A collection Vue.js filters.
Simply include vue2-filters
after Vue and it will install itself automatically:
<script src="vue.js"></script>
<script src="vue2-filters.min.js"></script>
To use one of the predefined methods (such as limitBy
, filterBy
, find
, or orderBy
) in your component, you also need to add Vue2Filters.mixin
to mixin list:
new Vue({
mixins: [Vue2Filters.mixin],
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue/dist/vue.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue2-filters/dist/vue2-filters.min.js"></script>
To use one of the predefined methods (such as limitBy
, filterBy
, find
, or orderBy
) in your component, you also need to add Vue2Filters.mixin
to mixin list:
new Vue({
mixins: [Vue2Filters.mixin],
npm install vue2-filters
When used with a module system, you must explicitly install the filters via Vue.use()
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vue2Filters from 'vue2-filters'
You don't need to do this when using global script tags.
To use one of the predefined methods (such as limitBy
, filterBy
, find
, or orderBy
) in your component, you also need to add Vue2Filters.mixin
to mixin list:
import Vue2Filters from 'vue2-filters'
export default {
mixins: [Vue2Filters.mixin],
npm install vue2-filters
When create file plugins/vue2-filters.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vue2Filters from 'vue2-filters'
Then, add the file inside the plugins
key of nuxt.config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
To use one of the predefined methods (such as limitBy
, filterBy
, find
, or orderBy
) in your component, you also need to add Vue2Filters.mixin
to mixin list:
import Vue2Filters from 'vue2-filters'
export default {
mixins: [Vue2Filters.mixin],
- capitalize
- uppercase
- lowercase
- placeholder
- truncate
- number
- bytes
- percent
- currency
- pluralize
- ordinal
- limitBy
- filterBy
- find
- orderBy
{Object} [options] - default: {}
{Boolean} [onlyFirstLetter] - default: false
{{ msg | capitalize }} // 'abc' => 'Abc'
Capitalize only first letter of sentence:
{{ msg | capitalize({ onlyFirstLetter: true }) }} // 'lorem ipsum dolor' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor'
{{ msg | uppercase }} // 'abc' => 'ABC'
{{ msg | lowercase }} // 'ABC' => 'abc'
{String} [placeholder]
{{ msg | placeholder('Text if msg is missing') }} // '' => 'Text if msg is missing'
{Number} [length] - default: 15
{{ msg | truncate(10) }} // 'lorem ipsum dolor' => 'lorem ipsu...'
{String} [format] - default: ''
{Object} [options] - default: {}
{String} [thousandsSeparator] - default: ','
{String} [decimalSeparator] - default: '.'
{{ 123456 | number('0,0') }} // => 123,456
Change the number of digits after the decimal point:
{{ 12345.67 | number('0.0000') }} // => 12345.6700
Add a plus or minus sign to the beginning:
{{ 123456 | number('+0') }} // => +123456 {{ 123456 | number('-0') }} // => -123456
Show number in thousand (K) or in millions (M):
{{ 123456 | number('0a') }} // => 123K {{ 123456 | number('0 a') }} // => 123 K {{ 123456789 | number('0a') }} // => 123M
Use a different thousands separator:
{{ 1234567 | number('0,0', { thousandsSeparator: ' ' }) }} // => 1 234 567
Use a different decimal separator:
{{ 12345.67 | number('0.00', { decimalSeparator: '|' }) }} // => 12,345|67
{Number} [decimalDigits] - default: 2
{{ 1 | bytes }} // => 1 byte {{ 20 | bytes }} // => 20 bytes {{ 2000 | bytes }} // => 1.95 kB {{ 2000000 | bytes }} // => 1.91 MB {{ 2000000000 | bytes }} // => 1.86 GB {{ 2000000000000 | bytes }} // => 1.82 TB
Change the number of digits after the decimal point:
{{ 2000000000 | bytes(4) }} // => 1.8626 GB
{Number} [decimalDigits] - default: 0
{Number} [multiplier] - default: 100
{Object} [options] - default: {}
{String} [decimalSeparator] - default: '.'
{{ 0.01 | percent }} // => 1% {{ 0.1 | percent }} // => 10% {{ 1 | percent }} // => 100% {{ 100 | percent }} // => 10000% {{ 0.97 | percent }} // => 97%
Change the number of digits after the decimal point:
{{ 0.974878234 | percent(3) }} // => 97.488%
Change the multiplier:
{{ 0.974878234 | percent(3, 150) }} // => 146.232%
Use a different decimal separator:
{{ 0.07 | percent(2, 100, { decimalSeparator: '|' }) }} // => 7|00%
{String} [symbol] - default: '$'
{Number} [decimalDigits] - default: 2
{Object} [options] - default: {}
{String} [thousandsSeparator] - default: ','
{String} [decimalSeparator] - default: '.'
{Boolean} [symbolOnLeft] - default: true
{Boolean} [spaceBetweenAmountAndSymbol] - default: false
{Boolean} [showPlusSign] - default: false
{{ amount | currency }} // 12345 => $12,345.00
Use a different symbol:
{{ amount | currency('£') }} // 12345 => £12,345.00
Use a different number decimal places:
{{ amount | currency('₽', 0) }} // 12345 => ₽12,345
Use a different thousands separator:
{{ amount | currency('$', 0, { thousandsSeparator: '.' }) }} // 12345 => $12.345
Use a different decimal separator:
{{ amount | currency('$', 2, { decimalSeparator: ',' }) }} // 12345 => $12,345,00
Use symbol on right:
{{ amount | currency('$', 0, { symbolOnLeft: false }) }} // 12345 => 12,345$
Add space between amount and symbol:
{{ amount | currency('$', 0, { spaceBetweenAmountAndSymbol: true }) }} // 12345 => $ 12,345
Show the plus sign if the value is greater than zero:
{{ amount | currency('$', 0, { showPlusSign: true }) }} // 12345 => +$12,345
Use multiple options:
{{ amount | currency('kr', 2, { symbolOnLeft: false, spaceBetweenAmountAndSymbol: true }) }} // 12345 => 12,345.00 kr
{String|Array} single or Array(single, double, triple, ...)
