is a tool to check for vulnerabilities in your Golang dependencies, powered by Sonatype OSS Index, and as well, works with Nexus IQ Server, allowing you a smooth experience as a Golang developer, using the best tools in the market!
currently works for projects that use dep
or go mod
for dependencies.
~ > nancy --help
nancy is a tool to check for vulnerabilities in your Golang dependencies,
powered by the 'Sonatype OSS Index', and as well, works with Nexus IQ Server, allowing you
a smooth experience as a Golang developer, using the best tools in the market!
nancy [flags]
nancy [command]
Typical usage will pipe the output of 'go list -json -deps' to 'nancy':
go list -json -deps ./... | nancy sleuth [flags]
go list -json -deps ./... | nancy iq [flags]
If using dep typical usage is as follows :
nancy sleuth -p Gopkg.lock [flags]
nancy iq -p Gopkg.lock [flags]
Available Commands:
config Setup credentials to use when connecting to services
help Help about any command
iq Check for vulnerabilities in your Golang dependencies using 'Sonatype's Nexus IQ IQServer'
sleuth Check for vulnerabilities in your Golang dependencies using Sonatype's OSS Index
update Check if there are any updates available
-v, -- count Set log level, multiple v's is more verbose
-c, --clean-cache Deletes local cache directory
-d, --db-cache-path string Specify an alternate path for caching responses from OSS Inde, example: /tmp
-h, --help help for nancy
--loud indicate output should include non-vulnerable packages
-p, --path string Specify a path to a dep Gopkg.lock file for scanning
-q, --quiet indicate output should contain only packages with vulnerabilities (default true)
--skip-update-check Skip the check for updates.
-t, --token string Specify OSS Index API token for request
-u, --username string Specify OSS Index username for request
-V, --version Get the version
Use "nancy [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ > nancy sleuth --help
'nancy sleuth' is a command to check for vulnerabilities in your Golang dependencies, powered by the 'Sonatype OSS Index'.
nancy sleuth [flags]
go list -json -deps ./... | nancy sleuth --username your_user --token your_token
nancy sleuth -p Gopkg.lock --username your_user --token your_token
-a, --additional-exclude-vulnerability-files strings Path to additional files containing newline separated CVEs or OSS Index IDs to be excluded
-e, --exclude-vulnerability CveListFlag Comma separated list of CVEs or OSS Index IDs to exclude (default [])
-x, --exclude-vulnerability-file string Path to a file containing newline separated CVEs or OSS Index IDs to be excluded (default "./.nancy-ignore")
-h, --help help for sleuth
-n, --no-color indicate output should not be colorized
-o, --output string Styling for output format. json, json-pretty, text, csv (default "text")
Global Flags:
-v, -- count Set log level, multiple v's is more verbose
-d, --db-cache-path string Specify an alternate path for caching responses from OSS Inde, example: /tmp
--loud indicate output should include non-vulnerable packages
-p, --path string Specify a path to a dep Gopkg.lock file for scanning
-q, --quiet indicate output should contain only packages with vulnerabilities (default true)
--skip-update-check Skip the check for updates.
-t, --token string Specify OSS Index API token for request
-u, --username string Specify OSS Index username for request
-V, --version Get the version
$ > nancy iq --help
'nancy iq' is a command to check for vulnerabilities in your Golang dependencies, powered by 'Sonatype's Nexus IQ IQServer', allowing you a smooth experience as a Golang developer, using the best tools in the market!
nancy iq [flags]
go list -json -deps ./... | nancy iq --iq-application your_public_application_id --iq-server-url http://your_iq_server_url:port --iq-username your_user --iq-token your_token --iq-stage develop
nancy iq -p Gopkg.lock --iq-application your_public_application_id --iq-server-url http://your_iq_server_url:port --iq-username your_user --iq-token your_token --iq-stage develop
-h, --help help for iq
-a, --iq-application string Specify Nexus IQ public application ID for request
-x, --iq-server-url string Specify Nexus IQ server url for request (default "http://localhost:8070")
-s, --iq-stage string Specify Nexus IQ stage for request (default "develop")
-k, --iq-token string Specify Nexus IQ token for request (default "admin123")
-l, --iq-username string Specify Nexus IQ username for request (default "admin")
Global Flags:
-v, -- count Set log level, multiple v's is more verbose
-d, --db-cache-path string Specify an alternate path for caching responses from OSS Inde, example: /tmp
--loud indicate output should include non-vulnerable packages
-p, --path string Specify a path to a dep Gopkg.lock file for scanning
-q, --quiet indicate output should contain only packages with vulnerabilities (default true)
--skip-update-check Skip the check for updates.
