Create a Go project to retrieve the system's CPU usage, CPU load, and system uptime.
This project is built using the Go programming language and runs in a Docker container. It utilizes multi-stage builds to minimize the image size and is deployed on an Azure server.
- Docker (must be installed on local and azure server)
- Go language
- Make
- Azure Server (SSH msut be enabled with related application port)
- GitHub Secrets Configuration
: Your DockerHub username.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN
: Your DockerHub access token/password.AZURE_SERVER_USERNAME
: The username for your Azure server.AZURE_SERVER_PASSWORD
: The password for SSH access to the Azure server.AZURE_SERVER_IP
: The IP address of your Azure server.DOCKERHUB_REPONAME
: This is the docker reponame.
Makefile Configuration
# Clone the repository
git clone
cd go-project/
# Target to Check version. (must installed go in system)
make version
# Target to Install dependencies
make install
# Target to check linting
make lint
# Target to run tests
make test
# Target to create a build
make build
# Target to build a docker image
make docker-build
# Target to login in to docker
make docker-login
# Target to push the docker image in the docker hub
make docker-push
# Target to run the service
make docker-run
The project uses GitHub Actions to automate the CI/CD pipeline. The pipeline is defined in .github/workflows/go-ci.yml
- The following expectations should be met to complete this project.
- Proper tagging to docker image.✅
- Makefile should have all targets as below.
- To check the version.✅
- To install go dependencies.✅
- To check code linting.✅
- To run the test.✅
- To build the project.✅
- To build the docker image.✅
- To push the artifact to docker artifactory.✅
- To run the docker image.✅
- file should be updated with instructions
- To add pre-requisites for any existing tools that must already be installed (e.g., docker, make, etc)✅
- To run different make targets and the order of execution.✅
- Application end-points at the local system:
- CPU usages: http://localhost:8080/cpu ✅
- System uptime: http://localhost:8080/uptime ✅
- System Load: http://localhost:8080/load ✅
- Application end-points at Cloud server:
- CPU usages: http://Server-IP:8080/cpu ✅
- System uptime: http://Server-IP:8080/uptime ✅
- System Load: http://Server-IP:8080/load ✅