Implement of the paper "Dialog-to-Action: Conversational Question Answering Over a Large-Scale Knowledge Base". The pipeline of D2A on CSQA includes Entity Detection and Linking (EDL), Relation Classifier (RC) , Generating weakly-supervised data using breath frist search (BFS) , Semantic Parser (SMP).
After cleaning the code, the number is higher compared with the result reported in the paper due to the definition of grammar. If you want to reproduce numbers reported in the paper, you can send an e-mail to ask for first version.
pip install timeout_decorator fuzzywuzzy tqdm flask
cd data
cd ..
Or you can download dataset from website.
Download and unzip dialog files ( ) to the data folder
unzip data/ -d data/ mv data/CSQA_v9 data/CSQA
Download wikidata and move all wikidata jsons to "data/kb"
mkdir data/kb
Preprocessing data
mkdir data/EDL python EDL/ python EDL/
Training the detection model
mkdir EDL/model export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 -u -m EDL.main \ --vocab=data/EDL/ \ --train_prefix=data/EDL/train \ --dev_prefix=data/EDL/dev \ --test_prefix=data/EDL/test \ --dropout=0.5 \ --num_layer=2 \ --batch_size=32 \ --optimizer=sgd \ --learning_rate=1 \ --num_train_steps=50000 \ --num_display_steps=2000 \ --num_eval_steps=10000 \ --infer_size=512
Preprocessing data
mkdir data/RC python RC/
Training the classifier
mkdir RC/model export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -u -m RC.main \ --vocab_pre=data/RC/vocab \ --train_prefix=data/RC/train \ --dev_prefix=data/RC/dev \ --test_prefix=data/RC/test \ --dropout=0.5 \ --num_layer=2 \ --batch_size=32 \ --optimizer=sgd \ --learning_rate=1 \ --num_train_steps=100000 \ --num_display_steps=1000 \ --num_eval_steps=10000 \ --infer_size=512
Preprocess data
We need to build knowledge and using EDL(RC) to find entities(relations) for BFS search
mkdir data/BFS/ data/BFS/train data/BFS/dev data/BFS/test export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python BFS/
Generating logical forms using BFS
There's two modes to generate logical forms (offline and online)
The offline mode can search in parallel and is faster than online mode. However, it's difficult to debug your BFS program, since you have to spend too much time to load knowledge base before searching. Therefore, I suggest you to use this mode if you ensure there's no problem in your BFS program.
#In our experiment, we set max_train as 60k and beam size as 1000. #If your resources can support it, you can use more and set larger beam size. #Suggest that you set the number of parallel as large as possible. python BFS/ -mode offline -num_parallel 5 -beam_size 1000 -max_train 10000
*Note: max_train = 60k needs three days using 10 threads (one thread needs 70G~ memory). However, you don't have to wait for finishing this stage. For example, if you search 1% training data, you can leave this BFS program to run in the backend and jump to next stage to train D2A model.
*If your resource is limited, you can send an e-mail to Daya Guo ([email protected]) and ask for the searched data.
The online mode can debug your BFS program easily. The idea is to load knowledge base as a server first, and then the BFS program access the server using HTTP. Therefore, you can start your BFS program quickly without loading the knowledge base, which can help you debug. However, it's too slow to generating logical forms using HTTP. I suggest you to use this mode only if you want to debug your BFS program.
python BFS/ #using another terminal to run it python BFS/ -mode online -num_parallel 1 -beam_size 1000 -max_train 10000
Oracle score of BFS
Question Type Oracle Score Simple Question (Direct) 96.3 Simple Question (Coreferenced) 91.4 Simple Question (Ellipsis) 95.1 Logical Reasoning (All) 48.3 Quantitative Reasoning (All) 42.4 Comparative Reasoning (All) 25.5 Clarification 0.9 Comparative Reasoning (Count) (All) 33.2 Quantitative Reasoning (Count) (All) 68.1 Verification (Boolean) 78.3
Preprocessing data
If your resources can support it, you can use more.
mkdir data/SMP python SMP/ -num_each_type 15000
Training the D2A model
There's two modes to run D2A model (offline and online), because inference is too slow, we only use 200 dialogs (about 2000~ examples) to eval. We use all test dataset to test our model, which needs about two days, so we will display result every 100 dialogs (about 10~ minutes).
too slow to start the D2A model, but it's fast to inference
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 SMP/\ -mode offline \ -encoder_vocab SMP/model/ \ -decoder_vocab SMP/model/vocab.out \ -hidden_size 300 \ -lr 0.001 \ -beam_size 3 \ -batch_size 32 \ -depth 30 \ -display 100 \ -dev_display 1500 \ -train_iter 15000
quickly start to run the D2A model, but it's too slow to inference. only suit to debug
python BFS/ #using another terminal to run it export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 SMP/\ -mode online \ -encoder_vocab SMP/model/ \ -decoder_vocab SMP/model/vocab.out \ -hidden_size 300 \ -lr 0.001 \ -beam_size 3 \ -batch_size 32 \ -depth 30 \ -display 100 \ -dev_display 1500 \ -train_iter 15000
Testing the D2A model
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 SMP/\ -mode offline \ -encoder_vocab SMP/model/ \ -decoder_vocab SMP/model/vocab.out \ -hidden_size 300 \ -lr 0.001 \ -beam_size 3 \ -batch_size 32 \ -depth 30 \ -display 100 \ -dev_display 1500 \ -train_iter 15000 \ -test