-t, --token string Specify OSS Index API token for request
-u, --username string Specify OSS Index username for request
-V, --version Get the version
The preferred way to use Nancy is:
go list -json -deps ./... | nancy sleuth
nancy sleuth -p /path/to/Gopkg.lock
If you would like to scan all dependencies, including those that do not end up in the final binary, you can use
go list -json -m all
go list -json -m all | nancy sleuth
Here are some additional tools to simplify using Nancy in your CI environment:
now comes in a boat! For ease of use, we've dockerized nancy
. To use our Dockerfile:
go list -json -deps ./... | docker run --rm -i sonatypecommunity/nancy:latest sleuth
We publish a few different flavors for convenience:
- Latest if you want to be on the bleeding edge ex:
- The full tag for those concerned with 100% reliability of underlying Nancy ex:
- The major version (we respect semver) ex:
- The major/minor version (seriously, we respect semver) ex:
or use their provided docker image ( -
with the following optionsgoreleaser release --skip-publish --snapshot --rm-dist
or docker version of
docker run --privileged \ -v $PWD:/go/src/ \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -w /go/src/ \ goreleaser/goreleaser release --skip-publish --snapshot --rm-dist
Once complete you will have the images now built locally. Use
docker images
to see them> docker images [789c9df] REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE sonatypecommunity/nancy alpine f966c833c762 52 seconds ago 19.9MB sonatypecommunity/nancy v1-alpine f966c833c762 52 seconds ago 19.9MB sonatypecommunity/nancy v1.0-alpine f966c833c762 52 seconds ago 19.9MB sonatypecommunity/nancy v1.0.0-alpine f966c833c762 52 seconds ago 19.9MB sonatypecommunity/nancy latest 7cb89e362115 53 seconds ago 14.1MB sonatypecommunity/nancy v1 7cb89e362115 53 seconds ago 14.1MB sonatypecommunity/nancy v1.0 7cb89e362115 53 seconds ago 14.1MB sonatypecommunity/nancy v1.0.0 7cb89e362115 53 seconds ago 14.1MB
NOTE: New as of Nancy v0.1.17
If you start using Nancy extensively, you might run into Rate Limiting from OSS Index! Don't worry, we've got your back!
If you run into Rate Limiting you should receive an error that will give you instructions on how to register on OSS Index:
You have been rate limited by OSS Index.
If you do not have a OSS Index account, please visit to register an account.
After registering and verifying your account, you can retrieve your username (Email Address), and API Token
at Upon retrieving those, run 'nancy config', set your OSS Index
settings, and rerun Nancy.
After setting this config, you'll be gifted a nice new higher rate limit. If you escape this limit, you might take a look at using Nexus IQ Server, or reach out to the friendly people at OSS Index for partnership opportunities.
You can also set the user and token via the command line like so:
nancy sleuth --username [email protected] --token A4@k3@p1T0k3n
This can be handy for testing your account out, or if you want to override your set config with a different user.
As of Nancy v1.0.17, you can also specify configuration values using environment variables:
export [email protected]
export OSSI_TOKEN=A4@k3@p1T0k3n
go list -json -deps ./... | ./nancy sleuth
By default, nancy
runs in a "quiet" mode, only displaying a list of vulnerable components.
You can run nancy
in a loud manner, showing all components by running:
nancy sleuth --loud -p /path/to/your/Gopkg.lock
go list -json -deps ./... | nancy sleuth --loud
Sometimes you'll run into a dependency that after taking a look at, you either aren't affected by, or cannot resolve for some reason. Nancy understands, and will let you exclude these vulnerabilities, so you can get back to a passing build:
Vulnerabilities excluded will then be silenced and not show up in the output or fail your build.
We support exclusion of vulnerability either by CVE-ID (ex: CVE-2018-20303
) or via the OSS Index ID (ex: a8c20c84-1f6a-472a-ba1b-3eaedb2a2a14
) as not all vulnerabilities have a CVE-ID.
nancy sleuth --exclude-vulnerability CVE-789,bcb0c38d-0d35-44ee-b7a7-8f77183d1ae2 -p /path/to/your/Gopkg.lock
go list -json -deps ./... | nancy sleuth --exclude-vulnerability CVE-789,bcb0c38d-0d35-44ee-b7a7-8f77183d1ae2
By default, if a file named .nancy-ignore
exists in the same directory that nancy is run it will use it - no other options need to be passed.
If you would like to define the path to the file you can use the following
nancy sleuth --exclude-vulnerability-file=/path/to/your/exclude-file -p /path/to/your/Gopkg.lock
go list -json -deps ./... | nancy sleuth --exclude-vulnerability-file=/path/to/your/exclude-file
If you would like to split up your excludes into multiple files besides your root .nancy-ignore
you can pass them via the -a
or --additional-exclude-vulnerability-files
nancy sleuth --additional-exclude-vulnerability-files=/path/to/first,/path/to/second
nancy sleuth -a /path/to/first -a /path/to/second
You can also combine it with the -x
/ --exclude-vulnerability-file
flag. Nancy merges the additional files on top of the root .nancy-ignore
nancy sleuth -x -a .nancy-ignore.local
The file format requires each vulnerability that you want to exclude to be on a separate line. Comments are allowed in the file as well to help provide context when needed. See an example file below.
# This vulnerability is coming from package xyz, we are ok with this for now
CVN-123 # Mitigated the risk of this since we only use one method in this package and the affected code doesn't matter
It's also possible to define expiring ignores. Meaning that if you define a date on a vulnerability ignore until that date it will be ignored and once that date is passed it will now be reported by nancy if it's still an issue. Format to add an expiring ignore looks as follows. They can also be followed up by comments to provide context as to why it's been ignored until that date.
