Releases: koordinator-sh/koordinator
Releases · koordinator-sh/koordinator
What's Changed
- scheduler: refine reservation msg if matched filtered out by other plugins by @saintube in #2085
- Add ZiMengSheng into approvers alias by @ZiMengSheng in #2087
- scheduler: fix reservation plugin clone concurrent read write by @buptcozy in #2084
- scheduler: fix elastic quota TestPlugin_OnPodDelete random panic by @buptcozy in #2083
- scheduler: change reservation event message format by @zwzhang0107 in #2090
- scheduler: add node info in reservation level event by @zwzhang0107 in #2094
- scheduler: support consume reserved numa resource by @ZiMengSheng in #2080
- scheduler: add new pod estimate with loadaware plugin by @zwForrest in #1992
- koord-descheduler: limit the total number of pod evictions by @zwForrest in #2091
- chore: fix e2e configs after the load-aware scheduling updated by @saintube in #2101
- koord-descheduler: balance prod pods between nodes in LowNodeLoad by @zwForrest in #2066
- chore: fix low node load test after prod thresholds added by @songtao98 in #2103
- koord-scheduler: Pod updates should not update the timestamp by @zwForrest in #2100
- koord-descheduler: fix object limiter by move it to reconciler by @songtao98 in #2088
- koord-descheduler: enhance LowNodeLoad scorer by @LY-today in #2092
- koord-descheduler: support evicting all bare pods in migration controller by @songtao98 in #2102
- koordlet: update resctrl qos proposal by @kangclzjc in #2079
- koordlet: add taskids in statesinformer by @kangclzjc in #2057
- koord-manager: fix the prom metrics handler by @saintube in #2107
- koord-descheduler: fix descheduler log by @zwForrest in #2114
- scheduler: support pod request exact match reservation by @ZiMengSheng in #2121
- scheduler: reduce cycleState overhead for reservation by @saintube in #2120
- scheduler: fix reserveNUMAResource bug by @ZiMengSheng in #2124
- koordlet: add allpods reconciler func by @kangclzjc in #2112
- scheduler: reduce deviceShare memory overhead by @ZiMengSheng in #2126
- webhook: add quota evaluate webhook by @shaloulcy in #2129
- koordlet: upgrade nri to 0.6.1 by @kangclzjc in #2132
- koord-manager: support manually configured default cpu normalization settings by @yangfeiyu20102011 in #2128
- koordlet: tc plugin for netqos by @lucming in #1920
- chore: fix koordlet dockerfile by @saintube in #2134
- koord-descheduler: Fix threshold initialization for prod. by @zwForrest in #2130
- scheduler: support device topology strategy by @ZiMengSheng in #2133
- scheduler: optimize when only 1 reservation/node by @ZiMengSheng in #2136
- koord-descheduler: add migration object limiter for namespace by @songtao98 in #2068
- webhook: revise elasticquota mutating when validating disabled by @saintube in #2135
- koord-descheduler: support max migrating globally limitation by @songtao98 in #2143
- scheduler: skip uncessary Filter&Score plugin by @ZiMengSheng in #2138
- all: support priority and preemption policy transformer by @saintube in #2137
- scheduler: elastic quota ignore terminating pod by @shaloulcy in #2141
- koord-descheduler: fix maxMigratingGlobally arg json tag by @songtao98 in #2144
- scheduler:support multi gpu share by @AdrianMachao in #2127
- scheduler: return framework.Unschedulable when cpuPolicy not satisfied by @ZiMengSheng in #2146
- koord-manager: fix invalid assignments in the resource amplification … by @yangfeiyu20102011 in #2149
- koordlet: add some information to improve log readability by @yangfeiyu20102011 in #2153
- ci: add disk GC for E2E jobs by @saintube in #2157
- scheduler: fix panic when NUMANode equals -1 by @ZiMengSheng in #2151
- scheduler: fix too many ut log by @ZiMengSheng in #2154
- scheduler: support scheduler config v1 by @AdrianMachao in #2167
- scheduler: add coscheduling preEnqueue by @AdrianMachao in #2155
- koordlet: add record events by @kangclzjc in #2162
- koordlet: fix unsafe conversion in net_cls by @saintube in #2173
- scheduler: assure only gpu will allocate by topology by @ZiMengSheng in #2178
- schedler: move gang OnceSatified to gangGroupInfo by @buptcozy in #2176
- scheduler: add reservation preemption by @saintube in #2139
- koord-descheduler: update k8s descheduler to 0.28.0 by @songtao98 in #2156
- scheduler: support reservation ignored and nodenumaresource preemption by @saintube in #2163
- koord-manager: support resource amplification config, cpu, memory and other resource by @yangfeiyu20102011 in #2172
- scheduler: fix pod update when pod creation is before quota creation by @shaloulcy in #2177
- scheduler: permit other plugin to set numaAffinity by @ZiMengSheng in #2182
- koord-descheduler: LowNodeLoad check if evicted pod can cause new node over utilized by @songtao98 in #2142
- Update OWNERS_ALIASES by @hormes in #2145
- koord-descheduler: fixes namespace object limiter by @songtao98 in #2160
- scheduler: suppport by @ZiMengSheng in #2174
- scheduler: elastic quota ignore terminating pod immediately by @TaoYang526 in #2180
- apis: add reservation name, taints and tolerations in ReservationAffinitty by @zwzhang0107 in #2186
- scheduler: fix panic when nonimatingInfo nil by @ZiMengSheng in #2189
- apis: add protobuf for reservation by @zwzhang0107 in #2192
- scheduler: fix ElasticQuota state's Clone by @saintube in #2190
- koordlet: fix wrong msg in calculateBESuppressCPU by @yangfeiyu20102011 in #2193
- chores(deps): Add support depguard rules in golangci-lint by @dongjiang1989 in #1965
- koord-descheduler: fix migration controller max unavailable computing algorigthm by @songtao98 in #2196
- scheduler: support devices of the same node gpuMem not equal by @ZiMengSheng in #2199
- scheduler: support pod preemption from numa awareless reservation by @ZiMengSheng in #2204
- scheduler: optimize numa affinity store by @ZiMengSheng in #2209
- apis: fix type of MinResources in podgroup by @zwzhang0107 in #2212
- koordlet: Add resctrl runtime hook for pod level by @kangclzjc in #2123
- koord-manager: nodeslo-controller enqueue request when node labels updated by @chengjoey in #2201
- scheduler: optimize performance on tran...
