VPN-based, containerized development workspace for Taxi members.
Taxi Dev Center는 Taxi 팀원들을 위한 격리된 개발 환경을 제공하는 서비스입니다. Docker 컨테이너로 각 개발자에게 독립적인 환경을 제공하며, 컨테이너들은 공용 MongoDB와 통신합니다. 팀원들은 SPARCS VPN과 DNS를 통해 자신의 컨테이너에 도메인으로 접근할 수 있습니다.
각 개발자는 다음과 같은 환경을 제공받습니다:
- SSH 접근이 가능한 독립된 개발 컨테이너
- 개인 MongoDB 데이터베이스 계정 및 접근 권한
- 전용 DNS 레코드 (username.taxi.sparcs.org)
- 격리된 프론트엔드 (포트 3000) 및 백엔드 (포트 8080) 서비스
graph TB
subgraph Entire["Entire Structure"]
subgraph DevServer["Host (taxi.dev.sparcs.org)"]
subgraph Shared["Shared Resources"]
direction LR
DNS["DNS Container<br>taxi-dns<br>"]
MongoDB["MongoDB Container<br>taxi-mongo-shared"]
subgraph Networks["Network Infra"]
direction LR
IPVLan["IPVLan Network (L3)<br>("]
Bridge["Bridge Network<br>(shared-backend)"]
subgraph NIC["ens19 (NIC)"]
direction LR
Server1["Server1 <br>(A-Type Record: user1.taxi.sparcs.org)<br>(IPv4: 10.251.1.X)"]
Server2["Server2 <br>(A-Type Record: user2.taxi.sparcs.org)<br>(IPv4: 10.251.1.Y)"]
subgraph HostVolume["Host Volumes"]
direction LR
Volume1["Host Volume1 <br>(taxi-dc/taxi-dev-servers/users/testuser1)"]
Volume2["Host Volume2 <br>(taxi-dc/taxi-dev-servers/users/testuser2)"]
subgraph DevEnv["Private Resources"]
direction TB
subgraph Dev1["Dev1 (10.251.1.X)"]
direction TB
SSH1["sshd (22)<br>(PasswordAuthentication yes)"]
subgraph HomeVolume1["Home (/home/ubuntu)"]
Frontend1["Frontend (user1.taxi.sparcs.org:3000)<br>/home/ubuntu/taxi-front"]
Backend1["Backend (user1.taxi.sparcs.org:8080)<br>/home/ubuntu/taxi-back"]
subgraph Dev2["Dev2 (10.251.1.Y)"]
direction TB
SSH2["sshd (22)<br>(PasswordAuthentication yes)"]
subgraph HomeVolume2["Home (/home/ubuntu)"]
Frontend2["Frontend (user2.taxi.sparcs.org:3000)<br>/home/ubuntu/taxi-front"]
Backend2["Backend (user2.taxi.sparcs.org:8080)<br>/home/ubuntu/taxi-back"]
subgraph External["External Access"]
direction LR
VPN["WireGuard VPN<br>ssal.sparcs.org"]
%% External Access Flow
User <-->|"Access via<br>WireGuard"| VPN
VPN <-->|"VPN<br>"| NIC
%% DNS Resolution Flow
VPN -.-|"DNS Query<br>user1.taxi.sparcs.org"| NIC
%% Network Connections
DNS <---> IPVLan
NIC <---> IPVLan
MongoDB <---> Bridge
Dev1 --- IPVLan
Dev2 --- IPVLan
%% Volume Mount
Volume1 <---> HomeVolume1
Volume2 <---> HomeVolume2
%% Container Internal Connections
Backend1 ---|"MongoDB<br>Access"| Bridge
%% ContainerInfo2 --- SSH2
Backend2 ---|"MongoDB<br>Access"| Bridge
classDef external fill:#e9a,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef server fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
classDef network fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef container fill:#cfc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef service fill:#fcc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef flow stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
class User,VPN external
class DevServer server
class IPVLan,Bridge network
class DNS,MongoDB,Dev1,Dev2,Dev3,ContainerInfo1,ContainerInfo2 container
class SSH1,Frontend1,Backend1,HomeVolume1,SSH2,Frontend2,Backend2 service,HomeVolume2
├── taxi-dev-servers/ # Main development server component
│ ├── modules/ # Core functionality modules
│ │ ├── container_manager.py # Docker container management
│ │ ├── dns_manager.py # DNS configuration and management
│ │ └── mongo_manager.py # MongoDB interaction and management
│ ├── scripts/ # Automation and setup scripts
│ │ └── entrypoint.sh # Container initialization script
│ ├── users/ # Taxi Front/back repositories for all users
│ ├── docker-compose-files/ # Docker compose files for all users
│ ├── Dockerfile # Main service Dockerfile
│ ├── Dockerfile.base # Base image configuration
│ └── app.py # Main application entry point
├── taxi-dns/ # DNS service component
│ ├── dns_backups/ # DNS configuration backups
│ ├── dnsmasq.conf # Active DNS configuration