CVN-111 until=2021-01-01
CVN-543 until=2018-02-12 #Waiting on release from third party. Should be out before this date but gives us a little time to fix it.
We support multiple different output formats. Examples can be found below for each. This intentionally vulnerable repo was used to generate the example output. Quiet option is supported in text and csv. json formatting will ignore the Quiet option and output the same values if it's passed or not.
text (default)
Nancy version: development
!!!!! WARNING !!!!!
Scanning cannot be completed on the following package(s) since they do not use semver.
[1/1]pkg:golang/[email protected]
[1/10]pkg:golang/[email protected] [Vulnerable] 1 known vulnerabilities affecting installed version
[CVE-2017-1000070] URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ("Open Redirect")
The Bitly oauth2_proxy in version 2.1 and earlier was affected by an open redirect vulnerability during the start and termination of the 2-legged OAuth flow. This issue was caused by improper input validation and a violation of RFC-6819
[2/10]pkg:golang/[email protected] No known vulnerabilities against package/version
[3/10]pkg:golang/[email protected] [Vulnerable] 1 known vulnerabilities affecting installed version
CWE-400: Uncontrolled Resource Consumption ('Resource Exhaustion')
The software does not properly restrict the size or amount of resources that are requested or influenced by an actor, which can be used to consume more resources than intended.
Audited dependencies:10,Vulnerable:6
{"audited":[{"Coordinates":"pkg:golang/[email protected]","Reference":"[email protected]","Vulnerabilities":[{"Id":"9eb9a5bc-8310-4104-bf85-3a820d28ba79","Title":"[CVE-2017-1000070] URL Redirection to Untrusted Site (\"Open Redirect\")","Description":"The Bitly oauth2_proxy in version 2.1 and earlier was affected by an open redirect vulnerability during the start and termination of the 2-legged OAuth flow. This issue was caused by improper input validation and a violation of RFC-6819","CvssScore":"6.1","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N","Cve":"CVE-2017-1000070","Reference":"","Excluded":false}],"InvalidSemVer":false},{"Coordinates":"pkg:golang/[email protected]","Reference":"[email protected]","Vulnerabilities":[],"InvalidSemVer":false},{"Coordinates":"pkg:golang/[email protected]","Reference":"[email protected]","Vulnerabilities":[{"Id":"4efaed86-e62e-4c0c-b812-36c07e61ede4","Title":"CWE-400: Uncontrolled Resource Consumption ('Resource Exhaustion')","Description":"The software does not properly restrict the size or amount of resources that are requested or influenced by an actor, which can be used to consume more resources than intended.","CvssScore":"7.5","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H","Cve":"","Reference":"","Excluded":false}],"InvalidSemVer":false},{"Coordinates":"pkg:golang/[email protected]","Reference":"[email protected]","Vulnerabilities":[{"Id":"8e4d562d-517b-4d00-a845-a7a3e2be41db","Title":"[CVE-2017-11480] Improper Access Control","Description":"Packetbeat versions prior to 5.6.4 are affected by a denial of service flaw in the PostgreSQL protocol handler. If Packetbeat is listening for PostgreSQL traffic and a user is able to send arbitrary network traffic to the monitored port, the attacker could prevent Packetbeat from properly logging other PostgreSQL traffic.","CvssScore":"7.5","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H","Cve":"CVE-2017-11480","Reference":"","Excluded":false}],"InvalidSemVer":false},{"Coordinates":"pkg:golang/[email protected]","Reference":"[email protected]","Vulnerabilities":[{"Id":"5c876f5e-2814-4822-baf0-1092fc63ec25","Title":"[CVE-2018-1098] Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)","Description":"A cross-site request forgery flaw was found in etcd 3.3.1 and earlier. An attacker can set up a website that tries to send a POST request to the etcd server and modify a key. Adding a key is done with PUT so it is theoretically safe (can't PUT from an HTML form or such) but POST allows creating in-order keys that an attacker can send.","CvssScore":"8.8","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H","Cve":"CVE-2018-1098","Reference":"","Excluded":false},{"Id":"8a190129-526c-4ee0-b663-92f38139c165","Title":"[CVE-2018-1099] Improper Input Validation","Description":"DNS rebinding vulnerability found in etcd 3.3.1 and earlier. An attacker can control his DNS records to direct to localhost, and trick the browser into sending requests to localhost (or any other address).","CvssScore":"5.5","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:H/A:N","Cve":"CVE-2018-1099","Reference":"","Excluded":false},{"Id":"69b9f08b-8eda-4125-8e84-b7d67a7c9ee5","Title":"[CVE-2018-16886] Improper Authentication","Description":"etcd versions 3.2.x before 3.2.26 and 3.3.x before 3.3.11 are vulnerable to an improper authentication issue when role-based access control (RBAC) is used and client-cert-auth is enabled. If an etcd client server TLS certificate contains a Common Name (CN) which matches a valid RBAC username, a remote attacker may authenticate as that user with any valid (trusted) client certificate in a REST API request to the gRPC-gateway.","CvssScore":"8.1","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H","Cve":"CVE-2018-16886","Reference":"","Excluded":false}],"InvalidSemVer":false},{"Coordinates":"pkg:golang/[email protected]","Reference":"[email protected]","Vulnerabilities":[],"InvalidSemVer":false},{"Coordinates":"pkg:golang/[email protected]","Reference":"[email