CARE: Commonsense-Aware Emotional Response Generation with Latent Concepts
The paper is available here
- ./emotion_classifier: our deepmoji classifier (
- ./process_data: scripts to process data, extract emotional triplets, and construct latent concepts
- ./tools: scripts to expand VAD lexicon, process data, evaluate responses, and do helper tasks
- ./OpenKE: scripts to train TransE on ConceptNet, based on (
- ./onmt: the main package for our model, based on (
- Train an emotion classifier on emotional tweets
- Download and preprocess dataset
- Use the trained emotion classifer to classify the emotions of responses
- Extract emotional triplets using scripts in ./process_data using PMI
- Extend ConceptNet with extracted emotional triplets
- Train a TransE model on the extended ConceptNet using ./OpenKE
- Extract concepts in messages
- Generate relational and emotional latent concepts for the responses
- run to train and evaluate the model
- Reddit:
- Twitter:
The transformer is based on the OpenNMT-py package (v1.0.0). Follow their doc for the preprocessing and vocabulary construction of the conversation datasets. The training, generation, and evaluation follow the shell scripts.