What's Changed
- koordlet: fix core sched conflicts with GI and revise API by @saintube in #1829
- koordlet: fix recursively disabling bvt by @saintube in #1848
- koordlet: fix struct type lost of node slo extension by @zwzhang0107 in #1847
- scheduler: fix ElasticQuota creation failure on startup by @eahydra in #1845
- koordlet: eliminate cache GC is not started by @saintube in #1849
- scheduler : supports disable runtime quota by @xulinfei1996 in #1839
- chore(deps): bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #1851
- scheduler: optimize ElasticQuota status/metrics sync flow by @eahydra in #1850
- scheduler: fix ElasaticQuota sync status missing decorate used by @jasonliu747 in #1852
- scheduler: fix missing tree id in GetQuotaSummary() by @jasonliu747 in #1853
- scheduler: ElasticQuota runtime is no longer calculated when not needed by @eahydra in #1855
- koord-manager: refactor gpu device resource plugin by @saintube in #1846
- descheduler: fix bug of nodeAnomalyDetector in LowNodeLoad plugin by @bogo-y in #1858
- scheduler: improve plugin args by @eahydra in #1857
- scheduler: improve Coscheduling PreFilter status by @eahydra in #1861
- Add a new adopter by @zhifanggao in #1865
- metrics: seperater metrics as internal and external for slo-controller and koordlet by @zwzhang0107 in #1807
- koordlet: fix metric record err by @ls-2018 in #1868
- scheduler: fix the method of calculating desiredCount in DeviceShare ApplyForAll strategy by @eahydra in #1870
- webhook: add node affinity for pod when MultiQuotaTree on by @shaloulcy in #1864
- webhook: validate network qos config in webhook by @lucming in #1841
- proposal: Resctrl Qos Enhancement Proposal by @kangclzjc in #1798
- koordlet: decouple CUDA dependency Accelerators feature disabled by @saintube in #1876
- koordlet: export mid resource metrics by @j4ckstraw in #1874
- koordlet: revise base collectors and system status check by @saintube in #1877
- koordlet: fix proxy container service and revise cpu.max updater by @saintube in #1885
- webhook: improve node affinity performance for MultiQuotaTree by @shaloulcy in #1872
- scheduler: correct NodeNUMAResource handling with NodeFullPCPUsOnly and preferredCPUBindPolicy by @eahydra in #1891
- koordlet: fix misleading query helper by @saintube in #1893
- chore(deps): bump helm/kind-action from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0 by @dependabot in #1897
- webhook: more checks for netqos by @lucming in #1878
- koorldet: remove logging field from the kubelet configz by @zwzhang0107 in #1907
- proposal: support Job-level preemption by @xulinfei1996 in #1879
- proposal: support Reservation preemption by @xulinfei1996 in #1887
- webhook: fix webhook for root quota creation by @shaloulcy in #1916
- scheduler: fix initializing built-in quota objects by @eahydra in #1917
- Proposal: add proposal for multi tree quota by @shaloulcy in #1902
- webhook: fix validateQuotaTopology for root quota by @shaloulcy in #1918
- webhook: forbid use internal protocols by @ls-2018 in #1911
- webhook: remove some annotation verify by @ls-2018 in #1921
- scheduler: add Reservation restricted options to control allocatable resources by @eahydra in #1894
- koordlet: add metrics for kubelet and resource executor by @zwzhang0107 in #1913
- scheduler: remove the restriction that reservation cannot be preempted by @eahydra in #1859
- scheduler: fix reservation restricted options by @eahydra in #1926
- scheduler: add unschedulable resource for root quota by @shaloulcy in #1925
- scheduler: improve NodeNUMAResource handling node cpu bind policy by @eahydra in #1892
- utils: add metric server client by @zwzhang0107 in #1881
- scheduler: update resourceNames of ReservationInfo by @eahydra in #1930
- koordlet: support NetworkQoS plugin by @l1b0k in #1843
- koordlet: revise cgroupRoot param in podsInformer by @saintube in #1928
- koordlet: optimize perf group cpi collection by @bowen-intel in #1905
- koordlet: support blkio-cost rpct and wpct configuration by @wangxiaoq in #1931
- scheduler: resolve the wrong use of gangmod in gang init phase by @PeterChg in #1934
- Add a new adopter by @j4ckstraw in #1938
- scheduler: revise device allocate logic by @ZiMengSheng in #1927
- webhook: fix concurrent map for quota topology by @shaloulcy in #1940
- koordlet: fix bug that cpu eviction does not take effect by @wangxiaoq in #1932
- scheduler: extend reservation nominator to support reservation preemption by @xulinfei1996 in #1936
- koordlet: fix GetAllPods error and wrong tsdb prometheus registry by @saintube in #1944
- proposal: support pod customizing numa policy by @KunWuLuan in #1910
- manager: add featuregate to remove the restriction of parent quota submit pods by @xulinfei1996 in #1929
- scheduler: improve coscheduling's PostFilter if not collect enough by @eahydra in #1948
- scheduler: fix reservation calc error by @eahydra in #1949
- koordlet: support blkio-cost user cost model configuration by @wangxiaoq in #1942
- scheduler: improve the failed event of Reservation's scheduling by @ZiMengSheng in #1947
- scheduler: pick vf by random by @ZiMengSheng in #1953
- scheduler: give more context to device allocator by @ZiMengSheng in #1958
- descheduler: change the order of check len(lowNodes) and len(sourceNodes) by @bogo-y in #1957
- descheduler: add a cache timeout argument for nodeAnomalyDetectors in lowNodeLoad plugin. by @bogo-y in #1955
- descheduler: only include the overused resources when sorting removable pods by @bogo-y in #1962
- apis: add Recommendation crd by @zwzhang0107 in #1937
- webhook: fix priority admission conflict by @j4ckstraw in #1968
- apis: add Resctrl API by @kangclzjc in #1943
- chore: fix make docker build xxx by @j4ckstraw in #1950
- scheduler : fix deviceshare plugin of add\remove pod by @xulinfei1996 in #1963
- Revert "scheduler : fix deviceshare plugin of add\remove pod (#1963)" by @xulinfei1996 in #1971
- koordlet: record invoke metrics for runtime hook by @saintube in #1961
- scheduler: optimize QueueSort func when Gang and Barepod Coexists by @ZiMengSheng in https://github.c...