protected]","Vulnerabilities":[{"Id":"a4c682fa-9c9f-4e9e-b218-720d5125b17f","Title":"CWE-89: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection')","Description":"The software constructs all or part of an SQL command using externally-influenced input from an upstream component, but it does not neutralize or incorrectly neutralizes special elements that could modify the intended SQL command when it is sent to a downstream component.","CvssScore":"9.9","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H","Cve":"","Reference":"","Excluded":false},{"Id":"304fa9e0-012e-4385-88b2-88c0c5ec3247","Title":"[CVE-2018-15192] An SSRF vulnerability in webhooks in Gitea through 1.5.0-rc2 and Gogs through 0....","Description":"An SSRF vulnerability in webhooks in Gitea through 1.5.0-rc2 and Gogs through 0.11.53 allows remote attackers to access intranet services.","CvssScore":"8.6","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:N/A:N","Cve":"CVE-2018-15192","Reference":"","Excluded":false},{"Id":"a8c20c84-1f6a-472a-ba1b-3eaedb2a2a14","Title":"[CVE-2018-20303] Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory (\"Path Traversal\")","Description":"In pkg/tool/path.go in Gogs before, a directory traversal in the file-upload functionality can allow an attacker to create a file under data/sessions on the server, a similar issue to CVE-2018-18925.","CvssScore":"7.5","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:H/A:N","Cve":"CVE-2018-20303","Reference":"","Excluded":false},{"Id":"bcb0c38d-0d35-44ee-b7a7-8f77183d1ae2","Title":"[CVE-2018-18925] Gogs 0.11.66 allows remote code execution because it does not properly validate ...","Description":"Gogs 0.11.66 allows remote code execution because it does not properly validate session IDs, as demonstrated by a \"..\" session-file forgery in the file session provider in file.go. This is related to session ID handling in the go-macaron/session code for Macaron.","CvssScore":"9.8","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H","Cve":"CVE-2018-18925","Reference":"","Excluded":false},{"Id":"bbbdbb94-f65a-475c-9e9f-6793778fbd9b","Title":"[CVE-2018-15178] URL Redirection to Untrusted Site (\"Open Redirect\")","Description":"Open redirect vulnerability in Gogs before 0.12 allows remote attackers to redirect users to arbitrary websites and conduct phishing attacks via an initial /\\ substring in the user/login redirect_to parameter, related to the function isValidRedirect in routes/user/auth.go.","CvssScore":"6.1","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N","Cve":"CVE-2018-15178","Reference":"","Excluded":false},{"Id":"fc70a115-52cc-44ea-a33d-793267f860dd","Title":"CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')","Description":"The software does not neutralize or incorrectly neutralizes user-controllable input before it is placed in output that is used as a web page that is served to other users.","CvssScore":"6.1","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N","Cve":"","Reference":"","Excluded":false}],"InvalidSemVer":false},{"Coordinates":"pkg:golang/[email protected]","Reference":"[email protected]","Vulnerabilities":[],"InvalidSemVer":false},{"Coordinates":"pkg:golang/[email protected]","Reference":"[email protected]","Vulnerabilities":[{"Id":"0416e202-2705-431d-9915-8ed93334ca58","Title":"CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')","Description":"The software does not neutralize or incorrectly neutralizes user-controllable input before it is placed in output that is used as a web page that is served to other users.","CvssScore":"6.1","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N","Cve":"","Reference":"","Excluded":false}],"InvalidSemVer":false},{"Coordinates":"pkg:golang/[email protected]","Reference":"[email protected]","Vulnerabilities":[],"InvalidSemVer":false}],"exclusions":[],"invalid":[{"Coordinates":"pkg:golang/[email protected]","Reference":"","Vulnerabilities":null,"InvalidSemVer":true}],"num_audited":10,"num_vulnerable":6,"version":"development","vulnerable":[{"Coordinates":"pkg:golang/[email protected]","Reference":"[email protected]","Vulnerabilities":[{"Id":"9eb9a5bc-8310-4104-bf85-3a820d28ba79","Title":"[CVE-2017-1000070] URL Redirection to Untrusted Site (\"Open Redirect\")","Description":"The Bitly oauth2_proxy in version 2.1 and earlier was affected by an open redirect vulnerability during the start and termination of the 2-legged OAuth flow. This issue was caused by improper input validation and a violation of RFC-6819","CvssScore":"6.1","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N","Cve":"CVE-2017-1000070","Reference":"","Excluded":false}],"InvalidSemVer":false},{"Coordinates":"pkg:golang/[email protected]","Reference":"[email protected]","Vulnerabilities":[{"Id":"4efaed86-e62e-4c0c-b812-36c07e61ede4","Title":"CWE-400: Uncontrolled Resource Consumption ('Resource Exhaustion')","Description":"The software does not properly restrict the size or amount of resources that are requested or influenced by an actor, which can be used to consume more resources than intended.","CvssScore":"7.5","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H","Cve":"","Reference":"","Excluded":false}],"InvalidSemVer":false},{"Coordinates":"pkg:golang/[email protected]","Reference":"[email protected]","Vulnerabilities":[{"Id":"8e4d562d-517b-4d00-a845-a7a3e2be41db","Title":"[CVE-2017-11480] Improper Access Control","Description":"Packetbeat versions prior to 5.6.4 are affected by a denial of service flaw in the PostgreSQL protocol handler. If