{Object} [options] - default: {}
{Boolean} [includeNumber] - default: false
{{ count }} {{ count | pluralize('item') }} // 1 => '1 item' // 2 => '2 items'
Use an array of words:
{{ count }} {{ count | pluralize(['fry', 'fries']) }} // 1 => '1 fry' // 2 => '2 fries' // 3 => '3 fries'
Include number to output:
{{ count | pluralize('test', { includeNumber: true }) }} // 1 => '1 test' // 2 => '2 tests'
{Object} [options] - default: {}
{Boolean} [includeNumber] - default: false
{{ date | ordinal }} // 1 => 'st' // 2 => 'nd' // 3 => 'rd' // 4 => 'th' // 5 => 'th'
Include number to output:
{{ date | ordinal({ includeNumber: true }) }} // 1 => '1st' // 2 => '2nd'
{Number|Array} [items]
{Number} [limit]
{Number} [offset]
<!-- only display first 10 items --> <div v-for="item in limitBy(items, 10)">{{ item }}</div> <!-- display items 5 to 15 --> <div v-for="item in limitBy(items, 10, 5)">{{ item }}</div> <!-- with a Range --> <div v-for="n in limitBy(10, 4, 2)">{{ n }}</div>
{Array} [items]
{String} [query]
{String} [searchKey]
<!-- only items that contain the target string "hello" will be displayed --> <div v-for="item in filterBy(items, 'hello')"> <!-- the filter will only search for "Jack" in the name field of each user object --> <div v-for="user in filterBy(users, 'Jack', 'name')"> <!-- the filter will only search for "Bonnie" in the name or age fields of each user object --> <div v-for="user in filterBy(users, 'Bonnie', 'name', 'age')"> <!-- filter using a custom function --> <div v-for="user in filterBy(users, user => user.age > 16 && user.age < 60)">
{Array} [items]
{String} [query]
{String} [searchKey]
<!-- only the first item that contains the target string "hello" will be displayed --> <div v-for="item in find(items, 'hello')"> <!-- the filter will only search for "Bonnie" in the name or age fields of each user object and return the first result --> <div v-for="user in find(users, 'Bonnie', 'name', 'age')">
{Array} [items]
{String} [sortKey]
{Number} [order] - default: 1
Sort users by name:
<ul> <li v-for="user in orderBy(users, 'name')"> {{ user.name }} </li> </ul>
In descending order:
<ul> <li v-for="user in orderBy(users, 'name', -1)"> {{ user.name }} </li> </ul>
Sort primitive values:
<ul> <li v-for="name in orderBy(names, true)"> {{ name }} </li> </ul>
If you need to override filter options globally you can do so by passing an object into Vue.use()
function as the second argument:
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vue2Filters from 'vue2-filters'
var Vue2FiltersConfig = {
capitalize: {
onlyFirstLetter: false
number: {
format: '0',
thousandsSeparator: ',',
decimalSeparator: '.'
bytes: {
decimalDigits: 2
percent: {
decimalDigits: 2,
multiplier: 100,
decimalSeparator: '.'
currency: {
symbol: '$',
decimalDigits: 2,
thousandsSeparator: ',',
decimalSeparator: '.',
symbolOnLeft: true,
spaceBetweenAmountAndSymbol: false,
showPlusSign: false
pluralize: {
includeNumber: false
ordinal: {
includeNumber: false
Vue.use(Vue2Filters, Vue2FiltersConfig)
Aside from using filters inside templates you can do this programmatically using default filters object:
For example, here's how you can use the currency
this.$options.filters.currency(100) // => $100.00
As for such filters as limitBy
, filterBy
, find
, or orderBy
, they can be used as usual methods:
this.limitBy([1,2,3,4,5], 2) // => [1,2]
The pluralize
filter arguments order has been changed. In the new version to specify several variants of words you can do this by passing an array as first argument, like so:
{{ count | pluralize(['item', 'items']) }}
In addition, the function of translate a regular number to its ordinal representation was removed from the pluralize
filter. Now there is a separate ordinal
filter for this:
{{ count | ordinal }}
To match the definition of the word "capitalize", the default filter behavior has been changed. The filter now capitalizes the first letter in each word in the sentence (like CSS property text-transform
If you want capitalize only first letter of sentence, you just need to add the onlyFirstLetter
parameter to the filter, like so:
{{ msg | capitalize({ onlyFirstLetter: true }) }}
In the new version it was decided to refuse from global registration of mixins, as it could lead to errors when using this package with other packages. Therefore, you need to manually add Vue2Filters.mixin
into the mixin list of your components if you use at least one of the predefined methods (such as limitBy
, filterBy
, find
or orderBy
export default {
mixins: [Vue2Filters.mixin],
You can read more about the reasons for this change here
If you find a bug or want to contribute to the code or documentation, you can help by submitting an issue or a pull request.