What's Changed
- descheduler: fix bug of nodeAnomalyDetector in LowNodeLoad plugin by @bogo-y in #1858
- koordlet: decouple CUDA dependency Accelerators feature disabled by @saintube in #1876
- koordlet: eliminate cache GC is not started by @saintube in #1849
- koordlet: fix core sched conflicts with GI and revise API by @saintube in #1829
- koordlet: fix metric record err by @ls-2018 in #1868
- koordlet: fix misleading query helper by @saintube in #1893
- koordlet: fix proxy container service and revise cpu.max updater by @saintube in #1885
- koordlet: fix recursively disabling bvt by @saintube in #1848
- koordlet: fix struct type lost of node slo extension by @zwzhang0107 in #1847
- koordlet: revise base collectors and system status check by @saintube in #1877
- koorldet: remove logging field from the kubelet configz by @zwzhang0107 in #1907
- metrics: seperater metrics as internal and external for slo-controller and koordlet by @zwzhang0107 in #1807
- scheduler : supports disable runtime quota by @xulinfei1996 in #1839
- scheduler: ElasticQuota runtime is no longer calculated when not needed by @eahydra in #1855
- scheduler: correct NodeNUMAResource handling with NodeFullPCPUsOnly and preferredCPUBindPolicy by @eahydra in #1891
- scheduler: fix ElasaticQuota sync status missing decorate used by @jasonliu747 in #1852
- scheduler: fix ElasticQuota creation failure on startup by @eahydra in #1845
- scheduler: fix initializing built-in quota objects by @eahydra in #1917
- scheduler: fix missing tree id in GetQuotaSummary() by @jasonliu747 in #1853
- scheduler: fix the method of calculating desiredCount in DeviceShare ApplyForAll strategy by @eahydra in #1870
- scheduler: improve Coscheduling PreFilter status by @eahydra in #1861
- scheduler: improve plugin args by @eahydra in #1857
- scheduler: optimize ElasticQuota status/metrics sync flow by @eahydra in #1850
- webhook: add node affinity for pod when MultiQuotaTree on by @shaloulcy in #1864
- webhook: fix validateQuotaTopology for root quota by @shaloulcy in #1918
- webhook: fix webhook for root quota creation by @shaloulcy in #1916
- webhook: improve node affinity performance for MultiQuotaTree by @shaloulcy in #1872
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.1
What's Changed
- koordlet: resource qos config supports SYSTEM qos by @saintube in #1556
- koord-manager: Add configurable mutating pod update and normalize webhook name by @FillZpp in #1562
- koord-manager: only enable necessary plugin in the ut of resource calculator by @zwzhang0107 in #1564
- koord-manager: allow quotas that are not bound to pods to become parent nodes by @xulinfei1996 in #1553
- apis: add cold memory collection API by @BUPT-wxq in #1561
- koord-scheduler: fix quota onPodUpdate by @shaloulcy in #1565
- koord-scheduler: skip checking for nodes whose nodemetrics update time has expired by @lucming in #1563
- Fix webhook patch manifests for pod update mutation by @FillZpp in #1575
- proposal: Eviction Arbitration Mechanism in Descheduler by @baowj-678 in #1454
- koordlet: fix lose precision when show result of cpuspress by @lucming in #1572
- koord-descheduler: Add Arbitration Mechanism config by @baowj-678 in #1571
- koord-scheduler: fix missing IsParent when rebuild tree by @shaloulcy in #1576
- koordlet: fix error in perf collector by @bowen-intel in #1569
- koordlet: fix http server with default pprof by @FillZpp in #1577
- apis: optimize extension APIs layout by @eahydra in #1579
- apis: add NUMA-aware topology policies by @eahydra in #1581
- ci: initialize e2e workflow by @saintube in #1573
- koordlet: revise nri server start by @saintube in #1578
- koordlet: fix NUMA info reporting by @saintube in #1587
- koord-scheduler: add numa topology manager by @eahydra in #1584
- apis: update ResourceStatus to support NUMA-aware scheduling by @eahydra in #1588
- proposal: Node Resource Amplification by @zqzten in #1549
- koord-manager: improve batch resource calculation with system metrics by @saintube in #1559
- chore(deps): bump helm/kind-action from 1.5.0 to 1.8.0 by @dependabot in #1590
- apis: add cpu normalization ratio and cpu basic info annotations by @saintube in #1591
- koord-scheduler: move nodes to GroupQuotaManager by @shaloulcy in #1595
- koord-scheduler: export koordinator-root-quota as CRD object by @tan90github in #1555
- koord-scheduler: deviceshare plugin skips handling nodes without device cr by @lucming in #1594
- koord-scheduler: support NUMA-aware scheduling by @eahydra in #1592
- apis: add elastic quota profile by @shaloulcy in #1596
- apis: remove omitempty tag of Device's field health by @eahydra in #1601
- koord-manager: cleanup node.alloc when device cr have been deleted by @lucming in #1597
- apis: add HostApplications for out-of-band application by @zwzhang0107 in #1508
- koord-scheduler: fix runtime quota when quota is not allow lent resource by @shaloulcy in #1583
- koord-scheduler: supports plugins to adjust reservation reusable resources by @eahydra in #1600
- Add multi quota tree by @shaloulcy in #1603
- koord-scheduler: ignore non-existing resources in NUMA Node by @eahydra in #1607
- koord-scheduler: update NodeNUMAResource plugin args by @eahydra in #1610
- koord-scheduler: support reservation score normalization by @eahydra in #1614
- koord-scheduler: update Node capacity by profile by @shaloulcy in #1612
- koord-scheduler: optimize NUMA Topology Manager interface by @eahydra in #1611
- apis: mark device health defaults to false by @eahydra in #1619
- chore(deps): bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #1618
- chore(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #1589
- koord-manager: add quota profile controller by @shaloulcy in #1605
- koord-scheduler: numa-aware scheduling supports scoring by @eahydra in #1609
- koord-manager: fix role for elasticquotaprofile by @shaloulcy in #1620
- koord-descheduler: add Arbitrator by @baowj-678 in #1586
- koord-scheduler: add annotation about namespaces that limit quota usage by @xulinfei1996 in #1566
- apis: introduce api for node resource amplification by @zqzten in #1622
- koordlet: report CPUBasicInfo, adjust normalized cpu cgroups by @saintube in #1604
- koord-manager: support cpu normalization by @saintube in #1599
- koord-scheduler: support required CPU bind policy by @eahydra in #1628
- ci: fix koord-manager role and ignore errors in e2e job by @saintube in #1630
- koord-scheduler: update quota and pod handle for elasticquotaprofile by @shaloulcy in #1621
- ci: remove quota profile rbac role for koord-scheduler by @shaloulcy in #1632
- koordlet: report be cpu share pool and set cpuset if specified by @zwzhang0107 in #1626
- koord-descheduler: add some SortFns for arbitration by @baowj-678 in #1625
- ci: fix quota webhook verb by @shaloulcy in #1635
- koord-scheduler: ElasticQuota plugin implements EnqueueExtensions by @eahydra in #1637
- koord-scheduler: add ElasticQuotaIgnoreOverhead feature-gate by @eahydra in #1636
- koord-scheduler: framework extension executes handler after handling scheduling errors by @eahydra in #1633
- koordlet: report NRT zone resources mergeable by @saintube in #1640
- chore(deps): bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #1648
- koordlet: support qos for out-of-band applications by @zwzhang0107 in #1638
- koord-scheduler: NodeNUMAResource only consider allocatable when generating hints by @eahydra in #1647
- koordlet: add libpfm4&perf group by @bowen-intel in #1554
- koordlet: revise BECPUEvict, RdtResctrl, CPUSetAllocator and system collector by @saintube in #1641
- koordlet: add perf cgroup unsupported by @zwzhang0107 in #1653
- koord-manager: fix LessThanOrEqual in elastic quota by @shaloulcy in #1660
- koord-scheduler: revise NodeNUMAResource by @eahydra in #1657
- Add new adopter by @pheianox in #1642
- koordlet: fix resource qos rules missing LSE by @saintube in #1663
- koord-manager: add NUMA-level batch resources by @saintube in #1631
- Makefile: fix libpfm4 make test by @bowen-intel in #1661
- Makefile: exit for macOS by @bowen-intel in #1664
- koord-scheduler: add ElasticQuota Guaranteed usage by @shaloulcy in #1645
- koord-scheduler: export min/max getters of QuotaInfo as public by @eahydra in #1666
- add DisableDefa...
