03 10:00'))
sally_paypal <- data.table(name = rep('Spendy Sally', 2), purchase_time = as.POSIXct(c('2016-01-03 10:06', '2016-01-03 10:15')))
francis_website <- data.table(name = rep('Frequent Francis', 6),
session_start_time = as.POSIXct(c('2016-01-02 13:09', '2016-01-03 19:22', '2016-01-08 8:44', '2016-01-08 20:22', '2016-01-10 17:36', '2016-01-15 16:56')))
francis_paypal <- data.table(name = rep('Frequent Francis', 3), purchase_time = as.POSIXct(c('2016-01-03 19:28', '2016-01-08 20:33', '2016-01-10 17:46')))
erica_website <- data.table(name = rep('Error-prone Erica', 2),
session_start_time = as.POSIXct(c('2016-01-04 19:12', '2016-01-04 21:05')))
erica_paypal <- data.table(name = 'Error-prone Erica', purchase_time = as.POSIXct('2016-01-03 08:02'))
vivian_website <- data.table(name = rep('Visitor Vivian', 2),
session_start_time = as.POSIXct(c('2016-01-01 9:10', '2016-01-09 2:15')))
vivian_paypal <- erica_paypal[0] # has 0 rows, but the same column names/classes
mom_website <- vivian_website[0] # has 0 rows, but the same column names/classes
mom_paypal <- data.table(name = 'Mom', purchase_time = as.POSIXct('2015-12-02 17:58'))
website <- rbindlist(list(isabel_website, sally_website, francis_website, erica_website, vivian_website, mom_website))
paypal <- rbindlist(list(isabel_paypal, sally_paypal, francis_paypal, erica_paypal, vivian_paypal, mom_paypal))
website[, session_id:=.GRP, by = .(name, session_start_time)]
paypal[, payment_id:=.GRP, by = .(name, purchase_time)]
website[, join_time:=session_start_time]
paypal[, join_time:=purchase_time]
setkey(website, name, join_time)
setkey(paypal, name, join_time)
website_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(website)
paypal_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(paypal)
#> # A tibble: 16 x 4
#> name session_start_time session_id join_time
#> <chr> <dttm> <int> <dttm>
#> 1 Error-prone Erica 2016-01-04 19:12:00 13 2016-01-04 19:12:00
#> 2 Error-prone Erica 2016-01-04 21:05:00 14 2016-01-04 21:05:00
#> 3 Frequent Francis 2016-01-02 13:09:00 7 2016-01-02 13:09:00
#> 4 Frequent Francis 2016-01-03 19:22:00 8 2016-01-03 19:22:00
#> 5 Frequent Francis 2016-01-08 08:44:00 9 2016-01-08 08:44:00
#> 6 Frequent Francis 2016-01-08 20:22:00 10 2016-01-08 20:22:00
#> 7 Frequent Francis 2016-01-10 17:36:00 11 2016-01-10 17:36:00
#> 8 Frequent Francis 2016-01-15 16:56:00 12 2016-01-15 16:56:00
#> 9 Indecisive Isabel 2016-01-01 11:01:00 1 2016-01-01 11:01:00
#> 10 Indecisive Isabel 2016-01-02 08:59:00 2 2016-01-02 08:59:00
#> 11 Indecisive Isabel 2016-01-05 18:18:00 3 2016-01-05 18:18:00
#> 12 Indecisive Isabel 2016-01-07 19:03:00 4 2016-01-07 19:03:00
#> 13 Indecisive Isabel 2016-01-08 19:01:00 5 2016-01-08 19:01:00
#> 14 Spendy Sally 2016-01-03 10:00:00 6 2016-01-03 10:00:00
#> 15 Visitor Vivian 2016-01-01 09:10:00 15 2016-01-01 09:10:00
#> 16 Visitor Vivian 2016-01-09 02:15:00 16 2016-01-09 02:15:00
#> # A tibble: 8 x 4
#> name purchase_time payment_id join_time
#> <chr> <dttm> <int> <dttm>
#> 1 Error-prone Erica 2016-01-03 08:02:00 7 2016-01-03 08:02:00
#> 2 Frequent Francis 2016-01-03 19:28:00 4 2016-01-03 19:28:00
#> 3 Frequent Francis 2016-01-08 20:33:00 5 2016-01-08 20:33:00
#> 4 Frequent Francis 2016-01-10 17:46:00 6 2016-01-10 17:46:00
#> 5 Indecisive Isabel 2016-01-08 19:10:00 1 2016-01-08 19:10:00
#> 6 Mom 2015-12-02 17:58:00 8 2015-12-02 17:58:00
#> 7 Spendy Sally 2016-01-03 10:06:00 2 2016-01-03 10:06:00
#> 8 Spendy Sally 2016-01-03 10:15:00 3 2016-01-03 10:15:00
# For each purchase, find the last time they visited the website
# (Mom's card was used for the purchase, but she never visited)
slide_left_join(paypal_tbl, website_tbl, "join_time", "name")
#> # A tibble: 8 x 6
#> # Groups: name [5]
#> name purchase_time payment_id join_time session_start_time
#> <chr> <dttm> <int> <dttm> <dttm>
#> 1 Error-… 2016-01-03 08:02:00 7 2016-01-03 08:02:00 NA
#> 2 Freque… 2016-01-03 19:28:00 4 2016-01-03 19:28:00 2016-01-03 19:22:00
#> 3 Freque… 2016-01-08 20:33:00 5 2016-01-08 20:33:00 2016-01-08 20:22:00
#> 4 Freque… 2016-01-10 17:46:00 6 2016-01-10 17:46:00 2016-01-10 17:36:00
#> 5 Indeci… 2016-01-08 19:10:00 1 2016-01-08 19:10:00 2016-01-08 19:01:00
#> 6 Mom 2015-12-02 17:58:00 8 2015-12-02 17:58:00 NA
#> 7 Spendy… 2016-01-03 10:06:00 2 2016-01-03 10:06:00 2016-01-03 10:00:00
#> 8 Spendy… 2016-01-03 10:15:00 3 2016-01-03 10:15:00 2016-01-03 10:00:00
#> # … with 1 more variable: session_id <int>
# website[paypal, roll = TRUE]
# For each purchase that had a website session, find the last time they visited
# (So Mom gets excluded)
slide_inner_join(paypal_tbl, website_tbl, "join_time", "name")
#> # A tibble: 7 x 6
#> # Groups: name [4]
