This documents installation and running of a Network and Host Instrusion Dectection and Prevention System.
Install RedHat Ansible, Oracle Virtualbox, HashiCorp Packer and Vagrant binaries.
# install RedHat Ansible
sudo apt install ansible -y
# install Oracle Virtualbox
Arch=amd64; Distro=Debian; Distro_Codename=bookworm; Version_Build_Number=7.0.12-159484; Version_Major_Number=7.0; Version_Minor_Number=7.0.12
wget --secure-protocol TLSv1_3 "${Version_Major_Number}/virtualbox-${Version_Build_Number}~${Distro}~${Distro_Codename}_${Arch}.deb" # download virtualbox
wget --secure-protocol TLSv1_3${Version_Major_Number}/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-${Version_Major_Number}.vbox-extpack # download virtualbox extension
wget --secure-protocol TLSv1_3${Version_Major_Number}/SHA256SUMS
grep "${Distro_Codename}" SHA256SUMS | sha256sum -c # verify integrity
sudo apt install -f ./virtualbox-${Version_Major_Number}_${Version_Build_Number}~${Distro}~${Distro_Codename}_${Arch}.deb # install virtualbox
sudo VBoxManage extpack install Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-${Version_Minor_Number}.vbox-extpack # install virtualbox extension
sudo usermod -aG vboxusers $USER # add current user to vboxusers group
# install Hashicorp Packer
Arch=amd64; OS=linux; Version=1.9.4 # specify variables for download
wget --secure-protocol TLSv1_3${Version}/packer_${Version}_${OS}_${Arch}.zip # download packer binary archive
unzip -l packer_${Version}_${OS}_${Arch}.zip # view archive content
sudo unzip packer_${Version}_${OS}_${Arch}.zip -d /usr/local/bin/ packer # unarchive and install binary
# install Hashicorp Vagrant
Arch=amd64; OS=linux; Version=2.4.0 # specify variables for download
wget --secure-protocol TLSv1_3${Version}/vagrant_${Version}_${OS}_${Arch}.zip # download vagrant binary archive
unzip -l vagrant_${Version}_${OS}_${Arch}.zip # view archive content
sudo unzip vagrant_${Version}_${OS}_${Arch}.zip -d /usr/local/bin/ vagrant # unarchive and install binary
Download and verify the ISO image
# download iso image
Arch=amd64; Desktop=xfce; Version=12.2.0
wget --secure-protocol TLSv1_3${Arch}/iso-hybrid/debian-live-${Version}-${Arch}-${Desktop}.iso -P ~/Software/
# download iso checksum
wget --secure-protocol TLSv1_3${Arch}/iso-hybrid/SHA256SUMS -O ~/Software/debian-${Version}-SHA256SUMS
# verify iso integrity
grep -E "debian-live-${Version}-${Arch}-${Desktop}.iso$" debian-${Version}-SHA256SUMS | sha256sum -c
Bootstrap, build and run the Network and Host Instrusion and Prevention System.
# hash the passwords and insert in the preseed file
echo $ROOT_PASSWORD | mkpasswd -s -m sha-512 # replace passwd/root-password-crypted value
echo $USER_PASSWORD | mkpasswd -s -m sha-512 # replace passwd/user-password-crypted value
# building the system with packer json definition
packer plugins install
ISO_URL="INSERT_ISO_FILEPATH" TMPDIR=./ PACKER_LOG_PATH=packer.log PACKER_LOG=2 packer build -var-file template-vars.json -force template.json
# running the system
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -b 4096 -f nhidps -C "nhidps keypair" -N "" # create an ssh key
vagrant up # start the vm
NHIDPS git workflow
gh repo create nhidps --public --homepage --description "Building a Network/Host Instrusion/Prevention System" # programmatically create a remote repository
git init . # initialize git in the current directory
git branch -M main # rename the default master branch to main
git commit --allow-empty -m "initial commit" # initial empty commit
git remote add origin # point local to remote
git push origin main # push to remote main
git checkout -b develop # create and switch to develop branch
git status # list untracked resources
git add . # add untracked resources to staging area
git commit -m "chore: developed automated scripts for debian fresh install" # commit changes
git push -u origin develop # push specified branch local to remote