sense.nvim shows diagnostics that are not visible in current view with their distance.
Allows you to quickly navigate to off-screen diagnostics with relative-line-number motions.
Don't miss the diagnostics ever again!
- Neovim >= 0.10.2
- rockspec support enabled in your Neovim plugin manager (See Installation)
:Rocks install sense.nvim
sense.nvim installs dependencies from luarocks.
Check :checkhealth lazy
if you have any troubles installing it's dependencies.
In general, settting .rocks.hererocks = true
in your [lazy.nvim] config should fix the issue. 1
You can configure sense.nvim with vim.g.sense_nvim
global variable
vim.g.sense_nvim = {
presets = {
virtualtext = {
max_width = 0.4,
---sense.nvim default configuration
---@class sense.Config
local default_config = {
---Preset components config
---@class sense.Config.Presets
presets = {
---Config for diagnostic virtualtest component
---@class sense.Config.Presets.VirtualText
virtualtext = {
---@type boolean enable diagnostic virtualtext component
enabled = true,
---@type number max width of virtualtext component
max_width = 0.5,
---Config for diagnostic statuscolumn component
---@class sense.Config.Presets.StatusColumn
statuscolumn = {
---@type boolean enable diagnostic statuscolumn component
enabled = true,
_log_level = vim.log.levels.WARN,
Contributions are always welcome!
sense.nvim uses semantic commits that adhere to semantic versioning and these help with automatic releases, please use this type of convention when submitting changes to the project.
You can test drive the plugin with nix:
nix run .#neovim-with-sense
You can enter devshell as nix shell.
nix develop