A small collection of agnoster-like Themes. The agnoster-Theme is originally inspired by powerline, a statusline plugin for vim.
Everyone who uses ZSH knows Oh-my-Zsh and the famous agnoster-Theme
These Themes do not require a special framework (or are at least not specialized on one specific framework).
- agnoster
- The original agnoster theme. This is the full github repo, ported from the old gist.
- agnoster-refresh
- agnoster-plus
- alien
- bklyn-zsh - Based on powerlevel9k
- bronze
- carlcarl/powerline-zsh
- gosh-prompt
- PowerlevelHipstersmoothie - Based on Powerlevel9k
- JushuaD84/shell-config - See blog post
- keloran
- klendathu
- molokai
- For OMZ and antigen
- moonline
- oh-my-git
- Similar visual concept
- powerlevel9k
- powerless - A pure ZSH theme
- powerline-go - Written in golang
- powerline-hs - Written in haskell
- powerline-pills-zsh
- Powerzeesh
- pre-theme - A theme for ZSH and much more
- pure-agnoster - An agnoster skin for the pure prompt
- rb-zsh-theme
- rougarou-zsh - A "flat" powerline theme
- silver
- statusline
- For Prezto and OMZ
- solarized-powerline
- syui/powerline
- velocity
- zsh-jwalter
- zsh-prompt-newt
- zsh-prompt-powerline
- zys-zsh-theme
All these rely on oh-my-ZSH.
- adlee
- agitnoster
- agnoster-zchee
- agnoster-fcamblor
- agnoster-fsegouin
- agnoster-mod
- agnoster-tyranicmoron
- For OMZ
- agnosterAfro
- bgnoster
- brucehsu/oh-my-zsh-powerline-theme
- bullettrain
- For OMZ
- ciacho
- cobalt2
- cute
- daveish/my-oh-my-zsh
- Based on JeremyFreeAgent/oh-my-zsh-powerline-theme with interesting color schemes
- droolscar
- gruvbox-zsh
- intheloop
- jeremyFreeAgent/oh-my-zsh-powerline-theme
- For OMZ. Quite popular one.
- leeqx/powerline
- KuoE0/oh-my-zsh-solarized-powerline-theme
- For OMZ
- Powergate
- remy - Blog post about remys theme
- simple-agnoster
- spowerline
- For OMZ, written in Scala
- jck-d-rpr/powerline-train
- For OMZ based on KuoE0/oh-my-zsh-solarized-powerline-theme
- sherubthakur/powerline-train
- termuxer
- tuurlijk.zsh-theme
- tvline
- wade
- zakaziko99/agnosterzak-ohmyzsh-theme
- zsh_bandit
- zsh2000
- For OMZ
- zsh-multiline
All these rely on Prezto.
- agnoster-digitalformula
- iggy
- jemhuntr - From here
- paradox
- prezto-powerline
- For Prezto
- zsh.prompts
- For Prezto and YADR
- Eriner - For zim
There are a couple of agnoster-ports for Oh-my-Fish as well:
- bash-powerline
- kruton/agnoster.bash
- riobard/bash-powerline
- undu/bash-powerline - A pretty advanced fork of riobards powerline theme
- pureline
- speednator/agnoster-bash
Even Windows has Powerline themes via PowerShell
- jaykul/PowerLine - Another Powerline-Prompt for Windows PowerShell
- oh-my-posh - Oh-My-ZSH inspired PowerShell module, has an Agnoster and Paradox theme
- PS-Config - A Powerline-Prompt for Windows PowerShell
- banga/powerline-shell - Python-Script to output powerline shell
- Emacs-powerline
- Lemnicola
- An powerline-inspired Theme for Adium
- lightline
- A VIM statusbar
- powerline - A VIM status line (Successor of Lokaltog/powerline)
- powerline - A Emacs status line (Proposed Version 2.0 of Emacs-powerline)
- powerline-gitstatus - A git plugin for the powerline status line
- promptline
- VIM prompt
- ragnoster
- A ruby-script mimicking the powerline-style
- sbt-prompt
- A prompt theme for the Scala Build Tool
- vim-airline - A VIM status line