- WTF - What The ???
- TLA = Three-letter acronym
- Site Reliable Engineer - How Google Runs Production Systems
- DevOps
- Why are the PMs all hot and bothers about shipping the experience?
- Quadrant of Visible/Invisible and Features/Bugs
- BDuF = Big Design Up Front
- Eric Ries' book: The Lean Startup
- MVP = Minimal Viable Product vs self satisfaction
- Data afformation phase (??) Steve Row (??) - Confirmation bias
- Pop and Dyke principle (???)
- Deferring Commitment - defer decision to the last possible moment
- Customer Validation
- Backlog grooming
- WSJF = Weighted Shortest Job First WSJF
- Business ROI (Return on Investment)
- Intuition based vs data driven decision making
- KPI = Key Performance Indicator
- Technical Debt
- CSM Certified Scrum Master
- disaggregation
- ET = Exploratory Testing
- The Art of Agile Development
- TestBash Philadelphia 2016
- Scavenger hunt
- Tester eye
- Testing without testers
- QTEC - Quality Test engineering comittee in Microsoft
- Testing software just like we did it in 1992
- Microsoft Teams
- GA = General Availability
- Ships 9 times a week
- Who Moved My Cheese?
- Power BI
- DRI = Designated Responsible Individual (the person who answers the phone)
- Incident Manager
- VSTS = Visual Studio Team System
- Rapid deployment / Semi-frequent deployment / Often deployment
- Calendar time
- Engineer time
- Michael Richards - Director of Quality Assurance
- Vernon Richards - Independent Test engineer from UK
- Perze Ababa -
- TestBash Philadelphia 2016
- Star Conferences
- Elizabeth Zagroba
- Suzan Cain TED Talk the power of introverts
- power distance index
- Emotional Quotient
- Scavenger hunt (explore Philadelphia)
- Liberty bell
- Context Driven Testing
- Christina ??
- Tesla Model 3
- the flow
- Simmering point productivity and comfort
- Shrink wrap product
- Raise the bar of bugs to be fixed
- "ask mode" = PM decided which changes can go into the product before release
- Chuck Rossi: Developer Karma
- feature flag aka. feature toggle = the code is there but users cannot use it; feature on/off flags
- Mini waterfall, Scrummerfall
- Continuous Delivery
- pre-production branch
- Deployment Rings - Build deployment rings for Windows 10 updates
- Dev - preprod - prod
- Kanban everyone can ship
- "get to cd"
- Unittests PhantomJS
- UI tests Selenium
- flaky tests
- behavioral and functional correctness
- SRE = Site Reliability Engineer
- TSG Trouble Shooting Guide
- BHAGs = Big Hairy Audacious Goal
- Release branch
- Git
- "Risk retraining"
- bug jail
- popcorn theory of software development
- Deployment models
- SAFe = Scaled Agile Framework version of deployment model
- private dev branch
- official dev branch
- integration dev branch
- rtm branch
- Predicting things is hard. Especially about the future.
- WSJF = Weighted Shortest Job First WSJF
- Iterate - learn - repeat
- Unified engineering model