DESCRIPTION Coordinates is a simple Spring Boot Application, created to manage a location depending by their coordinates. It gives the possibility to create new location with specific fields and then to search for a location depending from their values. There are created several requests handler methods, each one returing the object or a list of objects This repository contains the core framework of the Coordinates content management system.
Rest API services are built using Spring Boot: 1- Post Api for creating new Location 2- Get Api to search for a Location
TO ACCESS THE PROJECT server port: 8081 Use the link below for accessing this project: localhost:8081/task
FEATURES Two main functions of the project:
1- Creating a POST controller to manage the API for saving an new object in database. Description: Url to access this endpoint is : POST- localhost:8081/task/new-coordinates The method accepts as parameter an object (@RequestBody) specifying the values and returns the object saved in database.
Service request is: { "name": "test4", "lat": 19.74, "lng": 67.864, "type": "normal" }
Service Response is:
{ "data": { "id": 30, "name": "test4", "lat": 19.74, "lng": 67.864, "type": "normal" }, "response": "OK", "exeption": null }
2- Creating a GET controller to manage the API for searching for an object in database . Description: Url to access this endpoint is: GET - http://localhost:8081/task/get-coordinates
CASES TO CHECK FOR THIS API: A json in request having two points (lat1,lng1) and (lat2,lng2) , the type and the limit. Supposing that to find all points withing rectangle we need all coordinates valorized , so we can not have null or empty any coordinate. 1- if one of the coordinates comes null, all the coordinates are setted null and the search will be made by type. 2- if type comes empty , it is setted null and the search will be made by coordinates 3- query is ordered by type 4- limit is managed by pagination , putting as size and depending by value of paramater will be showed the results.
This method accepts as parameter a json and returns a json as well.
Service request is:
{ "latFirstPoint": 11.1, "lngFirstPoint": 11.2, "latSecondPoint": 100.0, "lngSecondPoint": 100.0, "type": "", "limit": null }
Service response is:
{ "data": { "content": [ { "id": 2, "name": "test2", "lat": 15.74, "lng": 60.864, "type": "premium" } ], "pageable": { "sort": { "sorted": false, "unsorted": true, "empty": true }, "pageNumber": 0, "pageSize": 1, "offset": 0, "paged": true, "unpaged": false }, "last": false, "totalPages": 28, "totalElements": 28, "numberOfElements": 1, "first": true, "size": 1, "number": 0, "sort": { "sorted": false, "unsorted": true, "empty": true }, "empty": false }, "response": "OK", "exeption": null }
-Is released logging configuration to allow putting logs in project for describing the flow of service. Is added a xml file for logs and are putted dependecies in pom.xmls
In database is created the table Coordinates that contains these columns: name as varchar lat as decimal lng as decimal type as varchar
we can save new row in database by calling post api and search for a row in database by calling get service.
CREATION OF PROJECT Java 1.8 MYSql Maven Hibernate