The APTITUDE Toolbox gathers open-source implementations of state-of-the-art algorithms for the detection and tracking of moving objects. It integrates popular frameworks such as OpenCV, Tensorflow and Pytorch and it is made easy-to-use via an all-in-one interface.
Once installed, the toolbox takes a video and configuration files as input and can output an annotated video as well as the result of the detection and tracking in MOT format. Preprocessing methods are available to resize, apply a mask or add borders. Also, postprocessing methods can be used to filter the results with different thresholds. The following figure illustrates the pipeline:
Currently, the APTITUDE toolbox can infer bounding boxes via YOLO-family, Detectron2 models or thanks to background subtraction methods. On the tracking side, SORT, DeepSORT, Centroid, IOU and KIOU can be used to keep track of the objects on subsequent frames.
A video demo showing the results of the inference can be consulted here.
The APTITUDE toolbox can be run on CPU. However, it is highly recommended to use a high-end GPU in order to obtain real-time performance.
Thus, to use the toolbox with GPU, you should have CUDA and cuDNN installed before proceeding to the installation. It was tested with CUDA 11.3 and cuDNN 8.3.2, using previous versions may lead to unexpected results
Since version 0.2.3, deployment via Docker is only available to TRAIL affiliates. Becoming a TRAIL affiliate allows you to get in touch with a community of researchers, industries and entrepreneurs in the domain of AI. Learn more on If you are affiliated to the TRAIL community, have a look at this repository.
Before anything else, please install ffmpeg on your machine. Optionally, you can also install libjpeg-turbo to read sequence of JPEG images faster.
If you don't want to use Docker or if you want to contribute to the project, you can clone and manually install the dependencies.
conda create -n apt_tb python=3.9
conda activate apt_tb
git clone
cd APTITUDE_Toolbox
pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt
pip install -e .
Then, you can use the wheel file that comes with the toolbox to install OpenCV, which is already built with CUDA. However, it may not work with all GPU architectures, you might need to build it yourself. Please see the section Troubleshooting below if it does not work as expected.
For Windows:
pip install requirements/opencv_contrib_python-4.5.5-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl
For Linux:
pip install requirements/opencv_contrib_python-
Otherwise, refer to this link (manual builds section) to build it yourself.
Next, enter the following commands to install PyTorch with targeting the CUDA version:
pip install torch==1.10.2+cu113 -f
pip install torchvision==0.11.3+cu113 -f
Additionally, if you are on Linux want to use Detectron2, you can install the following dependencies:
pip install detectron2 -f
However, if you are on Windows, you must build it from source. Refer to their repository or refer to this issue to have some hints on how to install on Windows.
To accelerate the reading of image sequences, you can install libjpeg-turbo.
This way, the jpeg images will be read via this faster library instead of openCV.
Refer to their releases
to install it on your system. It was tested with version 2.0.90. The library is supported thanks to PyTurboJPEG that is installed via requirements.txt
On Windows, in case you get the following error when importing cv2:
from .cv2 import *
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found
This might be because the path to a DLL is missing. Try to add to your path the following folders:
The first one is for the python39.dll, the second one is for hdf5.dll.
If this is not sufficient, try to use Dependencies
to look for any other missing DLL of <your-path>\Anaconda3\envs\apt_tb\Lib\site-packages\cv2\python-3\cv2.pyd
If you cannot make it work, you might need to build OpenCV yourself according to your GPU architecture. Still, you can install OpenCV without CUDA, using the following command:
pip install opencv-python==
Note that YOLOv4 will not be able to run on GPU.
If you get an error while reading a video:
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified
It is probably because you installed FFMPEG, but the program is not referenced in your Windows PATH variable.
To solve the issue, simply add the /bin
of FFMPEG folder (containing 3 .exe files) in your Windows PATH environment variable.
Models trained on MIO-TCD Localization dataset are available on our drive. Feel free to try them with the APTITUDE Toolbox before training your own.
We advise to create a /models/
and a /videos/
folder so that you can easily switch from a model/video to another.
The toolbox comes with two "client" scripts that can be used to produce an annotated video and/or to get the results of the inference in MOT format.
processes a sequence of images while
processes a video file. In both cases, clients/
is the script to run.
In accordance with the input type (folder of file), it calls the right script. In the following table, the parameters of this script are described. The bold lines indicate those that are mandatory.
Parameter | Description | Default | |
-d | --detector | Path to detector config (json file). | |
-t | --tracker | Path to tracker config (json file). | |
-c | --classes | Path to classes (json file) | |
-p | --path | Path to video file / folder path containing images (.png/.jpg/.bmp) in lexical order. | |
-fi | --frame_interval | Interval between two detections + tracking. | 1 |
-gt | --ground_truth_path | Path to ground truth file in MOT format. It will be displayed in white. | |
-hl | --headless | Whether the video is shown while being processed. | False |
-ds | --display_size | Dimension of the video shown as it is processed: width,height. | |
-rp | --record_path | Path of the output video file. | |
-rf | --record_fps | FPS of the output video file. | 10 |
-rs | --record_size | Dimension of the recorded video: width,height. Each image is resized just before being written. | |
-mp | --mot_path | Path to the result of tracking in MOT format. | |
-a | --async | For video files only. Whether the video reading is asynchronous. | False |
-l | --log_level | Level of the logger. Choose between: "NOTSET", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL" | INFO |
There was a webtool to create configuration file (available under /config_creator/
). However, this is not up to date with the latest structure of the config files.
Instead, example of config files are available in /configs/
, you can try them directly after changing the paths to your own model paths.
Additionally, all-preproc-postproc.json
contains all the parameters for image transformation or result filtering.
More information about all the parameters are available in the documentation, under "bboxes_2d_detector", "bboxes_2d_tracker", "Outputs & Postproc", "Utils & Preproc"
The classes JSON config file contains the name of the object classes that can be detected by your detector, in the order. It will be displayed along with the detected objects. For example:
"classes": [
Then, you can run the clients/
with you configured environment and the above parameters.
Refer to the APTITUDE Toolbox's documentation to learn more about the implementation of detection & tracking modules, utilities and outputs.
Have a look to the two Python scripts (
) for concrete examples
of how to use the modules to track objects in a sequence of images and in a video.
The APTITUDE toolbox comes from the APTITUDE project (Apprentissage Profond et Traitement des Images pour la Télésurveillance Urbaine et la Détection d’Evénements) funded by the Walloon Region of Belgium (#1910045).
Refer to the following repositories for more information on individual algorithms. Part of the code present in this repository was adapted from those repositories, see individual source files for details.
YOLO & Tiny-YOLO (v2-4) inference: OpenCV Documentation - DNN module
YOLOv5 inference: Ultralytics - YOLOv5
MaskRCNN/FasterRCNN: Pytorch models
Detectron2: facebookresearch - Detectron2
SORT: abewley - SORT
DeepSORT : nwojke - DeepSORT & LeonLok - DeepSORT inference
IOU : bochinski - IOU
KIOU: siyuanc - KIOU
Centroid : pyimagesearch - Centroid
This repository is released under GPL-3.0 License, please consult LICENSE file for details.