│ └── dnsmasq.conf.template # Template for DNS configuration
├── Configuration Files
│ ├── docker-compose.shared.yml # Shared Docker configuration
│ ├── docker-compose.private.template.yaml # Private Docker template
│ ├── requirements.txt # Python dependencies
│ ├── .dockerignore # Docker ignore rules
│ └── .gitignore # Git ignore rules
└── Environment Files
├── .env # Main environment variables
├── .env.back.development # Backend dev environment
├── .env.back.test # Backend test environment
└── .env.front # Frontend environment
Create environment files from templates:
cp .env.template .env cp .env.back.development.template .env.back.development cp .env.back.test.template .env.back.test cp .env.front.template .env.front
Set up Python virtual environment:
python -m venv taxi-env source taxi-env/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt
Start shared services:
docker compose -f docker-compose.shared.yml up -d
Activate virtual environment:
source taxi-env/bin/activate
Run the management application:
python taxi-dev-servers/app.py
Available commands:
- List all entries (containers, DNS, MongoDB)
- Create new development environment
- Edit user configurations
- Remove development environment
In SPARCS VPN Configuration, add the following line under the
sectionDNS =
SSH Into Development Container Using Custom DNS
In the backend directory, run the following comands to setup and run the backend server
cd ~/taxi-back pnpm i pnpm build pnpm sample pnpm start
In the frontend directory, run the following comands to setup and run the frontend server
cd ~/taxi-front pnpm i pnpm build:all pnpm start:web
See the deployed application by opening your browser at http://username.taxi.sparcs.org:3000
participant User
participant Taxi Dev Center
participant DNS Manager
participant MongoDB Manager
participant Container Manager
Note over User,Container Manager: Create User Flow
User->>Taxi Dev Center: Create new user (username, IP)
Taxi Dev Center->>DNS Manager: Create DNS entry
DNS Manager-->>Taxi Dev Center: DNS entry created
Taxi Dev Center->>MongoDB Manager: Create MongoDB user
MongoDB Manager-->>Taxi Dev Center: MongoDB credentials
Taxi Dev Center->>Container Manager: Create container
Container Manager-->>Taxi Dev Center: SSH credentials
Taxi Dev Center-->>User: All credentials
Note over User,Container Manager: Edit User Flow
User->>Taxi Dev Center: Edit user details
alt Edit Username
Taxi Dev Center->>MongoDB Manager: Update username
MongoDB Manager-->>Taxi Dev Center: New credentials
Taxi Dev Center->>DNS Manager: Update DNS
DNS Manager-->>Taxi Dev Center: Success
Taxi Dev Center->>Container Manager: Update container
Container Manager-->>Taxi Dev Center: Success
else Edit IP Only
Taxi Dev Center->>DNS Manager: Update IP
DNS Manager-->>Taxi Dev Center: Success
Taxi Dev Center->>Container Manager: Update container
Container Manager-->>Taxi Dev Center: Success
Taxi Dev Center-->>User: Update complete
Note over User,Container Manager: Remove User Flow
User->>Taxi Dev Center: Remove user
Taxi Dev Center->>Container Manager: Remove container
Container Manager-->>Taxi Dev Center: Success
Taxi Dev Center->>DNS Manager: Remove DNS entry
DNS Manager-->>Taxi Dev Center: Success
Taxi Dev Center->>MongoDB Manager: Remove MongoDB user
MongoDB Manager-->>Taxi Dev Center: Success
Taxi Dev Center-->>User: User removed
Note over User,Container Manager: List Users Flow
User->>Taxi Dev Center: List all users
Taxi Dev Center->>DNS Manager: Get DNS entries
DNS Manager-->>Taxi Dev Center: DNS entries
Taxi Dev Center->>MongoDB Manager: Get MongoDB users
MongoDB Manager-->>Taxi Dev Center: MongoDB users
Taxi Dev Center->>Container Manager: Get container status
Container Manager-->>Taxi Dev Center: Container status
Taxi Dev Center-->>User: Combined table