is a Python 3 version of wal
written by me. It's faster, the code is cleaner, it actually has tests(!) and it supports more export formats. pywal
can also be installed easily on any distro by using pip install pywal
For a list of differences between pywal
and wal
, take a look at this wiki page: What's different in pywal?
Repo link:
is a script that takes an image (or a directory of images), generates a colorscheme (using imagemagick
) and then changes all of your open terminal's colorschemes to the new colors on the fly. wal
then caches each generated colorscheme so that cycling through wallpapers while changing colorschemes is instantaneous. wal
finally merges the new colorscheme into the Xresources db so that any new terminal emulators you open use the new colorscheme.
can also change the colors in some other programs, check out the Customization section below.
NOTE: wal
is not perfect and won't work with some images.
Albums of examples (Warning large)
- Colorscheme generation
- Desktop wallpaper setting.
- Universal wallpaper setting.
- Used to detect which DE wallpaper setter to use.
- Only required if you're running a DE.
To use wal
your terminal emulator must support a special type of escape sequence. The command below can be used as a test to see if wal
will work with your setup.
Run the command below, does the background color of your terminal become red?
printf "%b" "\033]11;#ff0000\007"
If your terminal's background color is now red, your terminal will work with wal
Just grab the script (wal
) and add it to your path.
NOTE: If you get junk in your terminal, add -t
to all of the wal
only applies the new colors to the currently open terminals. Any new terminal windows you open won't be using the new theme unless you add a single line to your shell's start up file. (.bashrc
, .zshrc
etc.) The -r
flags tells wal
to find the current colorscheme inside the cache and then set it for the new terminal.
Add this line to your shell startup file. (.bashrc
, .zshrc
or etc.)
# Import colorscheme from 'wal'
(wal -r &)
Here's how the extra syntax above works:
& # Run the process in the background.
( ) # Hide shell job control messages.
On reboot your new colorscheme won't be set or in use. To fix this you have to add a line to your .xinitrc
or whatever file starts programs on your system. This wal
command will set your wallpaper to the wallpaper that was set last boot and also apply the colorscheme again.
Without this you'll be themeless until you run wal
again on boot.
# Add this to your .xinitrc or whatever file starts programs on startup.
wal -i "$(< "${HOME}/.cache/wal/wal")"
Run wal
and point it to either a directory (wal -i "path/to/dir"
) or an image (wal -i "/path/to/img.jpg"
) and that's all. wal
will change your wallpaper for you and also set your terminal colors.
Usage: wal [OPTION] -i '/path/to/dir'
Example: wal -i '${HOME}/Pictures/Wallpapers/'
wal -i '${HOME}/Pictures/1.jpg'
-a Set terminal background transparency. *Only works in URxvt*
-c Delete all cached colorschemes.
-f '/path/to/colors' Load colors directly from a colorscheme file.
-h Display this help page.
-i '/path/to/dir' Which image to use.
-n Skip setting the wallpaper.
-o 'script_name' External script to run after 'wal'.
-q Quiet mode, don't print anything.
-r Reload current colorscheme.
-t Fix artifacts in VTE Terminals. (Termite, xfce4-terminal)
-x Use extended 16-color palette.
Listed below are plugins for other programs that add support for wal
I've written another script [1] for personal use only that updates my lemonbar
, dunst
and startpage
colors with the new ones from wal
when run.
What I've done is bind both wal
and my custom script to the same key so that after wal
has done its thing my custom script applies the colors to the rest of my environment.
# i3 config.
# ...
# Cycle wallpapers and apply new colorscheme.
bindsym $mod+w exec "wal -i $HOME/Pictures/Wallpapers -o wal-set"
Now whenever I press Win+w
a random wallpaper is chosen and all of the programs on my system start using the new colors immediately.
I've also set wal
and my custom script to start with X. This means that when I boot my PC a random wallpaper is chosen and colors are generated + applied to all of my programs.
# .xinitrc
wal -i "$HOME/Pictures/Wallpapers" -o wal-set
exec i3
Have a look at my script to see how wal
is used and how the programs get reloaded with the new colors.
