Modern use kcp with asio, support async_accept, async_connect, async_read, async_read_some, async_write and can use with asio coroutine.
Dependencies (3rd dir):
- kcp
- asio (without boost)
This library is header-only, making it easy to integrate into your projects.
- Windows require vs2022
- Linux require gcc11
see src/tcp_over_kcp.cpp
, a demo can convert tcp stream data to kcp packet or convert kcp packet data to tcp stream data. it worked in 2 modes:
- tcp2kcp: listen tcp endpoint and read data then use kcp send it.
- kcp2tcp: listen udp endpoint and read data then use tcp send it.
tcp_over_kcp-d.exe -m tcp2kcp -l "" -r ""
tcp_over_kcp-d.exe -m kcp2tcp -l "" -r ""
- async_accept
asio::awaitable<void> run_kcp_server(moon::kcp::acceptor& acceptor)
while (true)
auto kcp_socket = co_await acceptor.async_accept(asio::use_awaitable);
asio::co_spawn(kcp_socket->get_executor(), start_pipe(kcp_socket), asio::detached);
catch (const std::exception& ex)
moon::kcp::console_log("kcp_server exception: %s", ex.what());
- async_read_some
asio::awaitable<void> kcp2tcp(moon::kcp::connection_ptr kcp_socket, std::shared_ptr< tcp::socket> tcp_socket)
std::array<char, 2048> buffer;
while (true)
size_t n = co_await kcp_socket->async_read_some(asio::buffer(buffer), asio::use_awaitable);
co_await asio::async_write(*tcp_socket, asio::buffer(, n), asio::use_awaitable);
catch (const std::exception& ex)
moon::kcp::console_log("kcp2tcp exception: %s", ex.what());
if (tcp_socket->is_open())
asio::error_code ignore;
tcp_socket->shutdown(asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both, ignore);