Data is collected by recfluence.
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For video statistics, captions and other larger please contact [email protected] to arrange at-cost access to the database.
Video views: records statistics for younger-than-365-days videos for all channels each day.
- For channels with large back-catalogs, we read older videos to try and capture all the views on a day
- When new channels are added to, the history of views are estimated based on the upload date of videos.
Click on a channel to see more detail about the collection of video statistics.
Channel Views: The total number of channel views as reported by the YouTube API.
- More reliable than
video views
for channels with large backlogs (e.g. AP Archive), but less reliable for channels that have videos removed. - We only have data for channels since we have added them to our dataset, so we show only the latest figures.
Watch Hours: This estimate of hours of video watched is based on the data collected from this study from 2017. For each video, we calculate `*average % of video watch for this videos duration` x `video views`
Subscribers: The number of subscribers to the channel as provided by the YouTube API. Note, a small amount of channels hide this data.
Stats are collected each day starting at 00:00 GMT and the dates displayed are all in GMT. We decided to use a common date because this makes it easy to compare full-days that are the same for different timezones.
For a description of how channels are manually reviewed, see Recfluence. To understand the automatic classification, see Chan2Vec