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@ipochi ipochi released this 14 Sep 09:31
· 5 commits to master since this release

We're happy to announce the release of Lokomotive v0.9.0 (Indian Pacific).

Changes in v0.9.0

Kubernetes and control plane component updates

  • Update Kubernetes to v1.21.4 (#1567).
  • Update etcd to v3.4.16 (#1493).
  • Update calico to v3.19.1 (#1521).
  • Replace Packet CCM with Cloud Provider Equinix Metal (#1545).

New components

  • Add component azure-arc-onboarding (#1473).
  • Add control plane component node-local-dns (#1524).

Component updates

  • Update external-dns to v0.8.0 (#1499).
  • Update cert-manager to v1.4.0 (#1501).
  • Update dex to v2.28.1 (#1503).
  • Update velero to v1.6.0 (#1505).
  • Update prometheus-operator charts to v0.48.1 (#1506).
  • Update openebs-operator to v2.10.0 (#1509).
  • Update node-problem-detector to v0.8.8 (#1507).
  • Update rook to v1.6.5 (#1495).
  • Update contour to v1.16.0 (#1508).
  • Update linkerd to v2.10.2 (#1522)
  • Update cluster-autoscaler to v1.21.0 (#1512).
  • Update metallb to v0.9.6 (#1555).

Terraform provider updates

  • Update Terraform providers to their latest versions (#1523).


  • equinixmetal: Rename documentation, code and configuration from Packet to Equinix Metal (#1545).
  • baremetal: Users can now configure node specific labels (#1405).
  • rook-ceph: Add new parameter resources for resource requests and limits (#1483).
  • baremetal: Add new parameter wipe_additional_disks which allows to wipe any additional disks attached to
    the machine (#1486).
  • baremetal: Automated (re-)provisioning of worker nodes (#1502).
  • Add new parameter enable_node_local_dns to enable node-local-dns support for clusters (#1524).
  • Add parameter tolerations for prometheus-operator and its components (#1540).
  • Define MaxHistory to clean up old Helm releases (#1549).
  • Add cpu_manager_policy flag to workers in Lokomotive clusters on Equinix Metal and AWS (#1406).
  • cli: Allow skipping the control plane updates, if cluster is not successfully configured using the flag
    --skip-control-plane-update (#1482).


  • Use new label and taints syntax for rook-ceph (#1474).
  • Add information about restic parameter require_volume_annotation (#1539).
  • Rename Packet to Equinix Metal (#1537).

Bug Fixes

  • baremetal: Fix certificate rotation (#1478).
  • baremetal: Configure and persist kernel args (#1489).
  • Equinix Metal ARM: Use HTTP for iPXE URL (#1498)
    instead of HTTPS as it's unreliable with iPXE.
  • terraform: Fix ignored ConditionPathExists from [Service] section to [Unit] section (#1518).
  • cli: Honor --upgrade-kubelets option (#1516).
  • Fix pre-update health check potentially rolling back to older release of control plane component
    (#1515 &


  • cli: Enable upgrade kubelets by default. Starting with v0.9.0 version the default value of
    --upgrade-kubelets flag is changed from false to true (#1517).
  • baremetal: Let installer.service retry on failure (#1490).
  • baremetal: Set hostname from <cluster_name>-worker-<count_index> to controller_names<count_index> for
    controllers and worker_names<count_index> for workers when set_standard_hostname is true
  • pkg/terraform: Increase the default parallelism (#1481).
  • cert-rotation: Print journal on error when restarting etcd (#1500).
  • Restart containers from systemd unit only, not from Docker daemon. This fixes possible race conditions while
    rotating certificates (#1511).
  • Go module updates and cleanups (#1556).

Configuration syntax changes

Equinix Metal (formerly Packet)

Lokomotive cluster deployed on Equinix Metal needs cluster configuration change from packet to equinixmetal:

# old
cluster "packet" {

# new
cluster "equinixmetal" {


The variable k8s_domain_name now takes only the domain name instead of the <cluster_name>.<k8s_domain_name>.


# old
k8s_domain_name = "mercury.k8s.localdomain"

# new
k8s_domain_name = "k8s.localdomain"


Alertmanager and operator are now configured as a block.

# old
alertmanager_retention    = "360h"
alertmanager_external_url = ""
alertmanager_config       = file("alertmanager-config.yaml")
alertmanager_node_selector = {
  "" = "worker3"

# new
alertmanager {
  retention    = "360h"
  external_url = ""
  config       = file("alertmanager-config.yaml")
  node_selector = {
    "" = "worker3"
# old
prometheus_operator_node_selector = {
  "" = "worker3"

# new
operator {
  node_selector = {
    "" = "worker3"

Baremetal features: User data changes and reprovisioning of worker nodes

The baremetal platform now supports user data changes and reprovisioning of worker nodes based on user data

From Lokomotive v0.9.0 onwards, additional files are created in the cluster assests directory.
The filename being the MAC address of the machine and the contents being the domain name.

