| The easiest way to find events, activities and services in your city.
The official repo is
To run app in development you need to have:
To run app test locale you need to have (not necessary, but recommended):
- Poltergeist with PhantomJS
- Clone the project:
$ git clone
- Enter project folder:
$ cd villeme
- Install the gems (dependencies):
$ bundle install
- Compile assets (js, css, images):
$ bundle exec rake assets:precompile
- Create the database:
$ bundle exec rake db:schema:load
- Create faker data with seed:
$ bundle exec rake db:seed
If everything goes OK, you can now run the project!
$ rails server
Login as admin
Complete the form with
email: [email protected]
password: password
- Installing PG gem - failure to build native extension
- No bundle shim; rbenv: bundle: command not found
- ExecJS::RuntimeUnavailable: Could not find a JavaScript runtime
This is a product being built by the Assembly community. You can help push this idea forward by visiting
Villeme is a "open startup", where anyone can contribute. The plan is this:
Assembly products are like open-source and made with contributions from the community. Assembly handles the boring stuff like hosting, support, financing, legal, etc. Once the product launches we collect the revenue and split the profits amongst the contributors.
Visit to learn more.
Go to and see the tasks and histories to develop
The best way to collaborate is to "Fork" repo on GitHub. This will create a copy of the repo on your GitHub account.
Before you set out to improve the code, you should have a focused idea in mind of what you want to do.
Each commit should do one thing, and each PR should be one specific improvement.
$ git clone
Ok, you're ready to start editing the code, right? Not quite! Before you start editing, you should create a branch. A branch is like an alternate timeline.
You can read more about git branch here.
If you're trying to fix a bug, you might want to name the branch:
If you're adding a feature:
After you can execute checkout to go the branch
git checkout -b branch-name
As far as code style, just try to imitate the style of existing code. Don't sweat over this too much. If the maintainer doesn't like how your code looks, they'll suggest changes.
You can set of tests to make sure that the existing functionality of the code stays the same as you make changes. This helps keep the software stable.
git commit -m "your commit message"
Using Your Change: though it may not be obvious, you can begin using your code in your own projects immediately.
You made your change, tested it, committed it with git commit
, and want to send it back to the project and have it included in a future version.
To do this on GitHub, you need to submit a "pull request" (PR).
The golden rule of submitting PRs is to do things the way the project maintainers would want it done.
You can't read the minds of the project maintainers, but you can look at
In GitHub, "Bug Reports" are called "Issues."
Project maintainers really appreciate thorough explanations. It usually helps them address the problem more quickly, so everyone wins!
- Back-end: Ruby / Rails / Postgresql
- Front-end: HTML5 / CSS / SASS / jQuery / Coffeescript
- Tests: RSpec / FactoryGirl / Faker / Poltergeist / PhantomJS
- Technical: SuitCSS / JavascriptOO / Clean Architecture in Rails way / DDD in Rails way / JSON
- DevOps: SnapCI / TravisCI / Codeclimate
- Important Modules: Devise / Gon / Paperclip / Merit / Geocoder
- Make part of Assembly community:
- Style guide for Ruby:
- Style Guide for Coffeescriot:
- Pattern for Javascript:
- Tests for Ruby in RSpec (not obrigatory if you don't know to do) for each scenario of the feature you are trying to implement.
Founder: Jonatas Eduardo (John) from Brazil.
Read more on: asm-products/villeme/LICENSE