- produce output given information about a match including:
- each time the team's robot scores, how they scored, when, and whether it was in auto
- each time the team got a foul
- whether the team:
- participated in the match
- won
- left the starting area during auto
- played defense
- was 'parked' in climb area at end of match
- climbed a 'deep' cage at the end of match
- climbed a 'shallow' cage at the end of match
- [] have a program able to parse output
- [] be able to store output in a database/spreadsheet
- [] have an android compatible ui for the collector
the current program will output a string of binary characters formated as such
match# | team# | penalty# | checkbox_ | checkbox_ | checkbox_end | action_type | action_type |
8 | 16 | 8 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 |
bottom row is # size in bits
the data for checkboxes is recorded as a series of 3-bit sequences, each indicates a different value that is true, the sequence 000 is used to indicate the end of the list of checkbox values
- 000 : END (placed after last condition, marks start of action list)
- 111 : free
- 001 : didn't play match
- 010 : won match
- 100 : played defense
- 011 : had auto
- 110 : did deep climb
- 101 : did shallow climb
- 010 : did park
the data for actions is recorded as a 4-bit sequence indicating the type of action it was, and a 32-bit integer indicating the time it was recorded (time elapsed since app opened)
- 0000 : END (no longer used)
- 0001 : L1 teleop
- 0010 : L1 auto
- 0100 : L2 teleop
- 1000 : L2 auto
- 0011 : L3 teleop
- 1100 : L3 auto
- 1001 : L4 teleop
- 0110 : L4 auto
- 1010 : net teleop
- 0101 : net auto
- 0111 : proc teleop
- 1110 : proc auto
- 1011 : algae teleop
- 1101 : algae auto
- 1111 :
- app: q; quit, t; toggle auto mode, g; generate output
- actions: 1234; coral levels, n; net, m; removed algae, p; processor
- conditions: w; win, a; had auto, s; shallow climb, d; deep climb, r; park
press above buttons to add action/conditions to list, press g to generate output,
press t to toggle auto mode, if auto mode is on the action will be recorded as done in autonomous if applicable