Packetbeat is listening for PostgreSQL traffic and a user is able to send arbitrary network traffic to the monitored port, the attacker could prevent Packetbeat from properly logging other PostgreSQL traffic.","CvssScore":"7.5","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H","Cve":"CVE-2017-11480","Reference":"","Excluded":false}],"InvalidSemVer":false},{"Coordinates":"pkg:golang/[email protected]","Reference":"[email protected]","Vulnerabilities":[{"Id":"5c876f5e-2814-4822-baf0-1092fc63ec25","Title":"[CVE-2018-1098] Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)","Description":"A cross-site request forgery flaw was found in etcd 3.3.1 and earlier. An attacker can set up a website that tries to send a POST request to the etcd server and modify a key. Adding a key is done with PUT so it is theoretically safe (can't PUT from an HTML form or such) but POST allows creating in-order keys that an attacker can send.","CvssScore":"8.8","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H","Cve":"CVE-2018-1098","Reference":"","Excluded":false},{"Id":"8a190129-526c-4ee0-b663-92f38139c165","Title":"[CVE-2018-1099] Improper Input Validation","Description":"DNS rebinding vulnerability found in etcd 3.3.1 and earlier. An attacker can control his DNS records to direct to localhost, and trick the browser into sending requests to localhost (or any other address).","CvssScore":"5.5","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:H/A:N","Cve":"CVE-2018-1099","Reference":"","Excluded":false},{"Id":"69b9f08b-8eda-4125-8e84-b7d67a7c9ee5","Title":"[CVE-2018-16886] Improper Authentication","Description":"etcd versions 3.2.x before 3.2.26 and 3.3.x before 3.3.11 are vulnerable to an improper authentication issue when role-based access control (RBAC) is used and client-cert-auth is enabled. If an etcd client server TLS certificate contains a Common Name (CN) which matches a valid RBAC username, a remote attacker may authenticate as that user with any valid (trusted) client certificate in a REST API request to the gRPC-gateway.","CvssScore":"8.1","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H","Cve":"CVE-2018-16886","Reference":"","Excluded":false}],"InvalidSemVer":false},{"Coordinates":"pkg:golang/[email protected]","Reference":"[email protected]","Vulnerabilities":[{"Id":"a4c682fa-9c9f-4e9e-b218-720d5125b17f","Title":"CWE-89: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection')","Description":"The software constructs all or part of an SQL command using externally-influenced input from an upstream component, but it does not neutralize or incorrectly neutralizes special elements that could modify the intended SQL command when it is sent to a downstream component.","CvssScore":"9.9","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H","Cve":"","Reference":"","Excluded":false},{"Id":"304fa9e0-012e-4385-88b2-88c0c5ec3247","Title":"[CVE-2018-15192] An SSRF vulnerability in webhooks in Gitea through 1.5.0-rc2 and Gogs through 0....","Description":"An SSRF vulnerability in webhooks in Gitea through 1.5.0-rc2 and Gogs through 0.11.53 allows remote attackers to access intranet services.","CvssScore":"8.6","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:N/A:N","Cve":"CVE-2018-15192","Reference":"","Excluded":false},{"Id":"a8c20c84-1f6a-472a-ba1b-3eaedb2a2a14","Title":"[CVE-2018-20303] Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory (\"Path Traversal\")","Description":"In pkg/tool/path.go in Gogs before, a directory traversal in the file-upload functionality can allow an attacker to create a file under data/sessions on the server, a similar issue to CVE-2018-18925.","CvssScore":"7.5","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:H/A:N","Cve":"CVE-2018-20303","Reference":"","Excluded":false},{"Id":"bcb0c38d-0d35-44ee-b7a7-8f77183d1ae2","Title":"[CVE-2018-18925] Gogs 0.11.66 allows remote code execution because it does not properly validate ...","Description":"Gogs 0.11.66 allows remote code execution because it does not properly validate session IDs, as demonstrated by a \"..\" session-file forgery in the file session provider in file.go. This is related to session ID handling in the go-macaron/session code for Macaron.","CvssScore":"9.8","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H","Cve":"CVE-2018-18925","Reference":"","Excluded":false},{"Id":"bbbdbb94-f65a-475c-9e9f-6793778fbd9b","Title":"[CVE-2018-15178] URL Redirection to Untrusted Site (\"Open Redirect\")","Description":"Open redirect vulnerability in Gogs before 0.12 allows remote attackers to redirect users to arbitrary websites and conduct phishing attacks via an initial /\\ substring in the user/login redirect_to parameter, related to the function isValidRedirect in routes/user/auth.go.","CvssScore":"6.1","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N","Cve":"CVE-2018-15178","Reference":"","Excluded":false},{"Id":"fc70a115-52cc-44ea-a33d-793267f860dd","Title":"CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')","Description":"The software does not neutralize or incorrectly neutralizes user-controllable input before it is placed in output that is used as a web page that is served to other users.","CvssScore":"6.1","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N","Cve":"","Reference":"","Excluded":false}],"InvalidSemVer":false},{"Coordinates":"pkg:golang/[email protected]","Reference":"[email protected]","Vulnerabilities":[{"Id":"0416e202-2705-431d-9915-8ed93334ca58","Title":"CWE-79: Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')","Description":"The software does not neutralize or incorrectly neutralizes user-controllable input before it is placed in output that is used as a web page that is served to other users.","CvssScore":"6.1","CvssVector":"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N","Cve":"","Reference":"","Excluded":false}],"InvalidSemVer":false}]}
