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OpenShift oauth templates

The upstream source for the login, errors, and providers HTML templates for OpenShift.

View the templates at


  1. Install Jekyll and run bundle install.
  2. Install Yarn and run yarn install.
    • Note that certain dependencies require Node.js 20+. You can install n to switch between node versions.
  3. Run yarn serve-jekyll
    • Note that yarn generate-styles will have to be run if there are new PatternFly classes added to the HTML.

Updating PatternFly

Github Pages only runs in safe mode, preventing the usage of symlinks, so PatternFly source must be manually copied to _includes.

  1. Install Jekyll and run bundle install.
  2. Install Yarn and run yarn install.
  3. Run yarn upgrade @patternfly/patternfly.
  4. Run yarn generate-styles.
  5. Verify there are no regressions by running yarn serve-jekyll. Note that the CSS will not be automatically updated, so if you make changes to the HTML, you will need to run yarn generate-styles again.
  6. Make manual changes to the generated CSS if needed.
  7. Commit the changes.



The default templates for OKD are built into the oauth server template.go files via the following method:

  1. Copy the generated source in _site/okd/errors.html to the corresponding template at
  2. Copy the generated source in _site/okd/login.html to the corresponding template at
  3. Copy the generated source in _site/okd/providers.html to the corresponding template at
  4. Submit a pull request to containing the copied changes.

To test the changes:

  1. Create three key/value secrets in the openshift-config namespace with the following values:
    • Secret Name: error

      Key: errors.html

      Value: html from<HASH>/pkg/server/errorpage/templates.go

    • Secret Name: login

      Key: login.html

      Value: html from<HASH>/pkg/server/login/templates.go

    • Secret Name: provider

      Key: providers.html

      Value: html from<HASH>/pkg/server/selectprovider/templates.go

  2. Update spec in https://<HOSTNAME>/k8s/cluster/ with the following:
            name: error
            name: login
            name: provider
  3. Wait for new pods to be deployed at https://<HOSTNAME>/k8s/ns/openshift-authentication/pods

To undo the changes for testing:

  1. Remove the changes from step 2 above at https://<HOSTNAME>/k8s/cluster/
  2. Delete the secrets created in step 1 above.

Red Hat OpenShift

The RHO branded templates take advantage of the override mechanism by providing customized templates via secrets via the following method:

  1. Copy the output from yarn generate-branding-secret to
  2. Submit a pull request to containing the copied changes.

To test the changes:

  1. Scale cluster-version-operator to zero pods in the web console by visiting https://<HOSTNAME>/k8s/ns/openshift-cluster-version/deployments/cluster-version-operator and using the pod donut controls to set pods to zero. Additionally, pause rollouts via Actions > Pause Rollouts.
  2. Scale authentication-operator to zero pods in the web console by visiting https://<HOSTNAME>/k8s/ns/openshift-authentication-operator/deployments/authentication-operator and using the pod donut controls to set pods to zero.
  3. Delete the existing branding secret:
    oc delete secret v4-0-config-system-ocp-branding-template -n openshift-authentication
  4. Recreate the branding secret:
    oc create -f<HASH>/bindata/oauth-openshift/branding-secret.yaml
  5. Delete existing openshift-authentication pods so they are regenerated with the new branding secret:
    oc delete pods --all -n openshift-authentication

To undo the changes for testing:

  1. Resume rollouts of cluster-version-operator in the web console by visiting https://<HOSTNAME>/k8s/ns/openshift-cluster-version/deployments/cluster-version-operator via Actions > Resume Rollouts and scale pods back to one using the pod donut controls.
  2. Visit https://<HOSTNAME>/k8s/ns/openshift-authentication-operator/deployments/authentication-operator and use the pod donut controls to set pods to one.