Before you proceed, ensure that you have the following software installed on your machine:
Clone the repository using the following command:
git clone -b dev
Navigate to the project folder:
cd invent
Start the environment:
kubectl config use-context docker-desktop
tilt up
By navigating to http://localhost:10350/r/(all)/overview you can see the status of the resources. The "copy-dump" and "import-dump" Tilt resources are ok to crash if you don't have a sql dump named "dump_anon.sql" present in the root of the repository.
Once all the services in Tilt (Postgres, Redis, Mailhog, Backend, Frontend) are up and running, initiate the DB:
kubectl exec deployments/invent-django -- python migrate
Create a superuser by providing the necessary information:
kubectl exec -it deployments/invent-django -- python createsuperuser
Next, go to the URL http://localhost/admin and login using the user you just created.
To create a User that can login to the Invent application, got to the Users section, under the "AUTHENTICATION AND AUTHORIZATION". Click on "ADD USER +" and fill out the fields as follows:
Field | Value |
Username | As you wish (you’ll use the email address to log in) |
Password | As per hint |
Account type | Investor viewer (most accounts are of this type) |
Name | A name that will be displayed in the INVENT page |
Organisation | UNICEF (choose the one in all CAPS) |
Country | As wished |
Donor | UNICEF |
Language | English |
Global portfolio owner | Leave unchecked for a “normal” user |
Country manager of | Leave unchanged for a “normal” user |
Once ready, click "Save" (on the bottom right of the screen) and the page will reload with some additional fields.
Add the email address (which will be used to log in and for notifications). Leave all the other fields alone for a “normal” user.
To login with the "normal" user you just created, go to http://localhost/en/-/login and use the e-mail and password of the user.
Static files (png, css, etc.) should go to:
And can be accessed like:
http://localhost -- deployed frontend http://localhost/admin -- backend admin
- Download the maps with the link in the admin page of the selected country
- Unzip the map and load it in MAPSHAPER
- Simplify the map as much as possible without loosing quality
- Export the map from mapshaper as a geojson
- Load the exported map file in the admin console and save the form
- After the map is loaded use the admin interface to select the admin levels and hit save ( in the map tool )
- Add a value in Map activated on ( be use the Today and Now buttons)
- Save the form.
On production, install a cron for the user (crontab -e
) to autobackup the DB
0 4 * * * cd /path/to/project/django && fab backup_prod
You can rebuild search any time you want or if you realise there's some data missing from search rebuild_search
When you delete a Donor from Django admin (as a superuser) and want to sync the donors in all projects: remove_stale_donors
When you want to eg. remove a duplicate donor or a typo, you can migrate the project that use the typo or duplicate donor to the one that you want to keep for all projects: switch_donor_form_to <DONOR_ID_YOU_WANT_TO_MIGRATE_FROM> <TO_DONOR_ID>
After migrating all projects, you can delete the typo / duplicate donor objects from the admin (don't forget to issue
the remove_stale_donors
after that.)
On Osx prerequisite is:
brew install gettext
after this command completes:
brew link --overwrite --force gettext
may be needed
To scrape the code and extract translations:
yarn translation:extract
To Update the translations files in the backend:
cd django
fab update_translations
To see the new string and modify translations:
(click on Save and Translate next block to save them)
To have translation appear in the frontend (after saving them at the previous step):
docker-compose restart django
Translations are picked up from <translate></translate>
blocks this block is declared as a global vue component so it can be used without importing it.
If a translation string needs parameters (ie: {{}} hello!) the syntax is <translate :parameters="{name:}"> {name} hello </translate>
Also, $gettext('english/base string')
method is available in every Vue component via a mixin in the i18n plugin.