- data
- raw_data
- bson
- products.bson (download the .bson file at this address : https://static.openfoodfacts.org/data/openfoodfacts-mongodbdump.tar.gz)
- bson
- raw_data_mutate (sample in Rdata, made from raw_data_transformation.R)
- raw_data_transformation.R (script to transform .bson data)
- raw_data_transformation_personnalnote.R (another script, not used)
- raw_data
- example (other work)
- rsconnect (needed for web deployment)
- server.R
- ui.R
- ui_1.R
- ui_2.R
Give insight for the bureau administration of Openfoodfacts.
R & R Shiny. The raw data is a .bson drop (NOSQL). Use of an asynchrone method : generation of a .rds file from .bson to be read in R Shiny.
- creator > id creator
- countries_lc > id country
- scans_n > tally scan
- created_t > date
- categories_hierarchy > categorie tag product >>> need to unnest
- nutrition_grades > nutrition grade product >>> need to be unnest
- (1) data acquisition > library(mongolite)::find()
- (2) data reduction > library(tidyverse)
- (3) r shiny design & structure > library(shiny)
- (4) r shiny deployment dev (shinyapps.io server)
- increase step by step the sample (currently 10k lines)
- might have scallable issue
- better understanding of the data scheme
- unnest and better actions on data
- increase of the number of variable for better insight
- skeleton
- implementation shinydasboard theme
- right organisation for a better understanding
- geographical reading (leaflet)
If you use this SDK, feel free to open a PR to add your application in this list.