What's Changed
- Update by @zhouzijiang in #1193
- koord-scheduler: optimize ElasticQuota preemption performance by @eahydra in #1196
- koordlet: improve koordlet profiling and logs by @xigang in #1180
- koord-scheduler: fix pods outside the Reservation preempt pods in the Reservation by @eahydra in #1197
- chore: update license ignore by @zwzhang0107 in #1202
- ci: include test folder in license check by @jasonliu747 in #1203
- koordlet: cleanup runtimehooks and remove the unused code. by @xigang in #1208
- e2e: add reservation reserves cpu cores tests by @eahydra in #1210
- koordlet: improve newKubeletStub method. by @xigang in #1212
- koordlet: fix statsinformer interface function implementation. by @xigang in #1209
- koordlet: fix koordlet batchresource when batch resource limit is not set by @saintube in #1222
- koordlet: reduce the frequency of updating NodeResourceTopology by @wangxiaoq in #1221
- koordlet: support cpuset for system qos pods by @zwzhang0107 in #1215
- koord-manager: add webhook to check slo-config by @chzhj in #1205
- koord-scheduler: support System QOS reserved cpus by @eahydra in #1225
- apis: Node Resource Reservation supports apply policy by @eahydra in #1217
- tests: add tests for LoadAwareScheduling estimator by @eahydra in #1227
- koordlet: revise metrics labels and states_informer by @saintube in #1234
- koord-scheduler: optimize the criteria for whether the Reservation is allocated by @ZiMengSheng in #1239
- koord-descheduler: LowNodeLoad supports configuring resourceWeights by @eahydra in #1240
- koord-manager: refactor config validation by by @chzhj in #1233
- koordlet: adjust node comparison method to improve program performance by @xigang in #1223
- koordlet: support block I/O QoS by @TheBeatles1994 in #1144
- koord-scheduler: skip daemonset usageThreshold check by @ZiMengSheng in #1243
- koordlet: update dockerfile and yaml file of koordlet by @TheBeatles1994 in #1254
- koordlet: disable unnecessary collector and informer is blkio qos fea… by @zwzhang0107 in #1253
- koordlet: support sandbox cpuset for rund by @zwzhang0107 in #1248
- koordlet: compare the nodeMetric generation to improve the nodemetric informer updateFunc performance by @xigang in #1255
- koordlet: generate mock states informer by @zwzhang0107 in #1257
- koord-descheduler: add leaderelection metric by @ZiMengSheng in #1242
- koord-manager: add args for common controllers by @saintube in #1235
- bugfix: when cpuset is an empty string, error log by @leason00 in #1259
- koord-manager: make fieldIndex register more scalable by @eahydra in #1261
- apis: add system usage in NodeMetric by @zwzhang0107 in #1262
- koordlet: improve metric GC by @saintube in #1267
- chore: more comments in injectForOrigin function by @Tiana2018 in #1264
- refactor: replace deprecated pointer function with the recommended pointer function by @Gala-R in #1271
- apis: defined Reservation.Spec.AllocateOnce as pointer by @eahydra in #1273
- koordlet: fix host cgroup check failed when the config is not the default by @saintube in #1275
- koord-manager: add controllers options by @saintube in #1274
- koord-scheduler: take over snapshot generation by @eahydra in #1268
- koord-scheduler: support select reservation via reservation affinity by @eahydra in #1265
- koordlet: change metric cache to tsdb by @zwzhang0107 in #1228
- koord-scheduler: refactor ReservationInfo as public by @eahydra in #1280
- koordlet: fix log error by @wangxiaoq in #1281
- koordlet: fix some unstable ut by @zwzhang0107 in #1282
- koord-scheduler: optimize the signature of the transformer interface by @eahydra in #1283
- koord-scheduler: refactor deviceShare nodeDevice by @eahydra in #1285
- koord-manager: fix variable typo by @stulzq in #1286
- runtime-proxy: extract annotations from labels for docker by @Solomonwisdom in #1220
- koord-scheduler: implement EnqueueExtensions by @eahydra in #1288
- koord-scheduler: fix duplicate allocate GPU after leader selection changed by @eahydra in #1289
- koord-scheduler: optimize the flow of restore Reservation by @eahydra in #1284
- koord-scheduler: DeviceShare skips zero requests by @eahydra in #1293
- koordlet: fix custom runtime endpoint path by @saintube in #1294
- koord-scheduler: optimize the patch implementation of the PreBind stage by @eahydra in #1296
- koord-scheduler: enhance DeviceShare with reservation by @eahydra in #1290
- chore: move koord-manager scheme under options, add host run mount by @saintube in #1298
- koord-scheduler: coscheduling supports sensing PodGroup changes by @ZiMengSheng in #1299
- koord-scheduler: support exporting scheduler cache and queue to plugin by @eahydra in #1300
- koord-manager: fix options by @saintube in #1313
- koord-scheduler: podgroup support minMember = 0 by @ZiMengSheng in #1318
- koord-scheduler: complement Reservation plugin's Pod onUpdate handler by @eahydra in #1314
- koordlet: add pod filter for metricsadvisor by @saintube in #1319
- koord-scheduler: implement PreBindExtensions to support one-time apply patches by @eahydra in #1317
- koord-scheduler: support Reservation allocate policy by @eahydra in #1291
- koord-descheduler: allow annotated pod only pass non-retriable filter by @ZiMengSheng in #1321
- koord-manager: ClusterColocationProfile support grayscale by @ZiMengSheng in #1322
- koord-descheduler: make pvc reservation switchable by @ZiMengSheng in #1323
- koord-scheduler: support dispatching scheduling error by @eahydra in #1324
- proposal: NUMA Topology Scheduling by @eahydra in #1224
- koord-scheduler: support reserve by pod by @eahydra in #1315
- koord-manager: allow skip update resource by @ZiMengSheng in #1325
- koord-scheduler: fix status is not handled correctly in DeviceShare by @eahydra in #1328
- koordlet: refactor node metrics to tsdb by @LambdaHJ in #1316
- koord-scheduler: add forget pod handler in extended handle by @eahydra in #1330
- koord-manager: remove priorityClassname validation in profile by @ZiMengSheng in #1331
- koord-scheduler: coscheduling su...