#> name purchase_time payment_id join_time session_start_time
#> <chr> <dttm> <int> <dttm> <dttm>
#> 1 Error-… 2016-01-03 08:02:00 7 2016-01-03 08:02:00 NA
#> 2 Freque… 2016-01-03 19:28:00 4 2016-01-03 19:28:00 2016-01-03 19:22:00
#> 3 Freque… 2016-01-08 20:33:00 5 2016-01-08 20:33:00 2016-01-08 20:22:00
#> 4 Freque… 2016-01-10 17:46:00 6 2016-01-10 17:46:00 2016-01-10 17:36:00
#> 5 Indeci… 2016-01-08 19:10:00 1 2016-01-08 19:10:00 2016-01-08 19:01:00
#> 6 Spendy… 2016-01-03 10:06:00 2 2016-01-03 10:06:00 2016-01-03 10:00:00
#> 7 Spendy… 2016-01-03 10:15:00 3 2016-01-03 10:15:00 2016-01-03 10:00:00
#> # … with 1 more variable: session_id <int>
# Sort of - also drops purchases with no session time
# In mine, the inner join only applies to `by`, not `i`
# website[paypal, roll = TRUE, nomatch = NULL]
# For each of the purchases that have a website session,
# find the last time they visited the website. Also appends
# website sessions that had no purchases to the end.
slide_right_join(paypal_tbl, website_tbl, "join_time", "name")
#> # A tibble: 9 x 6
#> # Groups: name [5]
#> name purchase_time payment_id join_time session_start_time
#> <chr> <dttm> <int> <dttm> <dttm>
#> 1 Error-… 2016-01-03 08:02:00 7 2016-01-03 08:02:00 NA
#> 2 Freque… 2016-01-03 19:28:00 4 2016-01-03 19:28:00 2016-01-03 19:22:00
#> 3 Freque… 2016-01-08 20:33:00 5 2016-01-08 20:33:00 2016-01-08 20:22:00
#> 4 Freque… 2016-01-10 17:46:00 6 2016-01-10 17:46:00 2016-01-10 17:36:00
#> 5 Indeci… 2016-01-08 19:10:00 1 2016-01-08 19:10:00 2016-01-08 19:01:00
#> 6 Spendy… 2016-01-03 10:06:00 2 2016-01-03 10:06:00 2016-01-03 10:00:00
#> 7 Spendy… 2016-01-03 10:15:00 3 2016-01-03 10:15:00 2016-01-03 10:00:00
#> 8 Visito… NA NA NA 2016-01-01 09:10:00
#> 9 Visito… NA NA NA 2016-01-09 02:15:00
#> # … with 1 more variable: session_id <int>
# Combination of left and right (So we get Mom - no session, and Vivian - no purchase)
slide_full_join(paypal_tbl, website_tbl, "join_time", "name")
#> # A tibble: 10 x 6
#> # Groups: name [6]
#> name purchase_time payment_id join_time session_start_time
#> <chr> <dttm> <int> <dttm> <dttm>
#> 1 Error… 2016-01-03 08:02:00 7 2016-01-03 08:02:00 NA