The following upgrade paths are supported:

No user data changes to the worker nodes

In such a scenario, the only thing that needs to be done is the above mentioned change in k8s_domain_name.
By default, user data changes are ignored.

User data changes but no PXE reprovisioning of worker nodes (reprovisioning happens via SSH):

In such a scenario, Lokomotive reboots the worker nodes and applies the user data changes. To bring about
such a change:

  1. Make user data changes (if any).
  2. Set ignore_worker_changes = false.

User data changes and reprovisioning of worker nodes:

In such a scenario, Lokomotive forces reinstallation of worker nodes via PXE and applies the user data
changes. This requires a meaningful pxe_commands value configured for automation.

To bring about such a change:

  1. Make user data changes (if any).
  2. Remove the file with worker node MAC address from cluster assets directory.
  3. Set ignore_worker_changes = false in cluster configuration.
  4. Set pxe_commands to appropriate value.

NOTE: Reprovisioning will reinstall the operating system. If you have any stateful workloads running,
this step would result is data loss. Lokomotive does not taint or drain the worker nodes before
reprovisioning, it's recommended to be done manually before initiating reprovisioning of the worker nodes.

Updating from v0.8.0

Cluster update steps

NOTE: Updating multiple Lokomotive versions at a time is not supported. If your cluster is running a
version older than v0.8.0, update to v0.8.0 first and only then proceed with the update to v0.9.0.

Execute the following steps in your cluster configuration directory:

Download and install the lokoctl binary by following the
v0.9.0 installation guide
and verify the version:

lokoctl version
Update steps for Equinix Metal (formerly Packet)
  1. Backup the Terraform state file:

    cd $assets_dir/terraform
    terraform state pull > backup.state
  2. Update Terraform provider from packethost/packet to equinix/metal:

    terraform state replace-provider packethost/packet equinix/metal
  3. Pull the latest state file (required only if using S3 backend):

    terraform state pull > terraform.tfstate
  4. Replace all references of packet_ with metal_ in the state file:

     sed -i 's/packet_/metal_/g' terraform.tfstate
  5. Change the module name from module.packet to module.equinixmetal in
    the state file:

    sed -i 's/module.packet/module.equinixmetal/g' terraform.tfstate
  6. Push Terraform state (required only if using S3 backend):

    terraform state push -force terraform.tfstate
  7. Replace packet with equinixmetal in the cluster configuration file. Execute this step in the cluster

    # old
    cluster "packet" {
    # new
    cluster "equinixmetal" {
  8. Uninstall Packet CCM as we are replacing it with Cloud Provider Equinix Metal.

    helm uninstall packet-ccm --namespace kube-system
  9. Upgrade to Lokomotive v0.9.0.

    lokoctl cluster apply --skip-components --skip-pre-update-health-check

    NOTE: Do not forget the --skip-pre-update-health-check flag.

Update steps for Baremetal
  1. Create new files in the assets directory for each controller and worker node. The file name should be the
    MAC address of the node and the contents of the file should be the domain name (i.e controller_domains
    and worker_domains):

    # for each controller and worker nodes
    echo <DOMAIN_NAME> > $assets_dir/cluster-assets/<MAC_ADDRESS>
  2. Change the value of k8s_domain_name to only include the domain name:

    # old
    k8s_domain_name =
    # new
    k8s_domain_name = ""
  3. Add a pxe_commands entry which lokoctl uses to automate the PXE (re)provisioning. For existing clusters
    you can use pxe_commands = "true" to have no PXE automation (true is the no-op bash shell command),
    and reprovisioning through PXE won't be supported for this cluster.

  4. Follow the steps mentioned in this section
    as per the desired upgrade path. Make the necessary configuration changes as mentioned.
    Finally execute:

    lokoctl cluster apply --skip-components
Other platforms


lokoctl cluster apply --skip-components

Update ETCD and hosted Kubelet

On all platforms except AKS, do the following:

  1. Download the release bundle:
curl -LO
tar -xvzf v0.9.0.tar.gz
  1. Run the update script:

Component update steps

Update installed Lokomotive components:

lokoctl components apply

NOTE: Updating the MetalLB and Contour components would incur some downtime. Please update
the components accordingly.