What's Changed
- koordlet:encapsulating reused logics(updatePodCFSQuota,updateContainerCFSQuota) by @lucming in #726
- koord-scheduler: retrieve reservationInfo from cache first in preFilter hook by @KunWuLuan in #906
- koordlet: fix cpi collector return value sequence by @songtao98 in #909
- koordlet: Reduce update NodeResourceTopology frequency by @Re-Grh in #893
- koord-scheduler: check if reservation port match the pod by @KunWuLuan in #908
- Koordlet: Feat add more metrics for cpu burst and suppress by @LeoLiuYan in #905
- koord-scheduler: fix reservation doesn't match pod when hostport is not set by @KunWuLuan in #916
- chore: update descheduler rbac by @eahydra in #915
- docs: fix community-membership url in by @chengweiv5 in #910
- koord-manager: fix the validating and mutating logic of Pod resources by @hormes in #921
- docs: fix ci badge in by @jasonliu747 in #926
- docs: fix ci badge in by @jasonliu747 in #927
- koord-manager: Fix log print fmt and add an example for slo-controller-config by @LeoLiuYan in #925
- koordlet: add more cli flags for audit log and ensure the audit log directory exist by @LeoLiuYan in #912
- koordlet: support cpu eviction in cpuset supress mode with cpu static policy by @wangxiaoq in #914
- koordlet: add metrics for batch resources by @saintube in #913
- koordlet: fix cgroup validators by @saintube in #930
- koord-scheduler: ElasticQuota Plugin need DecoratePod OnPodDelete by @xulinfei1996 in #931
- koor-descheduler: fix LowNodeLoad unsupported configuration and pod sorter by @eahydra in #928
- koord-scheduler: add new method GetPodIsAssigned to QuotaInfo by @kingeasternsun in #936
- koord-descheduler: add evict event/metric for Pod during migration by @eahydra in #932
- koord-descheduler: refactor descheduler pod sorter by @eahydra in #937
- koord-scheduler: protect reserve pod from being preempted by @KunWuLuan in #920
- koord-descheduler: support pod deletion cost and eviction cost by @eahydra in #939
- koordlet: check key exist first before comparing node topo annotations by @zwzhang0107 in #944
- feat(deps): bump from 1.5.4 to 1.6.0 by @dependabot in #849
- koord-scheduler: remove allocated in filter hook by @KunWuLuan in #918
- koord-scheduler: additionally check parent's Quota if configured by @xulinfei1996 in #945
- ci: use buildx to replace gorelaser to release image by @jasonliu747 in #919
- adopters: update iqyi adopter to stable status by @wangxiaoq in #947
- koordlet: add batch resource utils by @saintube in #948
- koord-descheduler: optimize the migration defense strategies by @eahydra in #933
- koord-scheduler: fix Coscheduling resource deadlock with groups by @KunWuLuan in #873
- koord-manager: mv slo-controller config to api by @zwzhang0107 in #949
- koord-scheduler: optimize ElasticQuota QuotaInfo present methods by @kingeasternsun in #951
- koordlet: fix batch resource plugin for empty label pods by @saintube in #952
- apis: add extension plugin framework for PodMetric by @jasonliu747 in #955
- koord-descheduler: limits frequently migrated workloads by @eahydra in #950
- koord-manager: revise slo-controllers, fix for deleted node by @saintube in #961
- koordlet: BECPUEvict supports cgroups-v2 by @Re-Grh in #929
- koordlet: support NodeResourceTopology informer by @Re-Grh in #942
- koord-scheduler: rename ElasticQuota QuotaInfo GetPodIsAssigned to CheckPodIsAssigned by @kingeasternsun in #958
- koordlet: clean up log format by @wangxiaoq in #962
- koordlet: fix not support cpu without L3 cache by @shelwinnn in #960
- runtimeproxy: fix env lost by @lucming in #957
- koord-descheduler: remove duplicated validation by @LeoLiuYan in #963
- feat(deps): bump from 1.13.0 to 1.14.0 by @dependabot in #850
- koord-scheduler: DeviceShare plugin allocates devices in ascending order of Minor by @eahydra in #967
- koord-scheduler: DeviceShare plugin supports custom allocator by @eahydra in #965
- koord-scheduler: optimize DeviceShare plugins pod event handler by @eahydra in #966
- clean: resolve vet error by @eahydra in #970
- chore(deps): bump docker/build-push-action from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #973
- koord-scheduler: Reservation resolves ReadWriteOncePodAccessMode volume conflict by @KunWuLuan in #969
- koord-descheduler: fix LowNodeLoad when configuring nodeSelector by @eahydra in #975
- koord-descheduler: set default values for evictQPS/evictBurst by @eahydra in #976
- koord-descheduler: use DefaultInsecureDeschedulerPort(10251) as healthz/metrics default port by @eahydra in #981
- koordlet:fix a bug in topologyinformer when start-up by @Re-Grh in #980
- runtimeproxy: fix trap of nil interface{} by @yuexian1234 in #974
- koordlet: remove deprecated executor package by @novahe in #986
- koord-scheduler: fix a bug in spec.scheduleTimeoutSeconds nil pointer dereference by @Syulin7 in #985
- koord-scheduler: LoadAware supports custom estimator by @eahydra in #989
- docs: proposals for collect cpu schedule latency by eBPF by @songtao98 in #859
- koord-descheduler: LowNodeLoad supports anomaly detector by @eahydra in #987
- koordlet: runtime hook support failpolicy by @huiwq1990 in #773
- koordlet: support reporting extension resource in statesInformer by @jasonliu747 in #993
- koord-scheduler: set Reservation indexer before informer start to avoid error by @tzzcfrank in #996
- style: correct import alias in states_nodemetric by @jasonliu747 in #999
- koordlet: optimize if-else logics in cgroup reconcile by @lucming in #992
- koordlet: skip fillExtensionMap if podMetric is nil by @jasonliu747 in #1000
- koord-scheduler: compatible with lightweight-coscheduling by @eahydra in #1007
- koordlet: fix log typo by @wangxiaoq in #1008
- koordlet: support system config like minFreeKbytes,waterMarkScaleFactor by @chzhj in #1006
- Improve project presentation based on chatgpt's suggestion by @hormes in #1009
- apis: add extension field in DeviceAllocation by @eahydra in #1012
- koordlet: PerformanceCollector supports cgroups-v2 by @Re-Grh in #984
- koord-scheduler: fix GroupQuotaManager.updateMinQuotaNoLock by @x...
