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Kirill edited this page May 11, 2021 · 8 revisions

The gitstrap project aims to automate routine operations with GitHub such as managing repositories, organizations, teams, web-hooks and other resources. Each resource is represented as a yaml specification document that could be fetched from an existing resource or created from scratch. Each document can be updated and the specification resource configuration can be applied using CLI gitstrap tool.

The full specification format can be found here: /specifications


  1. Download and install
  2. Configuration
  3. CLI overview
  4. Basic examples

Download and install

For Linux system you can use download script to get latest binary:

curl -L | sh

This script downloads gistrap CLI into ./gitstrap/ path of current directory. The binary could be copied to any of $PATH directories.

On MacOS it can be installed using HomeBrew:

brew tap g4s8/.tap
brew install g4s8/.tap/gitstrap

On any system (including Windows) the CLI binary can be found at releases page.

Alternatively, it can be built from sources (you'll need git, make and go installed on the system):

git clone --depth=1
cd gitstrap
make build
sudo make install


To use gitstrap CLI you need GitHub token. Some features depend on optional permissions:

  • repo - required
  • admin:org - to manage organizations
  • admin:org_hook - to manage organization web-hooks
  • delete_repo - to delete repositories

A new token can be created here:

When a token is generated, it should be placed at ~/.config/gitstrap/github_token.txt location.

CLI overview

The gitstrap CLI consists of these primary commands:

  • get - get GitHub resource, convert it into yaml format and print (possible sub-commands: repo, org, hooks, teams, protection)
  • create - create a new resource from spec yaml file, and fail if it already exists
  • apply - apply resource specification to existing resource or create it if doesn't exist
  • delete - delete resource by yaml spec

Global options:

  • --token - overrides GitHub token from ~/.config/gitstrap/github_token.txt

Use gitstrap --help or gitstrap <command> --help for more details.

Basic examples

Assuming you have installed and configured gitstrap, now you can try to create some resources.

Let's start with simple repository: create a new yaml file in current directory: example-repo.yaml with content (see the meaning of config fields at spec reference):

version: v2.0-alpha
kind: Repository
    name: example
    description: Example repo created with gitstrap
    license: mit
    visibility: public
        - issues
        - wiki

Create a repository with gitstrap apply -f example-repo.yaml. On success, it should print that repository was created.

But it's empty for now, so let's add a README file: create a new specification file example-readme.yaml:

version: v2
kind: Readme
      repository: example
    title: Example repository
    abstract: >
      This is example repository created with gitstrap

And add it to repo using gitstrap create -f example-readme.yaml (gitstrap doesn't support README updating, so only create command could be used). Now you can check this repository at /example location under your account:<username>/example.

Let's add a webhook to the repo to call our URL on each git push in repository, create a new file example-hook.yaml with content:

version: v2
kind: WebHook
    contentType: form
        - push
        repository: example

And apply it with gitstrap apply -f example-hook.yaml.

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