"audited": [
"Coordinates": "pkg:golang/[email protected]",
"Reference": "[email protected]",
"Vulnerabilities": [
"Id": "9eb9a5bc-8310-4104-bf85-3a820d28ba79",
"Title": "[CVE-2017-1000070] URL Redirection to Untrusted Site (\"Open Redirect\")",
"Description": "The Bitly oauth2_proxy in version 2.1 and earlier was affected by an open redirect vulnerability during the start and termination of the 2-legged OAuth flow. This issue was caused by improper input validation and a violation of RFC-6819",
"CvssScore": "6.1",
"CvssVector": "CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N",
"Cve": "CVE-2017-1000070",
"Reference": "",
"Excluded": false
"InvalidSemVer": false
"Coordinates": "pkg:golang/[email protected]",
"Reference": "[email protected]",
"Vulnerabilities": [],
"InvalidSemVer": false
"Coordinates": "pkg:golang/[email protected]",
"Reference": "[email protected]",
"Vulnerabilities": [
"Id": "4efaed86-e62e-4c0c-b812-36c07e61ede4",
"Title": "CWE-400: Uncontrolled Resource Consumption ('Resource Exhaustion')",
"Description": "The software does not properly restrict the size or amount of resources that are requested or influenced by an actor, which can be used to consume more resources than intended.",
"CvssScore": "7.5",
"CvssVector": "CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H",
"Cve": "",
"Reference": "",
"Excluded": false
"InvalidSemVer": false
"exclusions": [],
"invalid": [
"Coordinates": "pkg:golang/[email protected]",
"Reference": "",
"Vulnerabilities": null,
"InvalidSemVer": true
"num_audited": 10,
"num_vulnerable": 6,
"version": "development",
"vulnerable": [
"Coordinates": "pkg:golang/[email protected]",
"Reference": "[email protected]",
"Vulnerabilities": [
"Id": "9eb9a5bc-8310-4104-bf85-3a820d28ba79",
"Title": "[CVE-2017-1000070] URL Redirection to Untrusted Site (\"Open Redirect\")",
"Description": "The Bitly oauth2_proxy in version 2.1 and earlier was affected by an open redirect vulnerability during the start and termination of the 2-legged OAuth flow. This issue was caused by improper input validation and a violation of RFC-6819",
"CvssScore": "6.1",
"CvssVector": "CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N",
"Cve": "CVE-2017-1000070",
"Reference": "",
"Excluded": false
"InvalidSemVer": false
"Coordinates": "pkg:golang/[email protected]",
"Reference": "[email protected]",
"Vulnerabilities": [
"Id": "4efaed86-e62e-4c0c-b812-36c07e61ede4",
"Title": "CWE-400: Uncontrolled Resource Consumption ('Resource Exhaustion')",
"Description": "The software does not properly restrict the size or amount of resources that are requested or influenced by an actor, which can be used to consume more resources than intended.",
"CvssScore": "7.5",
"CvssVector": "CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H",
"Cve": "",
"Reference": "",
"Excluded": false
"InvalidSemVer": false
"Coordinates": "pkg:golang/[email protected]",
"Reference": "[email protected]",
"Vulnerabilities": [
"Id": "8e4d562d-517b-4d00-a845-a7a3e2be41db",
"Title": "[CVE-2017-11480] Improper Access Control",
"Description": "Packetbeat versions prior to 5.6.4 are affected by a denial of service flaw in the PostgreSQL protocol handler. If Packetbeat is listening for PostgreSQL traffic and a user is able to send arbitrary network traffic to the monitored port, the attacker could prevent Packetbeat from properly logging other PostgreSQL traffic.",
"CvssScore": "7.5",
"CvssVector": "CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H",
"Cve": "CVE-2017-11480",
"Reference": "",
"Excluded": false
"InvalidSemVer": false
Audited Count,Vulnerable Count,Build Version
Invalid Package(s)
[1/1],pkg:golang/[email protected],Does not use SemVer
Audited Package(s)
Count,Package,Is Vulnerable,Num Vulnerabilities,Vulnerabilities
[1/10],pkg:golang/[email protected],true,1,"[{""Id"":""9eb9a5bc-8310-4104-bf85-3a820d28ba79"",""Title"":""[CVE-2017-1000070] URL Redirection to Untrusted Site (\""Open Redirect\"")"",""Description"":""The Bitly oauth2_proxy in version 2.1 and earlier was affected by an open redirect vulnerability during the start and termination of the 2-legged OAuth flow. This issue was caused by improper input validation and a violation of RFC-6819"",""CvssScore"":""6.1"",""CvssVector"":""CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N"",""Cve"":""CVE-2017-1000070"",""Reference"":"""",""Excluded"":false}]"
[2/10],pkg:golang/[email protected],false,0,[]
[3/10],pkg:golang/[email protected],true,1,"[{""Id"":""4efaed86-e62e-4c0c-b812-36c07e61ede4"",""Title"":""CWE-400: Uncontrolled Resource Consumption ('Resource Exhaustion')"",""Description"":""The software does not properly restrict the size or amount of resources that are requested or influenced by an actor, which can be used to consume more resources than intended."",""CvssScore"":""7.5"",""CvssVector"":""CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H"",""Cve"":"""",""Reference"":"""",""Excluded"":false}]"
By default, assuming you have an out-of-the-box Nexus IQ Server running, you can run nancy
like so:
go list -json -deps ./... | nancy iq --iq-application public-application-id
It is STRONGLY suggested that you do not do this, and we will warn you on output if you are.