What's Changed
- koordlet:encapsulating reused logics(updatePodCFSQuota,updateContainerCFSQuota) by @lucming in #726
- koord-scheduler: retrieve reservationInfo from cache first in preFilter hook by @KunWuLuan in #906
- koordlet: fix cpi collector return value sequence by @songtao98 in #909
- koordlet: Reduce update NodeResourceTopology frequency by @Re-Grh in #893
- koord-scheduler: check if reservation port match the pod by @KunWuLuan in #908
- Koordlet: Feat add more metrics for cpu burst and suppress by @LeoLiuYan in #905
- koord-scheduler: fix reservation doesn't match pod when hostport is not set by @KunWuLuan in #916
- chore: update descheduler rbac by @eahydra in #915
- docs: fix community-membership url in by @chengweiv5 in #910
- koord-manager: fix the validating and mutating logic of Pod resources by @hormes in #921
- docs: fix ci badge in by @jasonliu747 in #926
- docs: fix ci badge in by @jasonliu747 in #927
- koord-manager: Fix log print fmt and add an example for slo-controller-config by @LeoLiuYan in #925
- koordlet: add more cli flags for audit log and ensure the audit log directory exist by @LeoLiuYan in #912
- koordlet: support cpu eviction in cpuset supress mode with cpu static policy by @wangxiaoq in #914
- koordlet: add metrics for batch resources by @saintube in #913
- koordlet: fix cgroup validators by @saintube in #930
- koord-scheduler: ElasticQuota Plugin need DecoratePod OnPodDelete by @xulinfei1996 in #931
- koor-descheduler: fix LowNodeLoad unsupported configuration and pod sorter by @eahydra in #928
- koord-scheduler: add new method GetPodIsAssigned to QuotaInfo by @kingeasternsun in #936
- koord-descheduler: add evict event/metric for Pod during migration by @eahydra in #932
- koord-descheduler: refactor descheduler pod sorter by @eahydra in #937
- koord-scheduler: protect reserve pod from being preempted by @KunWuLuan in #920
- koord-descheduler: support pod deletion cost and eviction cost by @eahydra in #939
- koordlet: check key exist first before comparing node topo annotations by @zwzhang0107 in #944
- feat(deps): bump from 1.5.4 to 1.6.0 by @dependabot in #849
- koord-scheduler: remove allocated in filter hook by @KunWuLuan in #918
- koord-scheduler: additionally check parent's Quota if configured by @xulinfei1996 in #945
- ci: use buildx to replace gorelaser to release image by @jasonliu747 in #919
- adopters: update iqyi adopter to stable status by @wangxiaoq in #947
- koordlet: add batch resource utils by @saintube in #948
- koord-descheduler: optimize the migration defense strategies by @eahydra in #933
- koord-scheduler: fix Coscheduling resource deadlock with groups by @KunWuLuan in #873
- koord-manager: mv slo-controller config to api by @zwzhang0107 in #949
- koord-scheduler: optimize ElasticQuota QuotaInfo present methods by @kingeasternsun in #951
- koordlet: fix batch resource plugin for empty label pods by @saintube in #952
- koord-descheduler: limits frequently migrated workloads by @eahydra in #950
New Contributors
- @Re-Grh made their first contribution in #893
- @chengweiv5 made their first contribution in #910
- @kingeasternsun made their first contribution in #936
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1
What's Changed
- koord-scheduler: fix ElasticQuota plugin don't clean node cache when node delete by @fjding in #784
- ADOPTERS: add 360 as stable user by @lucming in #785
- koord-manager: make webhookConfigurationName configurable by @ZiMengSheng in #787
- koordlet: fix cpi collector bad fd err by @songtao98 in #782
- koord-scheduler: fix ElasticQuota plugin failover panic by @xulinfei1996 in #788
- chore: split util/pod.go by function by @eahydra in #792
- docs: proposal koordlet support cgroups v2 by @saintube in #720
- fix golang lint errors in newer version golang-lint by @hormes in #714
- api: pass extended resource spec via annotation by @saintube in #778
- chore: refactor cpuset in package for code reuse by @eahydra in #793
- koord-descheduler: add validator and tests for descheduler profile by @LeoLiuYan in #791
- koord-scheduler: exclude DefaultQuota and SystemQuota when updating quota tree by @xulinfei1996 in #789
- chore: remove scheduler Pod Update permissions by @eahydra in #794
- proposal: enhanced scheduler extension by @eahydra in #742
- webhook: pod mutating handler add extended resource spec by @saintube in #797
- QoS Manager Framework by @stormgbs in #796
- Add OWNERS files for approvers definition and update community docs by @FillZpp in #801
- Add FillZpp into approvers alias by @FillZpp in #802
- proposal: update Enhanced Scheduler Extension by @eahydra in #798
- Add honpey into approvers alias by @honpey in #804
- Add zwzhang0107 into approvers alias by @zwzhang0107 in #803
- Add saintube into approvers alias by @saintube in #805
- Add eahydra into approvers alias by @eahydra in #806
- fixed quota deep copy and cyclestate by @fjding in #799
- Add jasonliu747 into approvers alias by @jasonliu747 in #809
- Add buptcozy into approvers alias by @jasonliu747 in #812
- Add ZYecho into approvers alias by @jasonliu747 in #813
- koordlet: add flag to support disable querying kubelet configuration by @eahydra in #814
- ci: add cache to reduce the time of codeql by @jasonliu747 in #816
- ci: simplify go build command by @jasonliu747 in #818
- koord-scheduler: fix errors caused by incorrect lock in ElasticQuota by @xulinfei1996 in #810
- feat(deps): bump from 20.10.18+incompatible to 20.10.21+incompatible by @dependabot in #748
- koord-descheduler: evict pod by perferred groupverison by @LeoLiuYan in #811
- koord-scheduler: fix elasticQuota ut fail by @xulinfei1996 in #819
- Add bi-weekly community meeting by @FillZpp in #831
- Support the method of custom querying quota name by @xulinfei1996 in #821
- koord-scheduler: make initialization scalable by @eahydra in #832
- koord-scheduler: support force sync data from informer by @eahydra in #830
- koord-manager: make initialization scalable by @eahydra in #833
- koordlet: add runtime hook plugin batch resource by @saintube in #774
- feat(deps): bump from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 by @dependabot in #822
- koordlet: PSI collector and use Prometheus to record interference metrics by @songtao98 in #790
- koordlet: refactor cgroup resource by @saintube in #834
- koord-scheduler: ElasticQuota uses Pod Namespace/Name as cache key by @xulinfei1996 in #841
- koord-scheduler: support log filtering failure reasons as needed by @ZiMengSheng in #847
- utils: Fix words typo in error message by @LeoLiuYan in #851
- feat(deps): bump from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 by @dependabot in #766
- feat(deps): bump from 1.5.0 to 1.6.1 by @dependabot in #767
