This is a project for building a 64bit Gvim AppImage from the latest Vim snapshots. AppImage is a form of cross-distribution packaging format that can be run everywhere by simply downloading the image and starting it. For more information about the package format see here: AppImage.
The image is based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS bionic 20.04 LTS bionic (since PR #47,
because Github retired the Ubuntu 18.04 images in April 2023)
It most likely won't work on older distributions. If you require a Vim appimage, that runs on older distributions, you can download the latest Ubuntu 18.04 based installation here: v9.0.1413
Download and execute the
most recent GVim-*.AppImage
file to run GVim.
If you want a terminal Vim, just create a symbolic link with a name starting with "vim". Like:
ln -s GVim-*.AppImage vim.appimage
Then start vim.appimage
to get a terminal Vim.
The vim / gvim AppImage's are built with Vim interfaces for Perl, Python3, Ruby and Lua. See the release notes for usage and details.
The Vim license applies (see :h license) to all the build scripts in this repository. Note, that Vim is included as a submodule and comes with its own license (although is also released under the Vim license).