A more logical use of nancy
against Nexus IQ Server will look like so:
go list -json -deps ./... | nancy iq --iq-application public-application-id --iq-username nondefaultuser --iq-token yourtoken --iq-server-url http://adifferentserverurl:port --iq-stage develop
Options for stage are as follows:
build, develop, stage-release, release
By default --iq-stage
will be develop
Successful submissions to Nexus IQ Server will result in either an OS exit of 0, meaning all is clear and a response akin to:
Wonderbar! No policy violations reported for this audit!
Report URL: http://reportURL
Failed submissions will either indicate failure because of an issue with processing the request, or a policy violation. Both will exit with a code of 1, allowing you to fail your build in CI. Policy Violation failures will include a report URL where you can learn more about why you encountered a failure.
Policy violations will look like:
Hi, Nancy here, you have some policy violations to clean up!
Report URL: http://reportURL
Errors processing in Nexus IQ Server will look like:
Uh oh! There was an error with your request to Nexus IQ Server: <error>
Nancy lets you set the Nexus IQ Server Address, User and Token as persistent config (application and stage are generally per project, so we do not let you set these globally).
To set your Nexus IQ Server config run:
nancy config
Choose iq
as an option and run through the rest of the config. Once you are done, Nancy should use this config for communicating with Nexus IQ, simplifying your use of the tool.
As of Nancy v1.0.17, you can also specify configuration values using environment variables:
export [email protected]
export OSSI_TOKEN=A4@k3@p1T0k3n
export IQ_USERNAME=nondefaultuser
export IQ_TOKEN=yourtoken
export IQ_SERVER=http://adifferentserverurl:port
go list -json -deps ./... | ./nancy iq --iq-application public-application-id
You can see an example of using nancy
in Travis-CI at this intentionally vulnerable repo we made.
Nancy as well runs on itself (delicious dog food!) in CircleCI, in a myriad of fashions. You can see how we do that here in our repo's CircleCI config.
Nancy will automatically check for newer releases of Nancy, and will prompt you when updates are detected.
The automatic update check will only occur once every 28 hours, and the date stamp of the last update check is stored
in the file: ~/.ossindex/.nancy-config/update_check.yml
If you have a huge CI matrix build, and want to avoid all the builds performing the automatic update check, you may want to configure your CI build to cache the above directory.
A portion of the golang ecosystem doesn't use proper versions, and instead uses a commit hash to resolve your dependency. Dependencies like this will not work with
quite yet, as we don't have a mechanism on OSS Index to lookup vulnerabilities in that manner.
Nancy Drew was the first female detective used extensively in literature, and gave women across the world a new hero.
This project is called nancy
as like the great detective herself, it looks for problems you might not be aware of, and gives you the information to help put them to an end!
Go community starting 1.18, has used a tool called govulncheck
shipped with golang distribution to verify vulnerablities. Govulncheck reports known vulnerabilities using static analysis of source code or a binary's symbol table.
Nancy uses Sonatype's and the open source index. Nancy inspects dependency files to look at all possible vulnerable library usage.
At the current time you have a few options:
- Build from source
- Download release binary from here on GitHub
- Install via Homebrew (macOS)
- Install from the AUR (Arch Linux)
- Clone the project
git clone
- In the root of the project run
- This will execute multiple targets so if you want to short circuit some of that process you can also just run
make build
to get the binary without running tests, linting, etc
- This will execute multiple targets so if you want to short circuit some of that process you can also just run
- Use that binary wherever your heart so desires!
Each tag pushed to this repo creates a new release binary, and if you'd like to skip building from source, you can download a binary similar to:
$ curl -o /path/where/you/want/nancy \
On macOS, nancy
can be installed using brew
brew install sonatype-nexus-community/nancy-tap/nancy
formulae are created and published to that tap with each new release, so you can use brew
to upgrade, etc... as you wish.