- docs: update fine-grained CPU orchestration doc by @eahydra in #855
- koord-scheduler: ElasticQuota supports Decorator to decorate Node, Pod and ElasticQuota by @eahydra in #857
- Update new slack channel in K8s workspace by @FillZpp in #864
- api: add percentile node usage to NodeMetric by @zwzhang0107 in #861
- koord-scheduler: fix quota ut error by @xulinfei1996 in #858
- docs: add star history into README by @jasonliu747 in #862
- docs: add star history into README-zh_CN by @jasonliu747 in #863
- koord-scheduler: fix PodGroupController init error by @eahydra in #866
- koordlet: refactor resource executor by @saintube in #844
- koord-scheduler: make ForceSyncFromInformer easier to use by @eahydra in #876
- koordlet: make UsageHighEnough configurable for cpu_evict by @fengyehong in #852
- cleanup: move pkg/tool/cache to pkg/util/cache by @saintube in #877
- koord-scheduler: LoadAware supports load scheduling by Prod Pods by @eahydra in #843
- koord-scheduler: check whether the number of Pods meets minMember first in Coscheduling by @eahydra in #875
- koord-scheduler: NodeCPUBindPolicy supports SpreadByPCPUs by @eahydra in #878
- apis: remove dependency on controller-runtime by @eahydra in #783
- chore(deps): bump goreleaser/goreleaser-action from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #880
- koordlet: report aggregate node usage in NodeMetric by @zwzhang0107 in #869
- koord-scheduler: LoadAware scheduling adds ScoreAccordingProdUsage parameter by @eahydra in #883
- koordlet: fix updateBatch method of executor and update some comments in util by @LeoLiuYan in #890
- koord-manager: optimize logic of get node strategy by @lucming in #888
- docs: proposal for new repo koordetector by @songtao98 in #860
- koordlet: node resource report and common QoS features support cgroups-v2 by @saintube in #879
- koordlet: release feature gates config by @zwzhang0107 in #887
- koord-descheduler: support loadaware/lowNodeLoad descheduling by @eahydra in #889
- koord-scheduler: LoadAware scheduling support percentile usage by @eahydra in #882
- koordlet: remove deprecated BEReconcile by @saintube in #892
- koordlet: fix pleg to increase pod sync interval by @zwzhang0107 in #900
- koordlet: Other qos features support cgroups v2 by @saintube in #898
- koordlet: delete deprecated featuregate performance collector by @songtao98 in #902
New Contributors
What's Changed
- feat(deps): bump from 1.23.8 to 1.23.10 by @dependabot in #654
- feat(deps): bump from 0.5.8 to 0.5.9 by @dependabot in #619
- feat(deps): bump from 6.3.8 to 6.3.9 by @dependabot in #663
- koord-manager: support calculate batch resource based on memory request by @saintube in #652
- chore: update bug issue template by @WeizhouRen in #666
- fix: correct pod informer delete event by @jasonliu747 in #669
- fix: use pointer for minor in device crd by @jasonliu747 in #656
- koordlet: unset cfs_quota for LSR/LSE pods by @saintube in #662
- koord-manager: modify quota-webhook by @xulinfei1996 in #660
- slo-controller report koordinator-gpu resource dimension by @buptcozy in #673
- koordlet: fix cpuset hook for unset cfs by @saintube in #680
- koord-scheduler: modify cpu and memory quantity formats and scales by @xulinfei1996 in #675
- fix gang by annotation create pg crd fail by @buptcozy in #683
- feat(deps): bump from 6.3.9 to 6.4.0 by @dependabot in #671
- koordlet: enable group identity by sysctl when cpu qos enabled by @saintube in #687
- apis: support customizing different priority ranges by @eahydra in #691
- koord-scheduler: add GetQuotaSummaries/GetGangSummaries debug API by @buptcozy in #686
- koordlet: supply cpushare inject logic in runtimehooks protocols by @ZiMengSheng in #688
- koord-scheduler: abstract nodenumaresource plugin allowUseCPUSet by @ZiMengSheng in #690
- apis: update PriorityMidValueMax from 7099 to 7999 by @eahydra in #693
- chore: update ClusterColocationProfile UT by @eahydra in #694
- koord-scheduler: fix deviceshare onPodAdd when its device is not loaded by @xulinfei1996 in #695
- koordlet: divide states informer into plugins by @zwzhang0107 in #676
- apis: refactor scheduling config layout for release apis by @eahydra in #699
- chore: use openkruise/kruise-api instead of openkruise/kruise by @eahydra in #700
- fix pleg init err by @huiwq1990 in #702
- Fix #705 for the error of "io/ioutil" is deprecated by @denverdino in #706
- koord-scheduler: fix nodeNUMAResource allowUseCPUSet by @ZiMengSheng in #710
- koord-scheduler: fix NodeNUMAResource sortCPUsByRefCount by @ZiMengSheng in #709
- fix pleg ut for darwin by @zwzhang0107 in #713
- add webhook and node topo feature gates control by @zwzhang0107 in #715
- reducing nesting by @lucming in #719
- fix typo in pkg/koordlet/metriccache/api.go by @jasonliu747 in #725
- koord-scheduler: fix failed scheduling since missing CPUTopology by @eahydra in #721
- koord-scheduler: make Coscheduling/ElasticQuota/DeviceShare plugins more flexible by @xulinfei1996 in #704
- koord-scheduler: optimize the use of GroupQuotaManager's hierarchyLock by @xulinfei1996 in #681
- add E2E framework by @eahydra in #727
- koordlet: fix throw Can't get node error during initialization by @JasonRD in #732
- bugfix: append origin env when inject gpu env by @ZYecho in #689
- apis: fix resctrl qos defaults by @saintube in #731
- making code easier to read by @lucming in #653
- code collation by @lucming in #651
- koord-scheduler: fix the lack of gang function conversion by @xulinfei1996 in #734
- fix:exit the loop when enough pods have been found to be evicted by @lucming in #735
- fix: delete unused return args by @lucming in #724
- chore: update make deploy by @eahydra in #736
- chore: fix image registry in Kustomization by @jasonliu747 in #738
- koordlet: fix for cpu suppress when node topology reporting disabled by @saintube in #737
- koordlet: rm kubebuilder default tag for ResourceThresholdStrategy by @zwzhang0107 in #741
- support webhook debug api by @buptcozy in #740
- fix:failed to start nodeTopoInformer when tcp6 is not find in node by @lucming in #744
- RuntimeProxy: Support hook server deployed by k8s pod by @honpey in #718
- koordlet: add pprof flag by @zwzhang0107 in #747
- koordlet report gpu model and driver version by @buptcozy in #745
- koordlet: CPI collector for Interference Detection by @songtao98 in #622
- koord-scheduler: optimize ElasticQuota plugin's update logic by @xulinfei1996 in #729
- fix: error to init option(SysRootDir) by @lucming in #750
- apis: change the required fields in ClusterColocationProfile to optional by @eahydra in #751
- fix: remove unnecessary reassignments by @lucming in #753
- RuntimeProxy: return err when FailurePolicyType set to Fail by @honpey in #754
- koordlet: fix kubelet pid not found in tcp4 socks by @saintube in #761
