find catchier title maybe
should detect university if you visit this from a university
imagine if I had this last year during college application szn
status code 200 with university name as text body if found.
Else, 404 not found
Eg. {status: 200, "Columbia University"}
or {status: 404, "not found"}
No rate limits or anything, go wild. Okay, Cloudflare Workers have a limit of 100,000 requests a day so maybe keep that into account.
For requests made through a backend, you can pass the IP address in a x-lookup-ip
API source code:
See index.html
I set it up for my website too as a possible implementation to slightly modify text if a university visitor is detected.
Look at that here.
I thought about this last year while doing college applications. Was easier to implement than I expected and fun. I think it has potential.
no u
Thanks to my friend Nisala for help with making and testing this <3