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Releases: ralhei/pyRserve

V 1.0.1 released

11 Jan 17:43
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This release basically removes the usage of deprecated numpy.bool8 constants (got replaced with numpy.bool_).

Final 1.0.0 release

13 Oct 17:07
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After more than 12 years release 1.0.0 is finally out.

Changes in this final step were:

  • Added docu for secure connection to Rserve via SSH tunnel
  • Updated meta data for pyRserve package
  • Added deprecation warning for Python 2
  • Corrected links to documentation

Last pre-release before final 1.0 version

13 Oct 12:45
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Brought usage of pytest into the year 2021.

- use fixtures for setting up an Rserve connection
- put fixtures into
- added command line option for controlling rserve startup
- properly named rserve-test.conf file.

Enabled proper S4 objects and fixed python3 bug

19 May 13:04
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* Removed a bug on some Python3 versions

* Added proper support for S4 objects (thanks to flying-sheep <>)
* Added support for Python3 unitests on travis (thanks to flying-sheep <>)
* bumped version to 0.9.1

Release 0.9.0

19 May 07:42
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Support for data objects larger than 2**24 bytes

Release 0.8.4

06 Sep 20:52
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- fixed missing requirements.txt in

- fixed bug in installer (

Added support for S4 objects

11 Jul 12:14
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added change to changelog