- koordlet: add gc logs for metric cache by @zwzhang0107 in #749
- koord-scheduler: export client-go metrics by @ZiMengSheng in #770
- koord-manager: remove the quota webhook's dependency on koord-scheduler by @xulinfei1996 in #763
- feature: support pod skip runtime hook with specified label by @ZYecho in #682
- no processing for successfully exited pods by @lucming in #765
- koord-manager: add containerFilterFunc in requestLimitValidator by @ZiMengSheng in #772
- koord-scheduler: only allow the leader to initialize controllers by @xulinfei1996 in #764
- koord-scheduler: fix typo error in framework_extender.go by @KunWuLuan in #775
- koordlet: query kubelet config via HTTP API by @eahydra in #776
- koord-manager: update RBAC by @eahydra in #779
New Contributors
- @WeizhouRen made their first contribution in #666
- @denverdino made their first contribution in #706
- @KunWuLuan made their first contribution in #775
Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v1.0.0
What's Changed
- refactor extended resource with
namespace by @zwzhang0107 in #350 - add multi-hierarchy-elastic-quota-management by @buptcozy in #398
- ci: rolling back to golangci-lint 1.47.3 by @jasonliu747 in #449
- adjusted the description of elastic quota by @hormes in #448
- koord-scheduler: adapt to different cpuset scheduling protocols by @ZiMengSheng in #452
- apis: add allocateOnce in reservation by @saintube in #447
- rename prefix of extended resource by @zwzhang0107 in #453
- koord-descheduler: complete configuration by @eahydra in #456
- ci: extend golangci-lint timeout to 10m by @jasonliu747 in #461
- fix: use uint32 to record process id by @jasonliu747 in #455
- ci: remove cache when setup go by @jasonliu747 in #463
- ci: add codeql analysis in workflows by @jasonliu747 in #240
- feat(deps): bump from 1.12.2 to 1.13.0 by @dependabot in #454
- ADOPTERS: add iQIYI by @wangxiaoq in #465
- koord-scheduler: export NodeNUMAInfoCache and getAvailableCPUs by @ZiMengSheng in #469
- koord-scheduler: abstract GetPodQoSClass by @ZiMengSheng in #471
- add extended resource schedule plugin for compatibility by @zwzhang0107 in #472
- set as milli-core by @zwzhang0107 in #473
- koord-descheduler: init evictor plugin first by @eahydra in #458
- feature: support read args from KubeletConfiguration by @ZYecho in #470
- koord-scheduler: fix stale reservation status by @saintube in #474
- bugfix: fix exec exit with 126 by @ZYecho in #446
- feat(deps): bump from 1.1.3 to 1.5.0 by @dependabot in #279
- koord-scheduler: fix typo by @jasonliu747 in #476
- koord-descheduler: add tests for framework runtime by @eahydra in #475
- ci: remove codeql from workflows by @jasonliu747 in #479
- docs: format markdown by @jasonliu747 in #480
- ci: add codeql in pipeline workflows by @jasonliu747 in #481
- koord-scheduler: reservation support allocateOnce by @saintube in #478
- feat(deps): bump from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0 by @dependabot in #483
- koord-runtime-proxy: regard empty string for CpusetCpus and CpusetMem… by @honpey in #484
- refactor batch node resource update by @zwzhang0107 in #485
- ci: use fast-test to skip redundant steps in workflows by @jasonliu747 in #486
- mv container extend resource to independent file by @zwzhang0107 in #488
- koord-descheduler: enable allocateOnce when creating Reservation by @eahydra in #494
- support node extended resource plugin by @zwzhang0107 in #491
- fix metric-expire-seconds usage by @huiwq1990 in #495
- adopters: add Quwan by @zshmmm in #497
- koord-descheduler: fix incorrect handling of Reservation's status by @eahydra in #500
- koord-scheduler: fix succeeded reservation GC and unschedulable retry by @saintube in #501
- koord-runtime-proxy: support inject env in proxy by @ZYecho in #503
- refactor: move GeneratePodPatch under util package by @jasonliu747 in #504
- fix: correct misspells in pkg/koordlet/metriccache by @huiwq1990 in #506
- koord-runtime-proxy: add more test cases by @honpey in #511
- apis: add DeviceAllocations and methods by @jasonliu747 in #513
- koord-scheduler: fix succeeded reservation in scheduler cache by @saintube in #516
- koord-descheduler: stop migration when reserved on the same node by @eahydra in #519
- koord-descheduler: support evict flow control to ensure availability by @eahydra in #520
- feat: not update status field when create NodeMetric by @huiwq1990 in #514
- koord-manager: record configmap and pod qos unmarshal failed events by @songtao98 in #518
- koord-scheduler: refactor NodeNUMAResource plugin by @eahydra in #507
- koord-descheduler: control the maximum number of migrations to ensure availability by @eahydra in #522
- apis: update Reservation kubebuilder:printcolumn comments by @eahydra in #524
- feature: support inject NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES env by @ZYecho in #517
- fix: Walkfunc should check the err by @j4ckstraw in #460
- runtime-hooks: add auto register hooks by @songtao98 in #505
- qos grep control extension by @zwzhang0107 in #529
- Add runtime hooks stage config flag by @songtao98 in #526
- docs: update fine grained device proposal by @jasonliu747 in #531
- chore: update tools version by @jasonliu747 in #535
- docs: reformat adopters list by @jasonliu747 in #537
- add quotaTreeWrapper and elasticQuota API by @xulinfei1996 in #515
- koord-scheduler: optimize the process after reservation scheduling fails by @eahydra in #532
- fix bug: modify unit test file path to temp dir by @songtao98 in #540
- ci: support aliyun hangzhou registry by @jasonliu747 in #542
- koord-scheduler: add coscheduling plugin args by @Wenshiqi222 in #538
- Update by @hormes in #543
- koord-scheduler: export getDefaultNUMAAllocateStrategy by @ZiMengSheng in #547
- koord-scheduler: support API Services by @eahydra in #545
- chore: downgrade CUDA version to 11.2.2 by @jasonliu747 in #548
- koord-scheduler: support custom SharedLister by @ZiMengSheng in #549
- fix container cgroup comment by @huiwq1990 in #553
- koord-scheduler: fix CPUTopologyManager get&update race condition by @eahydra in #555
- koord-scheduler: CPU allocate algorithm supports maxRefCount by @ZiMengSheng in #551
- apis: update Device CRD fields by @jasonliu747 in #554
- koord-scheduler: fix coSchedulingArgs json name by @Wenshiqi222 in #558
- support Reservation select order by @eahydra in #552
- koord-descheduler: fix failed evict with StatefulSet Pod by @eahydra in #559
- koord-descheduler: fix UT conflict by @eahydra in #563
- koord-scheduler: improve reservation compatibility by @saintube in #550
- kood-scheduler: fix Reservation Score divide by zero by @eahydra in #564
- koord-scheduler: fix Reservation Score divide by zero with some empty… by @eahydra in