This is a Telegram bot that monitors the releases of given repos, sending messages upon a new release. It uses mymmrac's Telegram Bot API implementation in Go.
Want to support this project? Consider donating me a cup of coffee!
To store all the users and their repos, the bot uses AWS DynamoDB.
To access the details of the repos, the bot queries the Github GraphQL endpoint.
Right now, the bot is running using Google Cloud Run, with a scheduler to call the updateRepos endpoint.
This is basically a rewrite of my other Telegram bot after I became a lot wiser in the ways of software development.
Interact with the bot here
Create a table that has the primary key called "chatID" (string), and sort key called "repoID" (string).
TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN - get this from BotFather. You'll need to create a bot.
TELEGRAM_BOT_SITE_URL - URL used for listening for incoming requests from the Telegram servers. If running locally, you may want to use ngrok
PORT - the port that the application will listen to for requests
BOT_DYNAMODB_ENDPOINT - self explainatory. This bot uses DynamoDB. Put the endpoint that includes the region where your table is located
BOT_TABLE_NAME - the table name from DynamoDB
SUPER_SECRET_TOKEN - a random string. You must send this in the body of a post request to the /updateRepos endpoint, else the request will be dismissed.
GITHUB_GQL_TOKEN - you'll have to find out how to get this yourself.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_DEFAULT_REGION - you'll have to find out how to get these yourself.
Download the modules needed
go mod download
Build the binary
go build
Run the binary