NOTE: wal
stores the exported files in $HOME/.cache/wal/
To use wal
with i3 you have to make some modifications to your i3 config file.
i3 can read colors from Xresources
into config variables! This allows us to change i3's colors dynamically. On run wal
will detect that you're running i3 and reload your config for you. If you've set it up correctly i3 will then use your new colorscheme.
# Set colors from Xresources
# Change 'color7' and 'color2' to whatever colors you want i3 to use
# from the generated scheme.
# NOTE: The '#f0f0f0' in the lines below is the color i3 will use if
# it fails to get colors from Xresources for some reason.
set_from_resource $fg i3wm.color7 #f0f0f0
set_from_resource $bg i3wm.color2 #f0f0f0
# class border backgr. text indicator child_border
client.focused $bg $bg $fg $bg $bg
client.focused_inactive $bg $bg $fg $bg $bg
client.unfocused $bg $bg $fg $bg $bg
client.urgent $bg $bg $fg $bg $bg
client.placeholder $bg $bg $fg $bg $bg
client.background $bg
# PROTIP: You can also dynamically set dmenu's colors this way:
bindsym $mod+d exec dmenu_run -nb "$fg" -nf "$bg" -sb "$bg" -sf "$fg"
updates rofi's colors for you out of the box, automatically.
Inside this repo there's a colorscheme I created for vim that uses your terminal colors. It was made to work with the colors wal
generates and you can install it using any vim package manager.
! Using plug
Plug 'dylanaraps/wal'
colorscheme wal
Install this package, which will make Emacs use your X environment's colors instead of its default colors.
Polybar can read colors from Xresources
to set the bar's colors.
fg = ${xrdb:color7}
bg = ${xrdb:color2}
There's a script called wal2iterm
in contrib/wal2iterm
which converts the generated colors to an importable iTerm2 colorscheme.
The themes are stored in the wal
cache directory. (${HOME}/.cache/wal/itermcolors
wal -i "IMAGE" -o "/path/to/wal2iterm/wal2iterm"
also exports the colorscheme as a list of shell variables that you can source for use in scripts and the shell.
# Add this line to your .bashrc or a shell script.
source "$HOME/.cache/wal/"
In the shell:
# Once the file is sourced you can use the colors like this:
dylan ~ >echo "$color0"
dylan ~ >echo "$color0 $color5"
#282A23 #BCC3CE
# lemonbar example
lemonbar -B "$color7" -F "$color0"
also exports the colorscheme as SCSS variables for use in webpages. I'm using this feature to update my startpage with the new colors dynamically.
// Example .scss file
// Import Colors
@import '/home/dylan/.cache/wal/colors.scss';
body {
background: $color0;
color: $color7;
also exports the colors as Firefox CSS variables for use with Stylish or userChrome.css.
Example Firefox CSS:
/* Import the CSS file.
NOTE: This must be at line 1 of your Firefox stylesheet. */
@import url('file:///home/dylan/.cache/wal/firefox.css')
/* Use the variables */
#nav-bar {
background-color: var(--color3) !important;
color: var(--color7) !important;
also exports the colors so they can be used with PuTTY. After running wal
, a file will be created ($HOME/.cache/wal/colors.reg
) that can be executed on a Windows machine to create a new PuTTY session with the generated colors. Once the file is executed, you can select Wal
from the Saved Sessions list.
also exports the colors in a plain text format. This is helpful when you want use the plain colors in another script. See the script in contrib/wal2iterm
for an example.
The file is called colors
and just contains the hex values one per line in the order of 0-15.
Example colors
Example usage in a script:
# Create an array with the plain hex colors ordered 0-15.
c=($(< "${cache_dir}/colors"))
# Remove the leading '#' if needed.
You can also manually create your own colors
files and load them directly with the wal -f
option to quickly switch between your favorite colorschemes without changing the background.
# Switch to previously saved Monokai colorscheme
wal -f "$HOME/.colors/monokai"
# Switch to previously saved Solarized colorscheme
wal -f "$HOME/.colors/solarized"
You can import wal
's colors into by copy-pasting the contents of the colors.xresources
file located in the cache directory.