Download this repo
git clone
cd kubevirtci
Start multi node k8s cluster with 2 nics
make cluster-up
Stop k8s cluster
make cluster-down
Use provider's kubectl client with wrapper script
cluster-up/ get nodes
cluster-up/ get pods --all-namespaces
Use your own kubectl client by defining the KUBECONFIG environment variable
export KUBECONFIG=$(cluster-up/
kubectl get nodes
kubectl apply -f <some file>
SSH into a node
cluster-up/ node01
Attach to node console with socat and pty (non okd4 providers)
# Get node01 container id
node01_id=$(docker ps |grep node01 |awk '{print $1}')
# Install socat
docker exec $node01_id yum install -y socat
# Attach to node01 console
docker exec -it $node01_id socat - /dev/pts/0
Download this repo
git clone
cd kubevirtci
Start okd cluster (pre-configured with a master and worker node)
export KUBEVIRT_PROVIDER=okd-4.1
make cluster-up
Stop okd cluster
make cluster-down
Use provider's OC client with wrapper script
cluster-up/ get nodes
cluster-up/ get pods --all-namespaces
Use your own OC client by defining the KUBECONFIG environment variable
export KUBECONFIG=$(cluster-up/
oc get nodes
oc apply -f <some file>
SSH into master
cluster-up/ master-0
SSH into worker
cluster-up/ worker-0
Accessing OKD UI
TODO - in the process of working out the details here.