You can see more about the formulae, etc... at this repo.
On Arch Linux, nancy
can be installed using the AUR:
$ yay -S nancy-bin
So you've found a vulnerability. Now what? The best case is to upgrade the vulnerable component to a newer/non-vulnerable version. However, it is likely the vulnerable component is not a direct dependency, but instead is a transitive dependency (a dependency of a dependency, of a dependency, wash-rinse-repeat). In such a case, the first step is to figure out which direct dependency (and sub-dependencies) depend on the vulnerable component.
The command go mod graph | grep my/vulnerable
will show which module(s) pulls in the my/vulnerable
As an example, suppose we've learned that component
, version 1.2.1 is vulnerable (CVE-2021-3121).
Use the following command to determine which components depend on
$ go mod graph | grep[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]
There are a number of approaches to resolving the vulnerability, but no matter which approach you choose, you should probably make sure all the tests are passing before making any dependency changes.
Click to expand output of command:
$ go test ./...
$ go test ./...
$ go test ./...
? [no test files]
ok (cached)
ok (cached)
ok 0.206s
ok (cached)
? [no test files]
ok (cached)
ok (cached)
? [no test files]
ok (cached)
ok (cached)
We now know the vulnerable component is pulled in by[email protected]
(among others). Ideally, we could
upgrade the direct dependency (
) to a version that does not depend on a vulnerable version of
the transitive dependency (
In some cases, no such upgrade of the direct dependency exists that avoids a dependence on the vulnerable component.
In such a case, the next step is to file an issue with the direct dependency project for them to update the vulnerable
sub-dependencies. Be sure to read and follow any vulnerability reporting instructions published by the project: Look for
file, or other instructions on how to report vulnerabilities. Some projects may prefer you not report
the vulnerability publicly. Here's an example of such a bug report: Issue #1066
The section below describing the use of the
directive is no longer ideal due to changes in how thego install
command behaves with projects containingreplace
directives. See Deprecation of 'go get' for installing executables.Here's an example of the issue: cmd/go: go install cmd@version errors out when module with main package has replace directive
Instead of
, you can update the// indirect
dependency version to a non-vulnerable version. e.g.: In the secondrequire
stanza ofgo.mod
where all theindirect
dependencies are listed, update the dependency version:require ( ... <first require stanza - direct dependencies listed here> ) require ( ... <second require stanza - indirect dependencies listed here> // fix vulnerability: CVE-2021-38561 in v0.3.5 v0.3.7 // indirect ... )
(Deprecated see above) Until the direct dependency is updated, the next best solution is to use a replace
directive in the go.mod
to use a newer version of the transitive dependency.
See replace directive.
To avoid semver issues, you probably want to use a newer dependency version that is in the same "major.minor" version as the vulnerable dependency version.
(Deprecated see above) You can add the following replace
directive to your go.mod
file to us a newer version of
// fix vulnerability: CVE-2021-3121 in v1.2.1
replace => v1.3.2
Be aware that even after you add a replace
directive, go mod graph
will still show the old dependency version.
You can verify the new version is actually used via the go list
$ go mod tidy -compat=1.17
$ go list -deps | grep v1.2.1 => v1.3.2
You can see the v1.2.1 is replaced with v1.3.2.
Finally, you may want to submit a PR to the project with the vulnerable dependency (to fix the issues you reported
earlier) in a new release of the direct dependency. Even better, also tell them about nancy
and maybe they will add
to their own CI system.
Yet another resolution, if no other options make sense, is to knowingly ignore the vulnerability. This may be the best option if you know the application does not use the vulnerable code path and no upgraded/non-vulnerable versions are available. See: Exclude vulnerabilities
is written using Golang 1.13, so it is best you start there.
Tests can be run like this make test
Adding new files? Get the license header correct with:
go get -u addlicense -v -f ./header.txt .
Follow the steps below to release a new version of Nancy. You need to be part of the deploy from circle ci
group for this to work.
Checkout/pull the latest
branch, and create a new tag with the desired semantic version and a helpful note:$ git tag -a v1.0.x -m "Helpful message in tag"
Push the tag up:
$ git push origin v1.0.x
There is no step 3.
We care a lot about making the world a safer place, and that's why we created nancy
. If you as well want to
speed up the pace of software development by working on this project, jump on in! Before you start work, create
a new issue, or comment on an existing issue, to let others know you are!
The nancy
logo was created using a combo of and good ole Photoshop. Thanks to the creators of
Gopherize for an easy way to make a fun Gopher :)
Original Gopher designed by Renee French.
It is worth noting that this is NOT SUPPORTED by Sonatype, and is a contribution of ours to the open source community (read: you!)
- Use this contribution at the risk tolerance that you have
- Do NOT file Sonatype support tickets related to bach support in regard to this project
- DO file issues here on GitHub, so that the community can pitch in
Phew, that was easier than I thought. Last but not least of all - have fun!
Looking to contribute to our code but need some help? There's a few ways to get information:
- Chat with us on Gitter