is a Yeoman generator for initializing the Monkee-Boy Capistrano deployment templates. Yeoman will guide you along and ask a few important questions to get you ready for deployments.
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-mboy-deploy
yo mboy-deploy
- Mocha
npm install -g mocha
- Run tests with
- Code Coverage
npm install -g istanbul
- Generate coverage with
istanbul cover _mocha -- -R spec
- Ask if using WordPress for default linked_files and linked_dirs.
- Ask if using npm and add build:npm task.
- Ask if using bower and add build:bower task.
- Ask if using Jekyll and add build:jekyll task.
- Ask if using Laravel and add migration, seed, etc tasks.
- Ask if using mbCMS and add migrations, clear cache, etc tasks.
- Add next steps when generator is done.
- Ex: linked_files, linked_dirs, check any values you left as default, etc.
Handcrafted with ♥ in Austin, Texas by the Monkee-Boy Troop.
James Fleeting | Pete Gautier | John Hoover | David Saunders
is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license