#> 2 Frequ… 2016-01-03 19:28:00 4 2016-01-03 19:28:00 2016-01-03 19:22:00
#> 3 Frequ… 2016-01-08 20:33:00 5 2016-01-08 20:33:00 2016-01-08 20:22:00
#> 4 Frequ… 2016-01-10 17:46:00 6 2016-01-10 17:46:00 2016-01-10 17:36:00
#> 5 Indec… 2016-01-08 19:10:00 1 2016-01-08 19:10:00 2016-01-08 19:01:00
#> 6 Mom 2015-12-02 17:58:00 8 2015-12-02 17:58:00 NA
#> 7 Spend… 2016-01-03 10:06:00 2 2016-01-03 10:06:00 2016-01-03 10:00:00
#> 8 Spend… 2016-01-03 10:15:00 3 2016-01-03 10:15:00 2016-01-03 10:00:00
#> 9 Visit… NA NA NA 2016-01-01 09:10:00
#> 10 Visit… NA NA NA 2016-01-09 02:15:00
#> # … with 1 more variable: session_id <int>
# For each website session, find the next purchase
# (Francis had two sessions leading up to the same purchase)
slide_left_join(website_tbl, paypal_tbl, "join_time", "name", type = "nocb")
#> # A tibble: 16 x 6
#> # Groups: name [5]
#> name session_start_time session_id join_time purchase_time
#> <chr> <dttm> <int> <dttm> <dttm>
#> 1 Error… 2016-01-04 19:12:00 13 2016-01-04 19:12:00 NA
#> 2 Error… 2016-01-04 21:05:00 14 2016-01-04 21:05:00 NA
#> 3 Frequ… 2016-01-02 13:09:00 7 2016-01-02 13:09:00 2016-01-03 19:28:00
#> 4 Frequ… 2016-01-03 19:22:00 8 2016-01-03 19:22:00 2016-01-03 19:28:00
#> 5 Frequ… 2016-01-08 08:44:00 9 2016-01-08 08:44:00 2016-01-08 20:33:00
#> 6 Frequ… 2016-01-08 20:22:00 10 2016-01-08 20:22:00 2016-01-08 20:33:00
#> 7 Frequ… 2016-01-10 17:36:00 11 2016-01-10 17:36:00 2016-01-10 17:46:00
#> 8 Frequ… 2016-01-15 16:56:00 12 2016-01-15 16:56:00 NA
#> 9 Indec… 2016-01-01 11:01:00 1 2016-01-01 11:01:00 2016-01-08 19:10:00
#> 10 Indec… 2016-01-02 08:59:00 2 2016-01-02 08:59:00 2016-01-08 19:10:00
#> 11 Indec… 2016-01-05 18:18:00 3 2016-01-05 18:18:00 2016-01-08 19:10:00
#> 12 Indec… 2016-01-07 19:03:00 4 2016-01-07 19:03:00 2016-01-08 19:10:00
#> 13 Indec… 2016-01-08 19:01:00 5 2016-01-08 19:01:00 2016-01-08 19:10:00
#> 14 Spend… 2016-01-03 10:00:00 6 2016-01-03 10:00:00 2016-01-03 10:06:00
#> 15 Visit… 2016-01-01 09:10:00 15 2016-01-01 09:10:00 NA
#> 16 Visit… 2016-01-09 02:15:00 16 2016-01-09 02:15:00 NA
#> # … with 1 more variable: payment_id <int>